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Smith In honor of Mary Kathryn Ebner Smith May 6, 2016 THIS BOOK BELONGS TO w^) cxJHXoaaa (aJLccji, ‘Ovvyi^^ MEMBER OF . O .X roop UxaXwvc.Ta O-w. , ^ Cn^va MY SCOUT RECORD Registration Date and Place !.¥^ 0. Passed Tenderfoot Test Passed Second Class Test. Passed ■ \ Hi.' ’ J* *1 . /H. * s A > • W A* V * W . ' - ' ,,.• J \ \ I \ : v 4 J ** / . \ V V ** «/' I / ;T ( 4 \ < SCOUTING for GIRLS Wmmm* mSm MAGDJELAINE DE VERCHERES The First Girl Scout in the New World. From by Lord Grey, near the site of Fort Vercheres on the Statue erected St. Lawrence. SCOUTING for GIRLS OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE GIRL SCOUTS /w i V. * PUBLISHED BY THE GIRL SCOUTS, INC. National Headquarters 189 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. Copyright 1920 by Girl Scouts , Inc. All Rights Reserved. PRINTED BY CLARK & FRITTS "NEW YORK To Juliette Low in grateful acknowledgment of all that she has done for them, the American Girl Scouts dedicate this Handbook. \. * ' 1 / 1 \ • ■ V. / ■' > \ \ . ) , y , , ■ ; \ V i \ i «y. '' . J { 1 FOREWORD How Scouting Began “How did Scouting come to be used by girls?” That is what I have been asked . Well , it was this way. In the beginning I had used Scouting — that is, Woodcraft, handiness, and cheery helpfulness — as a means for training young soldiers when they first joined the army, to help them become handy, capable men and able to hold their own with anyone instead of being mere drilled machines . You have read about the wars m your country against the Red Indians, of the gallantry of your soldiers against the cunning of the Red Man, and what is more, of the pluck of your women on those dangerous frontiers Well, we have had much the same sort of thing in South Africa. Over and over again I have seen there the wonderful bravery and resourcefulness of the zvomen when the tribes of Zulu or Matabels have been out on the war path against the white settlers. I n the Boer war a number of women volunteered to help my forces as nurses or otherwise ; they were full of pluck and energy, but unfortunately they had never been trained to do anything, and so with all the good - will in the world they zvere of no use. I could not help feeling how splendid it would be if one could only train them in peace time in the same way one trained the young soldiers — that is, through Scoutcraft. I afterwards took to training boys in that way, but I had not been long at it before the girls came along, and offered to do the very thing I had hoped for, they wanted to take up Scouting also. They did not merely zvant to be the imitators of the boys; they wanted a line of their own. So I gave them a smart blue uniform and the names of “Guides” and my sister wrote an outline of the scheme. The name Guide appealed to the British girls because the pick of our frontier force in India is the Corps of Guides. The term cavalry or infantry hardly describes it since it is composed of all-round handy men ready to take on any job in the campaigning line and do it well. Then too, a woman who can be a good and helpful comrade to her brother or husband or son along the path of life is really 'i guide to him. The name Guide therefore just describes the mem- bers of our sisterhood who besides being handy and ready for any kind of duty are also a jolly happy family and likely to be good, cheery comrades to their mankind. The coming of the Great War gave the Girl Guides their opportunity, and they quickly showed the value of their training by undertaking a variety of duties which made them valuable to their country in her time of need. My wife, Lady Baden-Pozvell, was elected by the members to be the Chief Guide, and under her the movement has gone ahead at an amazing pace, spread- ing to most foreign countries. It is thanks to Mrs. Juliette Low, of Savannah, that the movement was successfully started in America, and though the name Girl Scouts has there been used it is all part of the same sisterhood, working to the same ends and living up to the same Laws and Promise. If all the branches continue to work together and become better acquainted with each other as they con- tinue to become bigger it zvill mean not only a grand step for the sisterhood, but what is more important it will be a real help toward making the new League of Nations a living force . How can that be? In this way: If the women of the different nations are to a large extent members of the same society and therefore in close touch and sympathy with each other, although belonging to different countries, they will make the League a real bond not merely between the Govern- ments, but between the Peoples themselves and they will see to it that it means Peace and that we have no more of War. Robert Baden Powell. PREFACE The present edition of “Scouting For Girls” is the re- sult of collaboration on the part of practical workers in the organization from every part of the country. The endeavor on the part of its compilers has been to combine the minimum of standardization necessary for dignified and efficient procedure, with the maximum of freedom for every local branch in its interpretation and practice of the Girl Scout aims and principles. Grateful acknowledgments are due to the following: Miss Sarah Louise Arnold, Dean, and Miss Ula M.Dow, A.M., and Dr. Alice Blood, of Simmons College for the Part of Section XI entitled “Home Economics”; Sir Rob- ert Baden-Powell for frequent references and excerpts from “Girl Guiding”; Dr. Samuel Lambert for the Part on First Aid Section XI, and Dr. W. H. Rockwell for reading and criticizing this ; Miss Marie Johnson with the assistance of Miss Isabel Stewart of Teachers College, for the Part entitled “Home Nursing” in Section XI ; Dr. Herman M. Biggs for reading and criticizing the Parts dealing with Public Health and Child Care; Mr. Ernest Seton Thompson and The Woodcraft League, and Doub- leday and Page for Section XIII and plates on “Wood- craft”; Mr. Joseph Parsons, Mr. James Wilder, Mrs. Eloise Roorbach, and Mr. Horace Kephart and the Mac- Millan Company for the material in Section XIV “Camping for Girl Scouts”; Mr. George H. Sherwood, Curator, and Dr. G. Clyde Fisher, Associate Curator of the Department of Public Education of the American Museum of Natural History for the specially prepared Section XV and illustrations on “Nature Study,” and for all proficiency tests in this subject; Mr. David Hunter for Section XVI “The Girl Scout’s Own Garden,” and Miss^Ellen Shipman for the part on a perennial border with the specially prepared drawing, in the Section oh the Garden ; Mr. Sereno Stetson for material in Section XVII “Measurements, Map Making and Knots”; Mr. Austin Strong for pictures of knots ; Mrs. Raymond Brown for the test for Citizen; Miss Edith L. Nichols, Supervisor of Drawing in the New York Public Schools, for the test on Craftsman; Mr. John Grolle of the Settlement Music School, Philadelphia, for assistance in the Music test; Miss Eckhart for help in the Farmer test; The Camera Club and the Eastman Kodak Company for the test for Photographer; Mrs. Frances Hunter Elwyn of the New York School of Fine and Applied Arts, for devising and drawing certain of the designs for Proficiency Badges and the plates for Signalling; Miss L. S' Power, Miss Mary Davis and Miss Mabel Williams of the New York Public Library, for assistance in the preparation of refer- ence reading for Proficiency Tests, and general reading for Girl Scouts. It is evident that only a profound conviction of the high aims of the Girl Scout movement and the practical capacity of the organization for realizing them could have induced so many distinguished persons to give so generously of their time and talent to this Handbook. The National Executive Board, under whose auspices it has been compiled, appreciate this and the kindred courtesy of the various organizations of similar interests most deeply. We feel that such hearty and friendly co- operation on the part of the community at large is the greatest proof of the vitality and real worth of this and allied movements based on intelligent study of the young people of our country. Josephine Daskam Bacon, Chairman of Publications. I CONTENTS - ' r - " Foreword by Sir Robert Baden-Powell. Preface by Josephine Daskam Bacon, Editor. Sections : I. History of the Girl Scouts 510 II. Principles of the Girl Scouts 3 III. Organization of the Girl Scouts 13 IV. Who Are the Scouts? 17 V. The Out of Door Scout 35 VI. Forms for Girl Scout Ceremonies 44 VII. Girl Scout Class Requirements 60 VIII. What a Girl Scout Should Know About the Flag 67 IX. Girl Scout Drill 84 X. Signalling for Girl Scouts 97 XI. The Scout Aide 105 Part 1. The Home Maker 106 Part 2. The Child Nurse 157 Part 3. The First Aide 164 Part 4. The Home Nurse 217 Part 5. The Health Guardian 254 Part 6. The Health Winner 257 XII. Setting-up Exercises 273 XIII. Woodcraft 280 XIV. Camping for Girl Scouts 313 XV. Nature Study for Girl Scouts 373 XVI. The Girl Scout’s Own Garden 456 XVII. Measurements, Map-Making and Knots 466 XVIII. Proficiency Tests and Special Medals 497 XIX. Reference Reading for Girl Scouts. . . 540 Index 548 SECTION I HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN GIRL SCOUTS When Sir Robert Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scout movement in England, it proved too attractive and too well adapted to youth to make it possible to limit its great opportunities to boys alone. The sister organiza- tion, known in England as the Girl Guides, quickly fol- lowed and won an equal success. Mrs. Juliette Low, an American visitor in England, and a personal friend of the Father of Scouting, realized the tremendous future of the movement for her own country, and with the active and friendly co-operation of the Baden-Powells, she founded the Girl Guides in America, enrolling the first patrols in Savannah, Georgia, in March, 1912. In 1915 National Headquarters were established in Washington, D. C., and the name was changed to Girl Scouts. In 1916 National Headquarters were moved to New York and the methods and standards of what was plainly to be a nation-wide organization became established on a broad, practical basis. The first National Convention was held in 1915, and each succeeding year has shown a larger and more en- thusiastic body of delegates and a public more and more interested in this steadily growing army of girls and young women who are learning in the happiest way how to combine patriotism, outdoor activities of every kind, skill in every branch of domestic science and high stand- ards of community service. Every side of the girl’s nature is brought out and de- veloped by enthusiastic Captains, who direct their games and various forms of training, and encourage team-work l 1 2 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS and fair play. For the instruction of the Captains na- tional camps and training schools are being established all over the country; and schools and churches every- where are co-operating eagerly with this great recreational movement, which, they realize, adds something to the life of the growing girl that they have not been able to supply. Colleges are offering fellowships in scouting as a serious course for would-be Captains, and prominent citizens in every part of the country are identifying them- selves with the Local Councils, in an advisory and help- ful capacity. At the present writing nearly 82,000 girls and more than 3,600 Captains represent the original little troop in Savannah — surely a satisfying sight for our Founder and First President, when she realizes what a healthy sprig she has transplanted from the Mother Country ! SECTION II PRINCIPLES OF THE GIRL SCOUTS The Motto: Be Prepared A Girl Scout learns to swim, not only as an athletic accomplishment, but so that she can save life. She passes her simple tests in child care and home nursing and household efficiency in order to be ready for the big duties when they come. She learns the important facts about her body, so as to keep it the fine machine it was meant to be. And she makes a special point of wood- craft and camp lore, not only for the fun and satisfac- tion they bring in themselves, but because they are the best emergency course we have today. A Girl Scout who has passed her First Class test is as ready to help herself, her home and her Country as any girl of her age should be expected to prove. The Slogan: “Do a Good Turn Daily” This simple recipe for making a very little girl per- form every day some slight act of kindness for somebody else is the seed from which grows the larger plant of helping the world along — the steady attitude of the older Scout. And this grows later into the great tree of organ- ized, practical community service for the grown Scout — the ideal of every American woman today. The Pledge: “I pledge allegiance to my flag, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation in- divisible, with liberty and justice for all.” This pledge, though not original with the Girl Scouts, expresses in every phrase their principles and practice. Practical patriotism, in war and peace, is the corner- 3 4 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS stone of the organization. A Girl Scout not only knows how to make her flag, and how to fly it ; she knows how to respect it and is taught how to spread its great lesson of democracy. Many races, many religions, many classes of society have tested the Girl Scout plan and found that it has something fascinating and helpful in it for every type of young girl. This broad democracy is American in every sense of the word; and the Patrol System, which is the keynote of the organization, by which eight girls of about the same age, and interests elect their Patrol Leader and practice local self-government in every meeting, carries out American ideals in practical detail. The Promise : On My Honor I Will Try To be true to God and my country. To help others at all times. To obey the Scout Laws. This binds the Scouts together as nothing else could do. It is a promise each girl voluntarily makes ; it is not a rule of her house nor a command from her school nor a custom of her church. She is not forced to make it — she deliberately chooses to do so. And like all such promises, it means a great deal to her. Experience has shown that she hesitates to break it. THE LAWS OF THE GIRL SCOUTS I. A Girl Scout's Honor Is to Be Trusted This means that a Girl Scout's standards of honor are so high and sure that no one would dream of doubt- ing her simple statement of a fact v/hen she says: “This is so, on my honor as a Girl Scout." She is not satisfied, either, with keeping the letter of SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 5 the law, when she really breaks it in spirit. When she answers you, she means what you mean. Nor does she take pains to do all this only when she is watched, or when somebody stands ready to report on her conduct. This may do for some people, but not for the Scouts. You can go away end leave her by herself at any time ; she does not require any guard but her own sense of honor, which is always to be trusted. II. A Girl Scout Is Loyal This means that she is true to her Country, to the city or village where she is a citizen, to her family, her church, her school, and to those for whom she may work, or who may work for her. She is bound to believe the best of them and to defend them if they are slandered or threatened. Her belief in them may be the very thing they need most, and they must feel that whoever may fail them, a Girl Scout never will. This does not mean that she thinks her friends and family and school are perfect ; far from it. But there is a way of standing up for what is dear to you, even though you admit that it has its faults. And if you in- sist on what is best in people, behind their backs, they will be more likely to take your criticism kindly, when you make it to their faces. III. A Girl Scout’s Duty Is to Be Useful and to Help Others This means that if it is a question of being a help to the rest of the world, or a burden on it, a Girl Scout is always to be found among the helpers. The simplest way of saying this, for very young Scouts, is to tell them to do a GOOD TURN to someone every day they live ; that is, to be a giver and not a taker. Some beginners in Scouting, and many strangers, seem to think that any 6 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS simple act of courtesy, such as we all owe to one an- other, counts as a good turn, or that one’s mere duty to one’s parents is worthy of Scout notice. But a good Scout laughs at this idea, for she knows that these things are expected of all decent people. She wants to give the world every day, for good measure, something over and above what it asks of her. And the more she does, the more she sees to do. This is the spirit that makes the older Scout into a fine, useful, dependable woman, who does so much good in her community that she becomes naturally one of its leading citizens, on whom everyone relies, and of whom everyone is proud. It may end in the saving of a life, or in some great heroic deed for one’s Country. But these things are only bigger expressions of the same feeling that makes the smallest Tenderfoot try to do at least one good turn a day . IV. A Girl Scout Is a Friend to All, and a Sister to Every Other Girl Scout This means that she has a feeling of good will to all the world, and is never offish and suspicious nor inclined to distrust other people’s motives. A Girl Scout should never bear a grudge, nor keep up a quarrel from pride, but look for the best in everybody, in which case she will undoubtedly find it. Women are said to be inclined to cliques and snobbishness, and the world looks to great organizations like the Girl Scouts to break down their petty barriers of race and class and make our sex a great power for democracy in the days to come. The Girl Scout finds a special comrade in every other Girl Scout, it goes without saying, and knows how to make her feel that she need never be without a friend or a meal or a helping hand as long as there is another Girl Scout in the world. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 7 She feels, too, a special responsibility toward the very old, who represent what she may be, some day ; toward the little children, who remind her of what she used to be ; toward the very poor and the unfortunate, either of which she may be any day. The sick and helpless she has been, as a Scout, especially trained to help, and she is proud of her handiness and knowledge in this way. V. A Girl Scout Is Courteous This means that it is not enough for women to be help- ful in this world ; they must do it pleasantly. The great- est service is received more gratefully if it is rendered graciously. The reason for this is that true courtesy is not an affected mannerism, but a sign of real considera- tion for the rights of others, a very simple proof that you are anxious to “do as you would be done by.” It is society’s way of playing fair and giving everybody a chance. In the same way, a gentle voice and manner are very fair proofs of a gentle nature; the quiet, self- controlled person is not only mistress of herself, but in the end, of all the others who cannot control themselves. And just as our great statesman, Benjamin Franklin, proved that “honesty is the best policy,” so many a suc- cessful woman has proved that a pleasant, tactful man- ner is one of the most valuable assets a girl can possess, and should be practised steadily. At home, at school, in the office and in the world in general, the girl with the courteous manner and pleasant voice rises quickly in popularity and power above other girls of equal talent but less politeness. Girl Scouts lay great stress on this, because, though no girl can make herself beautiful, and no girl can learn to be clever, any girl can learn to be polite. 8 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS VI. A Girl Scout Is a Friend to Animals All Girl Scouts take particular care of our dumb friends, the animals, and are always eager to protect them from stupid neglect or hard usage. This often leads to a special interest in their ways and habits, so That a Girl Scout is more likely to know about these little brothers of the human race than an ordinary girl. VII. A Girl Scout Obeys Orders This means that you should obey those to whom obedi- ence is due, through thick and thin. If this were not an unbreakable rule, no army could endure for a day. It makes no difference whether you are cleverer, or older, or larger, or richer than the person who may be elected or appointed for the moment to give you orders ; once they are given, it is your duty to obey them. And the curious thing about it is that the quicker and better you obey these orders, the more quickly and certainly you will show yourself fitted to give them when your time comes. The girl or woman who cannot obey can never govern. The reason you obey the orders of your Patrol Leader, for instance, in Scout Drill, is not that she is better than you, but because she happens to be your Patrol Leader, and gives her orders as she would obey yours were you in her place. A small, well trained army can always conquer and rule a big, undisciplined mob, and the reason for this is simply because the army has been taught to obey and to act in units, while the mob is only a crowd of separate persons, each doing as he thinks best. The soldier obeys by instinct, in a great crisis, only because he has had long practice in obeying when it was a question of un- important matters. So the army makes a great point of having everything ordered in military drill, carried out with snap and accuracy ; and the habit of this, once fixed, SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 9 may save thousands of lives when the great crisis comes, and turn defeat into victory. A good Scout must obey instantly, just as a good soldier must obey his officer, or a good citizen must obey the laws, with no question and no grumbling. If she considers any order unjust or unreasonable, let her make complaint through the proper channels, and she may be sure that if she goes about it properly she will receive attention. But she must remember to obey first and complain afterward . VIII. A Girl Scout Is Cheerful This means that no matter how courteous or obedient or helpful you try to be, if you are sad or depressed about it nobody will thank you very much for your efforts. A laughing face is usually a loved face, and nobody likes to work with a gloomy person. Cheerful music, cheerful plays and cheerful books have always been the world’s favorites; and a jolly, good-natured girl will find more friends and more openings in the world than a sulky beauty or a gloomy genius. It has been scientifically proved that if you deliberately make your voice and face cheerful and bright you im- mediately begin to feel that way ; and as cheerfulness is one of the most certain signs of good health, a Scout who appears cheerful is far more likely to keep well than one who lets herself get “down in the mouth.” There is so much real, unavoidable suffering and sorrow in the world that nobody has any right to add to them unnecessarily, and “as cheerful as a Girl Scout” ought to become a proverb. IX. A Girl Scout Is Thrifty This means that a Girl Scout is a girl who is wise enough to know the value of things and to put them to 10 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS the he st use. The most valuable thing we have in this life is time, and girls are apt to be stupid about getting the most out of it. A Girl Scout may be known by the fact that she is either working, playing or resting. All are necessary and one is just as important as the other. Health is probably a woman’s greatest capital, and a Girl Scout looks after it and saves it, and doesn’t waste it in poor diet and lack of exercise and fresh air, so that she goes bankrupt before she is thirty. Money is a very useful thing to have, and the Girl Scout decides how much she can afford to save and does it, so as to have it in an emergency. A girl who saves more than she spends may be niggardly; a girl who spends more than she saves may go in debt. A Girl Scout saves, as she spends, on some system. Did you ever stop to think that no matter how much money a man may earn, the women of the family gen- erally have the spending of most of it? And if they have not learned to manage their own money sensibly, how can they expect to manage other people’s? If every Girl Scout in America realized that she might make all the difference, some day, between a bankrupt family and a family with a comfortable margin laid aside for a rainy day, she would give a great deal of attention to this Scout law. In every great war all nations have been accustomed to pay the costs of the war from loans; that is, money raised by the savings of the people. Vast sums were raised in our own country during the great war by such small units as Thrift Stamps. If the Girl Scouts could save such wonderful sums as we know they did in war, why can they not keep this up in peace? For one is as much to their Country’s credit as the other. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 11 X. A Girl Scout Is Clean in Thought, Word and Deed This means that just as she stands for a clean, healthy community and a clean, healthy home, so every Girl Scout knows the deep and vital need for clean and healthy bodies in the mothers of the next generation. This not only means keeping her skin fresh and sweet and her system free from every impurity, but it goes far deeper than this, and requires every Girl Scout to respect her body and mind so much that she forces everyone else to respect them and keep them free from the slightest familiarity or doubtful stain. A good housekeeper cannot endure dust and dirt; a well cared for body cannot endure grime or soil; a pure mind cannot endure doubtful thoughts that cannot be freely aired and ventilated. It is a pretty safe rule for SALUTING THE FLAG IN A GIRL SCOUT CAMP 12 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS a Girl Scout not to read things nor discuss things nor do things that could not be read nor discussed nor done by a Patrol all together. If you will think about this, you will see that it does not cut out anything that is really necessary, interesting or amusing. Nor does it mean that Scouts should never do anything except in Patrols ; that would be ridiculous. But if they find they could not do so, they had better ask themselves why. When there is any doubt about this higher kind of cleanliness, Captains and Councillors may always be asked for ad- vice and explanation. SECTION III ORGANIZATION OF THE GIRL SCOUTS Lone Scout The basis of the Girl Scout organization is the indi- vidual girl. Any one girl anywhere who wishes to enroll under our simple pledge of loyalty to God and Country, helpfulness to other people and obedience to the Scout Laws, and is unable to attach herself to any local group, is privileged to become a Lone Scout. The National Organization will do its best for her and she is eligible for all Merit Badges which do not depend upon group work. Patrol But the ideal unit and the keystone of the organiza- tion is the Patrol, consisting of eight girls who would naturally be associated as friends, neighbors, school fel- lows or playmates. They are a self selected and, under the regulations and customs of the organization, a self governing little body, who learn, through practical ex- periment, how to translate into democratic team-play, their recreation, patriotic or community work, camp life and athletics. Definite mastery of the various sub- jects they select to study is made more interesting by healthy competition and mutual observation. Patrol Leader Each Patrol elects from its members a Patrol Leader, who represents them and is to a certain extent responsible for the discipline and dignity of the Patrol. Corporal The Patrol Leader is assisted by her Corporal, who may be either elected or appointed ; and as she is subject to re- election at regular intervals, the office is a practical sym- 13 1 14 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS bol of the democratic basis of our American government and a constant demonstration of it. Troop From one to four of these Patrols constitute a Troop, the administrative unit of the organization. Girl Scouts are registered and chartered by troops, and the Troop meeting is their official gathering. The Troop has the privilege of owning a flag and choosing from a list of flowers, trees, birds, and so forth, its own personal crest and title. Captain Its leader is called a Captain. She must be twenty-one or over, and officially accepted by the National Head- quarters, from whom she receives the ratification of her appointment and to whom she is responsible. She may be chosen by the girls themselves, suggested by local authorities, or be herself the founder of the Troop. She represents the guiding, friendly spirit of comradely lead- ership, the responsibility and discretion, the maturer judgment and the definite training which shapes the pol- icy of the organization. Lieutenants She may, in a small troop, and should, in a large one, be assisted by a Lieutenant, who must be eighteen or over, and who must, like herself, be commissioned from Na- tional Headquarters, and if desired, by a Second Lieu- tenant, who must be at least sixteen. Council The work of the Girl Scouts in any community is made many times more effective and stimulating by the co- operation of the Council, a group of interested, public spirited citizens who are willing to stand behind the girls and lend the advantages of their sound judgment, broad SCOUTING FOR GIRLS IS point of view, social prestige and financial advice. They are not expected to be responsible for any teaching, train- ing or administrative work ; they are simply the organized Friends of the Scouts and form the link between the Scouts and the community. The Council is at its best when it is made up of representatives of the church, school, club and civic interests of the neighborhood, and can be of inestimable value in suggesting and afford- ing means of co-operation with all other organizations, patronizing and advertising Scout entertainments, and so forth. One of its chief duties is that of finding interested and capable judges for the various Merit Badges, and arranging for the suitable conferring of such badges. The Council, or a committee selected from its members, is known for this purpose as the Court of Honor. A Captain who feels that she has such a body behind her can go far with her Troop ; and citizens who are particularly interested in constructive work with young people will find endless possibilities in an organized Girl Scout Council. The National Headquarters issues charters to such Councils and cooperates with them in every way. National Organization The central and final governing body is the National Council. This is made up of delegates elected from all local groups throughout the country, and works by rep- resentation, indirectly through large State and District sub-divisions, through the National Executive Board which maintains its Headquarters in New York. National Directors The National Director is in charge of these Head- quarters and directs the administrative work under the general headings of Field, Business, Publication and Education. 16 SCOUTING FDR GIRLS From the youngest Lone Scout up to the National Director, the organization is democratic, self-governing and flexible, adjusting itself everywhere and always to local circumstances and the habits and preferences of the different groups. It is not only non-secretarian, but is open to all creeds and has the enthusiastic support of all of them. It offers no new system, of education, but co-operates with the schools and extends to them a much appreciated recreational plan. It affords the churches a most practical outlet for their ideals for their young people. Its encouragement of the intelligent domestic interests is shown by the stress laid on every aspect of home and social life and by the great variety of Merit Badges offered along these lines. The growing interest in the forming of Girl Scout Troops by schools, churches and parents proves as nothing else could, how naturally and helpfully this simple organization fits in with the three factors of the girl’s life; her home, her church, her school. And the rapid and never ceasing growth of the Girl Scouts means that we are able to offer, every year, larger and larger numbers of healthy and efficient young citizens to their country. SECTION IV WHO ARE THE SCOUTS? In the early days of this great country of ours, before telephones and telegrams, railroads and automobiles made communication of all sorts so easy, and help of all kinds so quickly secured, men and women — yes, and boys and girls, too !— had to depend very much on themselves and be very handy and resourceful, if they expected to keep safe and well, and even alive. Our pioneer grandmothers might have been frightened by the sight of one of our big touring cars, for instance, or puzzled as to how to send a telegram, but they knew an immense number of practical things that have been entirely left out of our town-bred lives, and for pluck and resourcefulness in a tight place it is to be doubted if we could equal them today. “You press a button and zve do the rest” is the slogan of a famous camera firm, and really it seems as if this might almost be called the slogan of modern times: we have only to press a button nowadays, and someone will do the rest. But in those early pioneer days there was no button to press, as we all know, and nobody to “do the rest” : every- body had to know a little about everything and be able to do that little pretty quickly, as safety and even life might depend upon it. The men who stood for all this kind of thing in the highest degree were probably the old “Scouts,” of whom Natty Bumpo, in Cooper’s famous old Indian tales is the great example. They were explorers, hunters, campers, builders, fighters, settlers, and in an emergency, nurses and doctors combined. They could cook, they could sew, they could make and sail a canoe, they could support themselves indefinitely in the trackless woods, they knew 17 IB SCOUTING FOR GIRLS all the animals and plants for miles around, they could guide themselves by the sun and stars, and finally, they were husky and hard as nails and always in the best of health and condition. Their adventurous life, always on the edge of danger and new, unsuspected things, made them as quick as lightning and very clever at reading character and adapting themselves to people. In a way, too, they had to act as rough and ready police (for there were no men in brass buttons in the woods!) and be ready to support the right and deal out justice, just as our “cow-boys” of later ranch days had to prevent horse-stealing. Now, the tales of their exploits have gone all over the world, and healthy, active people, and especially young people, have always delighted in just this sort of life and character. So, when you add the fact that the word “scout” has always been used, too, to describe the men sent out ahead of an army to gain information in the quickest, cleverest way, it is no wonder that the great organization of Boy and Girl Scouts which is spreading all over the world today should have chosen the name we are so proud of, to describe the kind of thing they want to stand for. Our British Scout-sisters call themselves “Girl Guides,” and here is the thrilling reason for this title given by the Chief Scout and Founder of the whole big band that is spreading round the world today, as so many of Old England's great ideas have spread. WHY “GUIDES”? On the North-West Frontier of India there is a famous Corps of soldiers known as the Guides, and their duty is to be alwavs ready to turn out at any moment to repel raids by the hostile tribes across the Border, and to prevent them from coming down into the peaceful plains of India. This body of men must be prepared for every kind of fighting. Sometimes on foot, some- times on horseback, sometimes in the mountains, often with pioneer work, wading through rivers and making bridges, and so SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 19 on. But they have to be a skilful lot of men, brave and enduring, ready to turn out at any time, winter or summer, or to sacrifice themselves if necessary in order that peace may reign throughout India while they keep down any hostile raids against it. So they are true handymen in every sense of the word, and true patriots. When people speak of Guides in Europe one naturally thinks of those men who are mountaineers in Switzerland and other mountainous places, who can guide people over the most difficult parts by their own bravery and skill in tackling obstacles, by help- fulness to those with them, and by their bodily strength of wind and limb. Thev are splendid fellows those guides, and yet if they were told to go across the same amount of miles on an open flat plain it would be nothing to them, it would not be interesting, and they would not be able to display those grand qualities which they show directly the country is a bit broken up into mountains. It is no fun to them to walk by easy paths, the whole excitement of life is facing difficulties and dangers and apparent impossibilites, and in the end getting a chance of attain- ing the summit of the mountain they have wanted to reach. Well, I think it is the case with most girls nowadays. They do not want to sit down and lead an idle life, not to have every- thing done for them, nor to have a very easy time. They don't want merely to walk across the plain, they would much rather show themselves handy people, able to help others and ready, if necessary, to sacrifice themselves for others just like the Guides on the North-west Frontier. And they also want to tackle diffi- cult jobs themselves in their life, to face mountains and difficul- ties and dangers, and to go at them having prepared themselves to be skilful and brave ; and also they would like to help other people to get their difficulties also. When they attain success after facing difficulties, then they feel really happy and triump- hant. It is a big satisfaction to them to have succeeded and to have made other people succeed also. That is what the Girl Guides want to do, just as the mountaineer guides do among the mountains. Then, too, a woman who can do things is looked up to by others, both men and women, and they are always ready to follow her advice and example, so there she becomes a Guide too. And later on if she has children of her own, or if she becomes a teacher of children, she can be a really good Guide to them. In fact, if one caricatured a Guide one would draw her thus : — “Turn to the right and keep straight on.” And for these reasons the name Guide has been given to them. By means of games and activities which the Guides practise they are able to learn the different things which will help them to get on in life, and show the way to others to go on also. Thus camping and signalling, first aid work, camp cooking, and all these things that the Guides practise are all going to be helpful to 20 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS them afterwards in making them strong, resourceful women, skilful and helpful to others, and strong in body as well as in mind, and what is more it makes them a jolly lot of comrades also. “BE PREPARED !” The motto of the Guides on which they work is “Be Prepared,” that is, be ready for any kind of duty that may be thrust upon them, and what is more, to know what to do by having practised it beforehand in the case of any kind of accident or any kind of work that they may be asked to take up.” It is a great piece of luck for us American Scouts that we can claim the very first Girl Scout for our own great continent, if not quite for our own United States. A great Englishman calls her “the first Girl Scout,” and' every Scout must feel proud to the core of her heart when she thinks that this statue which we have selected for the honor of our frontispiece, standing as it does on Brit- ish soil, on the American continent, commemorating a French girl, the daughter of our Sister Republic, joins the three great countries closely together, through the Girl Scouts ! Magdelaine de Vercheres lived in the French colonies around Quebec late in the seventeenth century. The colonies were constantly being attacked by the Iro- quois Indians. One of these attacks occurred while Mag- delaine’s father, the Seigneur, was away. Magdelaine rallied her younger brothers about her and succeeded in holding the fort for eight days, until help arrived from Montreal. The documents relating this bit of history have been in the Archives for many years, but when they were shown to Lord Grey about twelve years ago he decided to erect a monument to Magdelaine de Vercheres on the St. Lawrence. It was Lord Grey who called Magdelaine “The First Girl Scout,” and as such she will be known. The following is taken from “A Daughter of New France,” by Arthur G. Doughty who wrote the book for the Red Cross work of the Magdelaine de Vercheres SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 21 Chapter of the Daughters of the Empire, and dedicated it to Princess Patricia, whose name was given to the famous ‘‘Princess Pat” regiment. “On Vercheres Point, near the site of the Fort, stands a statue in bronze of the girl who adorned the age in which she lived and whose memory is dear to posterity. For she had learned so to live that her hands were clean and her paths were straight To all future visitors to Canada by way of the St. Lawrence, this silent figure of the First Girl Scout in the New World conveys a message of loyalty, of courage and of devotion.” Our own early history is sprinkled thickly with brave, handy girls, who were certainly Scouts, if ever there were any, though they never belonged to a patrol, nor recited the Scout Laws. But they lived the Laws, those strong young pioneers, and we can stretch out our hands to them across the long years, and give them the hearty Scout grip of fellowship, when we read of them. THE EXPLORER If we should ever hold an election for honorary mem- bership in the Girl Scouts, open to all the girls who ought to have belonged to us, but who lived too long ago, we should surely nominate for first place one of the most remarkable young Indian girls who ever found her way through the pathless forests, — Sacajawea, “The Bird Woman.” In 1806 she was brought to Lewis and Clark on their expedition into the great Northwest, to act as interpreter between them and the various Indian tribes they had to encounter. From the very beginning, when she induced the hostile Shoshones to act as guides, to the end of her daring journey, during which, with her papoose on her back, she led this band of men through hitherto impassible mountain ranges, till she brought them SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 22 to the Pacific Coast, this sixteen-year-old girl never fal- tered. No dangers of hunger, thirst, cold or darkness were too much for her. From the Jefferson to the Yel- lowstone River she was the only guide they had ; on her instinct for the right way, her reading of the sun, the stars and the trees, depended the lives of all of them. When they fell sick she nursed them: when they lost heart at the wildness of their venture, she cheered them. Their party grew smaller and smaller, for Lewis and Clark had separated early in the expedition, and a part of Clark's own party fell off when they discovered a natural route over the Continental Divide where wagons could not travel. Later, most of those who remained, de- cided to go down the Jefferson River in canoes ,**but Clark, still guided by the plucky Indian girl, persisted in fighting his way on pony back overland, and after a week of this journeying, crowded full of discomforts and dangers, she brought him out in triumph at the Yellowstone, where the river bursts out from the lower canon, — and the Great Northwest was opened up for all time! The women of Oregon have raised a statue to this young explorer, and there she stands in Portland, facing the Coast, pointing to the Columbia River where it reach- es the sea. These great virtues of daring and endurance never die out of the race; though the conditions of our life today, when most of the exploring has been done, do not de- mand them of us in just the form the ''Bird Woman" needed, still, if they die out of the nation, and especially, out of the women of the nation, something has been lost that no amount of book education can ever replace. Saca- jawea, had no maps to study — she made maps, and roads have been built over her foot steps. And so we Scouts, not to lose this great spirit, study the stars and the sup and the trees and try to learn a few of the wood secrets SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 23 she knew so well. This out-of-door wisdom and self- reliance was the first great principle of Scouting. THE HOMEMAKER But of course, a country full of “Bird Women” could not be said to have advanced very far in civilization. Though we should take great pleasure in conferring her well earned merit badges on Sacajawea, we should hardly have grown into the great organization we are today if we had not badges for quite another class of achievements. In 1832, not so many years after the famous Lewis and Clark expedition, there was born a little New England girl who would very early in life have become a First Class Scout if she had had the opportunity. Her name was Louisa Alcott, and she made that name famous all the world over for the book by which the world's girls know her — “Little Women." Her father, though a bril- liant man, was a very impractical one, and from her first little story to her last popular book, all her work was done for the purpose of keeping her mother and sisters in comfort. While she was waiting for the money from her stories she turned carpets, trimmed hats, papered the rooms, made party dresses for her sisters, nursed anyone who was sick (at which she was particularly good) — all the homely, helpful things that neighbors and families did for each other in New England towns. In those days little mothers of families could not tele- phone specialists to help them out in emergencies : there were neither telephones nor specialists ! But there were always emergencies, and the Alcott girls had to know what to put on a black-and-blue spot, and why the jelly failed to “jell,” and how to hang a skirt, and bake a cake, and iron a table cloth. Louisa had to entertain family guests and darn the family stockings. Her home had not every comfort and convenience, even as people counted 24 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS those things then, and without a brisk, clever woman, full of what the New Englanders called “faculty,” her fam- ily would have been a very unhappy one. With all our modern inventions nobody has yet invented a substitute for a good, all-round woman, in a family, and until some- body can invent one, we must continue to take off our hats to girls like Louisa Alcott. Imagine what her feel- ings would have been if someone had told her that she had earned half a dozen merit badges by her knowledge of home economics and her clever writing! And let every Scout who finds housework dull, and feels that she is capable of bigger things, remember this : the woman whose books for girls are more widely known than any such books ever written in America, had to drop the pen, often and often, for the needle, the dish- cloth and the broom. To direct her household has always been a woman’s job in every century, and girls were learning to do it before Columbus ever discovered Sacajawea’s great country. To be sure, they had no such jolly way of working at it to- gether, as the Scouts have, nor did they have the oppor- portunity the girl of today has to learn all about these things in a scientific, business-like way, in order to get it all done with the quickest, most efficient methods, just as any clever business man manages his business. We no longer believe that housekeeping should take up all a woman’s time ; and many an older woman envies the little badges on a Scout’s sleeve that show the world she has learned how to manage her cleaning and cooking and household routine so that she has plenty of time to spend on other things that interest her. THE PIONEER But there was a time in the history of our country when men and women went out into the wilderness with no SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 25 nearer neighbors than the Indians, yet with all the ideals of the New England they left behind them: girls who had to have all the endurance of the young “Bird Wo- man” and yet keep up the traditions and the habits of the fine old home life of Louisa Alcott. One of these pioneer girls, who certainly would have been patrol leader of her troop and marched them to vic- tory with her, was Anna Shaw. In 1859, a twelve-year- old girl, with her mother and four other children she trav- eled in a rough cart full of bedding and provisions, into the Michigan woods and took up a claim there, settling down into a log cabin whose only furniture was a fire place of wood and stones. She and her brothers floored this cabin with lumber from a mill, and actually made partitions, an attic door and windows. They planted potatoes and corn by chop- ping up the sod, putting a seed under it and leaving it to Nature— who rewarded them by giving them the best corn and potatoes Dr. Shaw ever ate, she says in her autobiography. For she became a preacher and a physician, a lecturer and organizer, this sturdy little Scout, even though she had to educate herself, mostly. They papered the cabin walls with the old magazines, after they had read them once, and went all over them, in this fashion, later. So eagerly did she devour the few books sent them from the East, that when she entered college, years later, she passed her examinations on what she remembered of them ! They lived on what they raised from the land ; the pigs they brought in the wagon with them, fish, caught with wires out of an old hoop skirt, and corn meal brought from the nearest mill, twenty miles way. Ox teams were the only means of getting about. Anna and her brothers made what furniture they used —bunks, tables, stools and a settle. She learned to cut 26 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS trees and “heart” logs like a man. After a trying season of carrying all the water used in the household from a distant creek, which froze in the winter so that they had to melt the ice, they finally dug a well. First they went as far as they could with spades, then handed buckets of earth to each other, standing on a ledge half way down, then, when it was deep enough, they lined it with slabs of wood. It was so well made that the family used it for twelve years. Wild beasts prowled around them, Indians terrified them by sudden visits, the climate was rigorous, amuse- ments and leisure scanty. But this brave, handy girl met every job that came to her with a good heart and a smile : she learned by doing. The tests and sports that we earn badges by mastering, were life’s ordinary problems to her, and very practical ones. She never knew it, but surely she was a real Girl Scout! It is not surprising to learn that she grew up to be one of the women who earned the American girl her right to vote. A pioneer in more ways than one, this little carpenter and farmer and well-digger worked for the cause of woman’s political equality as she had worked in the Michigan wilderness and helped on as much as any one woman the great revolution in people’s ideas which makes it possible for women today to express their wishes directly as to how their country shall be governed. This seems very simple to the girls of today, and will seem even simpler as the years go on, but, like the Yellow- stone River, it needed its pioneers ! In the Great War which we have just passed through, the Scouts of all countries gave a magnificent account of themselves, and honestly earned the “War Service” badges that will be handed down to future generations, we may be sure, as the proudest possessions of thousands of grandchildren whose grandmothers (think of a Scout SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 27 grandmother!) were among the first to answer their Country’s call. Let us hear what our British sisters accomplished, and we must remember that at the time of the war there were many Girl Guides well over Scout age and in their twen- ties, who had had the advantage, as their book points out, of years of! training. This is what they have done during the Great War. In the towns they have helped at the Military Hospitals. In the country they have collected eggs for the sick, and on the moors have gathered sphagnum moss for the hospitals. Over in France a great Recreation and Rest Hut for the soldiers has been supplied by the guides with funds earned through their work. It is managed by Guide officers, or ex- Guides. Among the older Guides there are many who have done noble work as assistants to the ward-maids, cooks, and laundry women. In the Government offices, such as the War Office, the Admiralty, and other great departments of the State, they have acted as orderlies and messengers. They have taken up work in factories, or as motor-drivers, or on farms, in order to release men to go to the front. At home and in their club-rooms they have made bandages for the wounded, and warm clothing for the men at the Front and in the Fleet. At home in many of the great cities the Guides have turned their Headquarters’ Club-Rooms into “Hostels.” That is, they have made them into small hospitals ready for taking in people injured in air-raids by the enemy. So altogether the Guides have shown themselves to be a pretty useful lot in many different kinds of works during the war, and, mind you, they are only girls between the ages of 11 and 18. But they have done their bit in the Great War as far as they were able, and have done it well. There are 100,000 of them, and they are very smart, and ready for any job that may be demanded of them. They were not raised for this special work during the war for they began some years before it, but their motto is “Be Pre- pared,” and it was their business to train themselves to be ready for anything that might happen, even the most unlikely thing. So even when war came they were “all there” and ready for it. It is not only in Great Britain that they have been doing this, but all over our great Empire — in Canada and Australia, West, East and South Africa, New Zealand, the Falkland Islands, West Indies, and India. The Guides are a vast sisterhood of girls, ready to do anything they can for their country and Empire. 28 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Long before there was any idea of the war the Guides had been taught to think out and to practise what they should do supposing such a thing as war happened in their own country, or that people should get injured by bombs or by accidents in their neigborhood. Thousands of women have done splendid work in this war, but thousands more would have been able to do good work also had they only Been Prepared for it beforehand by learning up a few things that are useful to them outside their mere school work or work in their own home. And that is what the Guides are learning in all their games and camp work; they mean to be useful in other ways besides what they are taught in school. WHAT THE GUIDES DO. As a Guide your first duty is to be helpful to other people, both in small everyday matters and also under the worst of circum- stances. You have to imagine to yourself what sort of things might possibly happen, and how you should deal with them when they occur. Then you will know what to do. I was present when a German aeroplane dropped a bomb on to a railway station in London. There was the usual busy scene of people seeing to their luggage, saying good-bye and going off by train, when with a sudden bang a whole carriage was blown to bits, and the adjoining ones were in a blaze; seven or eight of those active in getting into the train were flung down — mangled and dead ; while some thirty more were smashed, broken, and bleeding, but still alive. The suddenness of it made it all the more horrifying. But one of the first people I noticed as keeping her head was a smartly dressed young lady kneeling by an injured working-man; his thigh was smashed and bleeding terribly; she had ripped up his trouser with her knife, and with strips of it had bound a pad to the wound ; she found a cup somehow and filled it with water for him from the overhead hose for filling engines. Instead of being hysterical and useless, she was as cool and ready to do the right thing as if she had been in bomb- raids every day of her life. Well, that is what any girl can do if she only prepares herself for it. These are things which have to be learnt in peace-time, and because they were learnt by the Guides beforehand, these girls were able to do their bdt so well when war came. FIRST AID. When you see an accident in the street or people injured in an air raid, the sight of the torn limbs, the blood, the broken bones, and the sound of the groans and sobbing all make you feel sick and horrified and anxious to get away from it — if you’re not a Girl Guide. But that is cowardice : your business as a Guide is to steel yourself to face it and to help the poor victim. As a SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 29 matter of fact, after a trial or two you really get to like such jobs, because with coolheadedness and knowledge of what to do you feel you give the much-needed help. The Value of Nursing— In this war hundreds and hundreds of women have gone to act as nurses in the hospitals for the wounded and have done splendid work. They will no doubt be thankful all their lives that while they were yet girls they learnt how to to nurse and how to do hospital work, so that they were useful when the call came for them. But there are thousands and thousands of others who wanted to do the work when the time came, but they had not like Guides Been Prepared, and they had never learnt how to nurse, and so they were perfectly useless and their services were not required in the different hospitals. So carry out your motto and Be Prepared and learn all you can about hospital and child nursing, sick nursing, and every kind, p while you are yet a Guide and have people ready to instruct you and to help you in learning. In countries not so settled and protected as England and America, where the women and girls are taught to count upon their men to protect them in the field, the Girl Scouts have sometimes had to display a courage like that of the early settlers. A Roumanian Scout, Ecaterina Teodor roiu actually fought in the war and was taken prisoner. She escaped, traced her way back to her com- pany, and brought valuable information as to the enemy’s movements. For these services she was decorated “as a reward for devotion and conspicuous bravery” with the Order of Merit and a special gold medal for the Scouts, only to be given for services during the war. At the same time she was promoted to the rank of Honorary Second Lieutenant. Can we wonder that she is known as the Joan of Arc of Roumania? During the Russian Revolution the Girl Scouts were used by the Government in many practical ways, as may be seen from the following letter from one of them: “The Scouts assisted from the beginning, from seven in the morning until twelve at night, carrying messages, sometimes containing state secrets, letters, etc., from 30 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS the Duma to the different branches of it called com- missariats, and back again. They also fed the soldiers that were on guard. The Scout uniform was our pro- tection, and everywhere that uniform commanded the respect of the soldiers, peasants and workingmen. “As great numbers of soldiers came from the front, food had to be given them. It was contributed by pri- vate people, but the Scouts had lots of work to dis- tribute it. All the little taverns were turned into eat- ing houses for the soldiers, and there we helped to prepare the food and feed them. As there were not enough Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts helped in the same way as the boys. “The Scouts also did much First Aid work. In one instance I saw an officer whose finger had been shot off. I ran up to him and bandaged it up for him. (All of us Scouts had First Aid kits hanging from our belts.) “It was something of a proud day for us Scouts when the Premier after a parade, called us all before the Duma and publicly thanked us for our aid.” Indeed it was, and we heartily congratulate our Sister Scouts ! But if we do our duty by our Patrol and the Patrols all do their duty by their Troop, that proud mo- ment is going to come to every single Scout of us, when the town where we live tells us by its smiles and applause, when we go by in uniform, what it thinks of us. We Scouts shall be more and more interested, as the years go on, to remember that in the great hours of one of the world's greatest crises we helped to make its his- tory. Little instances like these are very exceptional ; they could not occur to one in ten thousand of us ; but we stay-at-homes can always remind ourselves that it was the obedience, the quickness, and the skill learned in quiet, every-day Scouting that made these few rise to their opportunity when it came. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 31 War and revolution do not make Scouts either brave or useful : they only bring out the bravery and the useful- ness that have been learned, as we are all learning them, every day! All we have to do is to fix Scout habits in our hearts and hands, and then when our Country calls us, we shall be as ready as these little Russian Scouts were. In France the Scouts, known as the Eclaireuses, have agreed with us that the “Land Army” is the best army for women. Rain or shine, in heat and cold, they have dug arid ploughed and planted, and learned the lesson American girls learned long ago — that team work is what counts ! A bit of one of their reports is translated here : * “The crops were fine — potatoes, radishes, greens and beans were raised. The crop of potatoes, especially, was so good that the Eclaireuses were able to supply their families with them at a price defying competi- tion, and they always had enough besides for their own use on excursions. (Our hikes.) “Such has been the reward of the care, given so perseveringly and intelligently to the gardening. “And what an admirable lesson ! Not a minute was lost in this out-of-door work; chest and muscles filled out ; and at the same time the girls learned to recognize weather signs; rain or sun were the factors which determined the success or non-success of the planting. And each day, there grew in them also love and grati- tude for the earth and its elements, without the assist- ance of wnich we could harvest nothing. “Is this not the best method of preparing our youth to return to the land, to the healthy and safe life of the beautiful countryside of France; by showing them the interest and usefulness that lie in agricultural labor? 32 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS “So the Eclaireuse becomes a model of the new women, used to sports, possessing her First Aid Diploma, able to cook good simple meals, marching under orders, knowing how to obey, ready to accept her responsibilities, good-natured and lively in rain or sun, in public or in her home They continue their courses in sewing, hygiene and gymnastics and assist eagerly at conferences arranged for them to dis- cuss the duties of the Eclaireuses and what it is neces- sary to do to become a good Captain. “To make themselves useful— that is the ideal of the Eclaireuses. They know that in order to do this it is becoming more and more necessary to acquire a broad and complete knowledge/’ It is quite a feather in the cap of this great Scout Family of ours that we are teaching the French girl, who has not been accustomed to leave her home or to work in clubs or troops, what a jolly, wonder-working thing a crowd of girls, all forging ahead together, can be. In our own country we were protected from the worst sides of the great war, but we had a wonderful oppor- tunity to show how we could Be Prepared ourselves by seeing that our brave soldiers were prepared. Our War Records show an immense amount of Red Cross supplies, knitting, comfort kits, food grown and conserved in every way, money raised for Liberty Loans and Thrift Stamps, war orphans adopted, home replace- ment work undertaken and carried through; all these to so great an amount that the country recognized our existence arid services as never before in our history, the Government, indeed, employing sixty uniformed Scouts as messengers in the Surgeon General’s Depart- ment. Perhaps it is only the truth to say that the war showed SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 33 our Country what we could Be Prepared to do for her! And it showed us, too. It has been said that women can never be the same after the great events of the last few years, and we must never forget that the Girl Scouts of today are the women of tomorrow. 34 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS FLAG RAISING AT DAWN I SECTION V THE OUT-OF-DOOR SCOUT Busy as the Girl Scout may be with learning to do in a clever, up-to-date way all the things to improve her home and town that the old pioneer girls knew how to do, she never forgets that the original Scouts were out- of-door people. So long as there are bandages to make or babies to bathe or meals to get or clothes to make, she does them all, quickly and cheerfully, and is very rightly proud of the badges she gets for having learned to do them all, and the sense of independence that comes from all this skill with her hands. It gives her a real glow of pleasure to feel that because of her First Aid practice she may be able to save a life some day, and that the hours of study she put in at her home nursing and invalid cooking may make her a valuable asset to the community in case of any great disaster or epidemic; but the real fun of scouting lies in the great life of out- of-doors, and the call of the woods is answered quicker by the Scout than by anybody, because the Scout learns just how to get the most out of all this wild, free life and how to enjoy it with the least trouble and the most fun. One of our most experienced and best loved Captains says that “a camp is as much a necessity for the Girl Scouts as an office headquarters,” and more and more girls are learning to agree with her every year. Our British cousins are the greatest lovers of out-of- door life in the world, and it is only natural that we should look to our Chief Scout to hear what he has to say to his Girl Guides on this subject so dear to his heart that he founded Scouting, that all boys and girls might share his enthusiastic pleasure in going back to Nature to study and to love her and to gain happiness and health from her woods and fields. 35 36 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS HOW CAMPING TEACHES THE GUIDE LAW Last year a man went out into the woods in America to try and see if he could live like the prehistoric men used to do ; that is to say, he took nothing with him in the way of food or equip- ment or even clothing — he went just as he was, and started out to make his own living as best he could. Of course the first thing he had to do was to make some sort of tool or weapon by which he could kill some animals, cut his wood and make his fire and so on. So he made a stone axe, and with that was able to cut out branches of trees so that he could make a trap in which he eventually caught a bear and killed it. He then cut up the bear and used the skin for blankets and the flesh for food. He also cut sticks and made a little instrument by which he was able to ignite bits of wood and so start his fire. He also searched out various roots and berries and leaves, which he was able to cook and make into good food, and he even went so far as to make charcoal and to cut slips of bark from the trees and draw pictures of the scenery and animals around him. In this way he lived for over a month in the wild, and came out in the end very much better in health and spirits and with a great experience of life. For he had learned to shift entirely for himself and to be in- dependent of the different things we get in civilization to keep us going in comfort. That is why we go into camp a good deal in the Boy Scout and in the Girl Guide movement, because in camp life we learn to do without so many things which while we are in houses we think are necessary, and find that we can do for ourselves many things where we used to think ourselves helpless. And before going into camp it is just as well to learn some of the things that will be most useful to you when you get get there. And that is what we teach in the Headquarters of the Girl Guide Com- panies before they go out and take the field. For instance, you must know how to light your own fire ; how to collect dry enough wood to make it burn; because you will not find gas stoves out in the wild. Then you have to learn how to find your own water, and good water that will not make you ill. You have not a whole cooking range or a kitchen full of cooking pots, and so you have to learn to cook your food in the simplest way with the means at your hand, such as a simple cooking pot or a roasting stick or an oven made with your own hands out of an old tin box or something of that kind. NATURE STUDY It is only while in camp that one can really learn to study Nature in the proper way and not as you merely do it inside the school; because here you are face to face with Nature at all hours of the day and night. For the first time you live under SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 37 the stars and can watch them by the hour and see what they really look like, and realize what an enormous expanse of almost endless space they cover. You know from your lessons at school that our sun warms and lights up a large number of different worlds like ours, all circling round it in the Heavens. And when you hold up a shilling at arm’s length and look at the sky, the shilling covers no less than two hundred of those suns, each with their different little worlds circling round them. And you then begin to realize what an enormous endless space the Heavens comprise. You realize perhaps for the first time the enormous work of God. Then also in camp you are living among plants of every kind, and you can study them in their natural state, how they grow and what they look like, instead of merely seeing pictures of them in books or dried specimens of them in collections. All round you, too, are the birds and animals and insects, and the more you know of them the more you begin to like them and to take an interest in them ; and once you take an interest in them you do not want to hurt them in any way. You would not rob a bird’s nest; you would not bully an animal; you would not kill an insect — once you have realized what its life and habits are. In this way, therefore, you fulfill the Guide Law of becoming a friend to animals. vBy living in camp you begin to find that though there are many discomforts and difficulties to be got over, they can be got over with a little trouble and especially if you smile at them and tackle them. Then living among other comrades in camp you have to be helpful and do good turns at almost every minute, and you have to exercise a great deal of give and take and good temper, other- wise the camp would become unbearable. So you carry out the different laws of courteousness, of help- fulness, and friendliness to others that come in the Guide Law. Also you pick up the idea of how necessary it is to keep every- thing in its place, and to keep your kit and tent and ground as clean as possible ; otherwise you get into a horrible state of dirt, and dirt brings flies and other inconveniences. You save every particle of food and in this way you learn not only cleanliness, but thrift and economy. And you very soon realize how cheaply you can live in camp, and how very much enjoyment you can get for very little money. And as you live in the fresh, pure air of God you find that your own thoughts are clean and pure as the air around you. There is hardly one of the Guide Laws that is not better carried out after you have been living and practising it in camp. Habits of Animals. — If you live in the country it is of course 1 o JO SCOUTING FOR GIRLS quite easy to observe and watch the habits of all sorts of annuals great and small. But if you are in a town there are many diffi- culties to be met with. But at the same time if you can keep pets of any kind, rabbits, rats, mice, dogs or ponies you can observe and watch their habits and learn to understand them well ; but generally for Guides it is more easy to watch birds, because yon see them both in town and country; and especially when you go into camp or on walking tours you can observe and watch their habits, especially in the springtime. Then it is that you see the old birds making their nests, hatch- ing out their eggs and bringing up their young; and that is oi; course the most interesting time for watching them. A good observant guide will get to know the different kinds of birds by their cry, by their appearance, and by their way of flying. She will also get to know where their nests are to be found, what sort of nests they are, what are the colours of the eggs and so on. And also how the young appear. Some of them come out fluffy, others covered with feathers, others with very little on at all. The young pigeon, for instance, has no feathers at all, whereas a young moorhen can swim about as soon as it comes out of the egg; while chickens run about and hunt flies within a few minutes; and yet a sparrow is quite useless for some days and is blind, and has to be fed and coddled by his parents. Then it is an interesting sight to see the old birds training their young ones to fly by getting up above them and flapping their wings a few times until all the young ones imitate them. Then they hop from one twig to another, still flapping their wings, and the young ones follow suit and begin to find that their wings help them to balance; and finally they jump from one branch to another for some distance so that the wings support them in their effort. The young ones very soon find that they are able to use their wings for flying, but it is all done by degrees and by careful instruction. Then a large number of our birds do not live all the year round in England, but they go off to Southern climes such as Africa when the winter comes on; but they generally turn up here at the end of March and make their nest during the spring. Nightingales arrive early in April; wagtails, turtle doves, and cuckoos come late in April ; woodcock come in the autumn, and redpoles and fieldfares also come here for the winter. In September you will see the migrating birds collecting to go away, the starlings in their crowds and the swallows for the South, and so do the warblers, the flycatchers, and the swifts. And yet about the same time the larks are arriving here from the East- ward, so there is a good deal of traveling among the birds iri the air at all times of the year/’ SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 39 How many of our American Scouts are able to supply from their observation all of our native birds to take the places of these mentioned in this lovely paragraph? Everyone should be able to. Nature in the City. — This noticing of small things, especially in animal life, not only gives you great interest, but it also gives you great fun and enjoyment in life. Even if you live in a city you can do a certain amount of observation of birds and animals. You would think there is not much fun to be got out of it in a murky town like London or Sheffield, and yet if you begin to notice and know all about the sparrows you begin to find there is a great deal of character and amusement to be got out of them, by watching their ways and habits, their nesting, and their way of teaching their young ones to fly. •OBSERVATION. " Galloping. oo DO N.E OF. DO oo OD DD 03 OD DD Lame Horse Walking : Which leg is he lame in ? N.B. — The Ions; feet are the kind feet . ♦ 4* ^ ^ * ¥ * * * * * * a ^ Sjr it These are the tracks of two birds on the ground. One that lives generally on the ground, the other in bushes and trees. Which track belongs to which bird? 42 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Details in the Country. — If you are in the country, you should notice landmarks — that is, objects which help you to find your way to prevent your getting lost — such as distant hills and church towers; and nearer objects, such as peculiar buildings, trees, gates, rocks, etc. And remember in noticing such landmarks that you may want to use your knowledge of them some day for telling some one else how to find his way, so you must notice them pretty closely so as to be able to describe them unmistakably and in their proper order. You must notice and remember every by-road and foot- path. Remembrance of these things will help you to find your way by night or in fog when other people are losing themselves. Using your Eyes. — Let nothing be too small for your notice — a button, a match, a hair, a cigar ash, a feather, or a leaf might be of great importance, even a finger-print which is almost in- visible to the naked eye has often been the means of detecting a crime. With a little practice in observation you can tell pretty accurately a man’s character from his dress. How would you recognize that a gentleman was fond of fishing? If you see his left cuff with little tufts of cloth sticking up, you may be sure he fishes. When he takes his flies off the line he will either stick them into his cap to dry, or hook them into his sleeve. When dry he pulls them out, which often tears a thread or two of the cloth. Remember how “Sherlock Holmes” met a stranger, and noticed that he was looking fairly well-to-do, in new clothes with a mourning band on his sleeve, with a soldierly bearing and a sailor’s way of walking, sunburns, with tattoo marks on his hands, and he was carrying some children’s toys in has hand. What would you have supposed that man to be? Well, Sherlock Holmes guessed correctly that he had lately retired from the Royal Marines as a sergeant, that his wife had died, and that he had some small children at home. Practice in Observation. — Instructor can take the finger- marks of each girl. Lightly rub the thumb on blacklead or on paper that is blacked with pencil, then press the thumb on paper and examine u'ith magni flying glass. Show that no two peoples' prints are alike. In Town. — Practice your girls first in walking down a street to notice the different kinds of shops as they pass, and to remember them in their proper sequence at the end. Then to notice and remember the names on the shops. Then to notice and remember the contents of a shop window after two minutes’ gaze. Finally, to notice the contents of several shop windows in succession zmih half a minute at each. Give marks for the fullest list. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 4u The Guides must also notice prominent buildings as landmarks, and the number of turnings off the street they are using. In the Country. — Take the patrol out for a walk and teach the girls to notice distant prominent features such as hills, church steeples, and so on; and as nearer landmarks such things as peculiar buildings, trees, rocks, gates, by-roads or paths, nature of fences, crops, different kinds of trees, birds, animals, tracks , people, vehicles, etc. Also any peculiar smells of plants, animals, manure, etc.; whether gates or doors were open or shut, whether any smoke from chimney, etc. Send Guides out in pairs. It adds to the value of the practice if the instructor makes a certain number of small marks in the ground beforehand, or leaves buttons or matches, etc., for the girls to notice or to pick up and bring in as a means of making them examine the ground close to them as well as distant objects. Practices in Natural History. — Take out Guides to get speci- mens of leaves, fruits, or blossoms of various trees, shrubs, etc., and observe the shape and nature of the tree both in summer and in winter. Collect leaves of different trees; let Guides make tracings of them and write the name of the tree on each. In the country make Guides examine crops in all stages of their growth, so that they know pretty well by sight what kind of crop is coming up. Start gardens if possible ; either a patrol garden or individual Guides’ gardens. Let them grove flowers and vegetables for profit to pay for their equipment, etc.. Show all the wild plants which may be made use of for food. Find yew trees ; report if any good branches to make archers’ bows of. Encourage the keeping of live pets , whether birds, animals, reptiles, insects . Show hozv to keep illustrated diary-records of plants, insects, birds, etc., giving dates when seen for comparison following year and showing their peculiar markings, etc. If in a town take your Guides to the Zoological Gardens A menagerie or Natural History Museum, and show them particular animals on which you are prepared to lecture. Not more than half a dozen for one visit . If in the country get farmer or shepherd to help with informa- tion on the habits of farm animals, e. g. how a cow lies down and when. How to milk, stalk rabbits, water voles, trout, birds, etc., and watch their habits , SECTION VI FORMS FOR SCOUT CEREMONIES 1. ENROLLMENT Before a girl may become enrolled as a regular Girl Scout she must be at least ten years old, and must have attended the meetings of a Troop for at least a month, during which time she must have passed her Tenderfoot Test. The Captain must have prepared the candidate for enrollment by explaining the meaning of the Promise and the Laws and making sure that she fully under- stands the meaning of the oath she is about to make, and that she also comprehends the meaning of “honor.” The following is a convenient form for enrollments. (1) The Scouts stand in the form of a horseshoe with the officer who is to enroll at the open side facing Scouts. (2) Officer addresses troops on the subject of what it means to be a Scout. (3) Patrol Leader brings candidate to officer and sa- lutes and returns to place. (4) Officer addresses candidate in low tone: “What does your honor mean?” Candidate answers. Officer: “Will you on your honor, try: To do your duty to God and to your Country; to help other people at all times ; to obey the Scout Laws ?” Candidate and officer both salute as candidate re- peats Promise. Officer: “I trust you on your honor to keep this Promise.” (5) Officer pins Tenderfoot Badge on the new Scout, explaining what it stands for, that it symbolizes her Scout life, and so forth. (6) Scout and officer salute each other. Scout turns 44 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 45 and troop salutes her, scout returning salute, and then goes alone to her place. (7) All Scouts present repeat Promise and Laws. Troop then breaks ranks to take up some Scout activity. When many scouts are to be enrolled, four at a time may be presented to the officer, but each should singly be asked and should answer the question: “What is your honor ?” All four repeat the Promise together and the officer addresses all together in saying: “I trust you on your honor to keep this Promise/’ but speaks to each separately as she puts on the pin. A Captain may perform this ceremony or she may ask some higher Scout officer to do so. 2. Presentation of Other Badges The following form of ceremony was devised for special use in the presentation of the highest honor at- tainable by a Girl Scout, the Golden Eaglet, but the same outline may be followed for giving Merit Badges, and First and Second Class Badges, or any other medals or honors. Presentation of Golden Eaglet. — As the presentation of the Golden Eaglet is an important occasion in the life of a Scout and her Troop, it should take place at a public Scout function, such as a District or Community Rally, a reception to a distinguished guest of the Scouts, or pos- sibly at the time of a civic celebration. The Court of Honor is responsible for all details of the meeting, and it is suggested that it invite parents-, friends and other persons interested in the Scout move- ment to be present. The medal may be presented by the Chairman of the Court of Honor, some other member of that Committee or by a higher Scout officer. Arrangements for the ceremony should be planned so that during the presentation of guests, the Court of 46 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Honor, the Eaglet’s troop ahd the Color Guard form a hollow squaie, with the Captain at her post three paces in front of the Troop, the Lieutenant at her post “center and rear” of the Troop. The ceremony should be re- hearsed wherever possible, so that all action and form shall be as smart as possible. 1. The Court of Honor enters and takes its place at right angles to the assembled guests. 2. The Captain enters, takes post, and gives all com- mands. 3. The Color Guard (bearer of the American flag, bearer of the Troop flag, and two guards) followed by Troop to which the Eaglet belongs, enter and march two paces in front of the Court of Honor. The lieutenant is at the left of the leading file. The Troop marches in single file, by twos or in Squad formation according to the number, and the space available. When the Troop is very large, or the space restricted, the Eaglet’s Patrol may take the place of the Troop. As the Colors pass, the Court of Honor should rise, stand at attention, and if Scouts, salute. 4. When the Color Guard at the head of the column has passed the Court of Honor, the command “Column left, MARCH !” is given. When the last file has com- pleted the movement, the following commands are given : (1) “Scouts, HALT!” (2) “Left, FACE,” or “Squads, left, MARCH, Squads, HALT,” ac- cording to the formation of the column. (3) “Right, DRESS, FRONT!” 5. At the command “Left, FACE,” or “Squads left, MARCH, Squads HALT,” the Color Guard makes a left turn, marches forward until on a line with the Court of Honor, again makes a left turn, immediately halts and grounds flags. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 47 6. When the Troop and Color Guard are in position, the Captain gives the command “ Patrol Leader and Eaglet, forward, MARCH !” The Patrol Leader escorts the Eaglet to the Captain, salutes the Captain and re- turns to her position in line. 7. The Chairman of the Court of Honor comes for- ward, the Captain faces her, salutes, and presents the Eaglet to her. 8. The Chairman after reading the list of Merit Badges which the Scout has earned in order to receive the Golden Eaglet, pins the medal on to the Eaglet’s blouse, over the middle of the right pocket. The Eaglet salutes. If desired, this is the opportunity for the Official pre- senting the badge to say a few words. 9. After the presentation, the Eaglet turns, and fac- ing her Captain and Troop, stands at attention as the Colors are raised, the Scout flag dipped, and the Troop salutes. The Eaglet returns the salute and then marches to her position in line. 10. The Captain gives the command “Color Guard forward, MARCH.” The Color Guard marches in front of the Captain and Troop who salute as the colors pass, make a right turn two paces in front of the Court of Honor and march out. 11. After the colors have left the “square” the Lieu- tenant takes her position at the left of the leading file. The Captain gives the commands : “Right, FACE, MARCH!” or Squads right, MARCH !” “Column left, MARCH !” and the Troop marches out. The Captain turns, salutes the Court of Honor and passes out. 48 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS / O— Lieut. oooo oooo Troop — , oooo oooo O — Capt. C XX Color c xx Guard c x x c xx Court of Honor Guests Where there is no Local Council or Court of Honor, Captains are asked to communicate with the National Headquarters concerning the ceremony of presentation of the Golden Eaglet. ALTERNATE FORMS FOR SCOUT CEREMONIES In the case of troops for which this formal procedure is not practical, and for the better assistance of Captains and Councils who feel the need of a more definite formu- lation of the Scout principles on these occasions, the fol- lowing ceremonies are suggested. They are designed to meet the necessity for expressing at each stage of the Scout’s progress, recognition of her achievement up to that point and appreciation of her future responsibilities. 1. Tenderfoot Enrollment 1. The Troop being assembled in any desired forma- tion, the Captain calls forward those who have passed the test. Captain : “Scout , do you think you know what SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 49 it means to be loyal to God and your Country, t© help other people at all times, and to obey the Scout Laws ?” Scout: “I think I do, and I will try my best not to fail in any of them.,, * This is repeated to each Tenderfoot. Captain: “Are you ready to make your Promise with your Troop ?” New Scouts (together): “Yes.” Captain: “Scouts of Troop , repeat your promise.” All salute and repeat the Promise. Captain: “I trust you on your honor to keep this Promise.” (Here, when practicable, investiture of hat, neck- erchief, etc., takes place.) Captain then pins on Tenderfoot pin. While attaching it, she says: Captain: “This pin makes you a Girl Scout. It is yours, so long as you are worthy of it.” Captain dismisses recently enrolled Scouts to their Troop position . (Here the Captain may add, if she wishes, any - thing in her judgment applicable to the Troop as a whole, or to the new Scouts individually.) 2. Conferring Second Class Badges The Troop being assembled in any desired formation, the Captain calls forward those who have passed the test. Captain: “Scout , you have learned what is necessary for a Second Class Scout to know. Do you think you can apply your knowledge, if the occasion should arise?” Scout: “I think so, and I will always try to Be Prepared.” 50 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Captain : “Scouts (reciting the candidates ’ names in order), do you think that the discpline and training you have gone through have made you more capable of doing your duty to God and to your Country, of helping other people at all times and of obeying the Scout Laws, than you were as a Tenderfoot ?” Scouts (together) : “Yes.” Captain ( pinning on each badge, and speaking to each Scout as she does so): “You are now a Second Class Scout, which means that though you have learned much, you have still much to learn.” Captain dismisses Second Class Scouts to their Troop position . (Here the Captain may address the Troop at her discretion.) 3. Conferring First Class Badge The Troop being assembled in any desired formation , the Captain calls forward those zvho have passed the test and presents them to the presiding Official. Captain: “Commissioner , these Scouts of ■ Troop have passed their First Class Tests. I recommend them to you for First Class badges.” Official ( to each Scout separately , the Captain giving her the name) : “Scout , you have passed the final Scout test. You should thoroughly un- derstand by now the meaning of duty to God and Country, the privilege of helpfulness to others, and the seriousness of the Scout Laws. Are you sure that you do?” Scout: “I am. And I realize that I must help other Scouts to see these things as I see them.” SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 51 Official: “Scouts (reading the candidates ’ names in order), it has taken a great deal of thought and time and energy on the part of a great many people to enable you to wear this badge. Are you prepared to pay this back in generous service, when and where you can?” Scouts (together): “Yes.” Official (pinning on each badge and speaking to each Scout as she does so): “You are now a First Class Scout. Remember that the world will judge us by you.” Official (to Captain) : “I congratulate you, Cap- tain , Troop — , and the members of the Council, on these First Class Scouts, and I trust that the Town of will have every reason to be proud of them and to feel that it can depend upon them as especially good citizens and loyal Americans.” Captain acknozvledges this in suitable manner and dismisses First Class Scouts to Troop position . (Here the Official may address the audience at discretion.) 4. Conferring Merit Badges The Troop being assembled in any desired formation, the Captain calls forward those who have passed the test and presents them to the presiding Official. (Note — The Merit Badges may be conferred by a member or members of the Council, if desired.) Captain: “Members of the Girl Scout Council of , these Scouts have passed the various tests for their Merit Badges, and I recommend them to you for decoration accordingly.” Official : “Scouts (reading the list), you have fairly won the right to wear these badges we are about i 52 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS to present to you, and we are glad to do so. We take this opportunity of reminding you, how- ever, that all good Scouts understand that they are far from having completely mastered the subjects represented by these badges. The sym- bols which you wear on your sleeve mean that you have an intelligent interest in the subjects you have chosen, understand the principles of them, and can give reasonable, practical proof of this. Do you realize that the Girl Scout Organization credits you with a good founda- tion and trusts to you to continue to build upon it intelligently ?” Scouts (together): “Yes.” Official (pinning on badges and speaking to each girl separately) : “We congratulate you on your perseverance and wish you all success in your work.” Note — When more than one badge is to be pre- sented to a Scout , they may be attached, for the ceremony, to a piece of ribbon and put on with one motion.) Captain dismisses Scouts to Troop position . (Here the official may address the audience at discretion.) This ceremony being distinctly less formal and intimate than the regular class awards, Scout songs and cheers are in order. 5. Golden Eaglet Ceremony The Troop being assembled in any desired formation, the Captain presents the Golden Eaglet to the Official who is to make the award. Captain: “Commissioner , Scout , of Troop , of — , has not only passed the twenty-one Merit Badge Tests required for the SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 53 honor of the Golden Eaglet, but is, in the judg- ment of her Troop, fully worthy of it. We there- fore recommend her to you for the decoration. ” Official: “What badges does Scout offer?” Captain reads the list Badges earned by the Candidate. Official: “Troop , do you agree that Scout has fairly won this decoration and that you are willing to have her represent you to your National Organization as your Golden Eaglet ?” Troop (together): “Yes.” Official : “Members of the Council, do you agree that Scout — has fairly won this decora- tion and that you are willing to have her repre- sent you to your community as your Golden Eaglet ?” Council ( rising if seated) : “Yes.” Official: “Scout , you have won the highest honor in the gift of the Girl Scouts/7 “If the Scout life meant nothing more to you • than a reasonable understanding of certain sub- jects, there would now be nothing more for the Girl Scouts to teach you ; but I am sure that your training has not failed in this respect, and that you understand now, even better than the average Girl Scout, that your great principles of duty to God and Country, helpfulness to others, and obedience to the Scout Laws, are lessons that no Scout can fully learn as long as she lives. Do you agree to this?” Golden Eaglet : “I agree to it thoroughly.” Official (pinning on badge): “I have the honor of naming you a Golden Eaglet, and in the name of the Girl Scouts I congratulate you heartily on your fine achievement.” 54 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Scout salutes or shakes the hand of the Official , as desired, and returns to her troop position. (Here the Official may address the audience at discretion). The accompanying diagram of suggested relative posi- tions in Scout ceremonies lends itself equally to a small room, theatre, hall or open field. Whether the Scouts form a troop or even one patrol ; whether they make use of strict military formation or informal grouping; whether the visiting Scout dignitaries are many or lim- ited to one member of the local Council, the Scout bodies face each other, and the guest or guests of honor, equally with the general audience, can observe the Troop and the candidates easily from the side. All Troops who are familiar with military drill can take their usual positions in their usual manner and observe all details of color guard, salutes, etc., to any desired ex- tent. Troops and Captains not familiar with such pro- cedure, by accustoming themselves to this general group- ing, will always be able to present a dignified appearance. Note: These suggestions for the various ceremonials assume that the regular opening of the Scout meetings has already taken place; therefore nothing is given but the actual matter of the presentations, etc. In the case of the Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class awards, the ceremonies constitute the special business of the meet- ing, and opening and closing should proceed as usual. They are distinctly Scout business and are not, in general, offered to the public. The awarding of Merit Badges might with advantage be connected with any local civic ceremony where interest in young people may be created; and in the case of the Golden Eaglet award it is distinctly desirable thus to connect it. Any visiting dignitary, national or state, may with propriety be asked to officiate; and where different SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 55 organizations are taking their various parts in a public function, it will not always be possible to claim the time nor the space for the regular Scout opening ceremonies, nor would this necessarily be advisable. It is, therefore, well to be provided with a form like the preceding, where a small delegation from the Troop, the Captain and a Councillor could, if necessary, represent the essential units of the organization among a number of other so- cieties ; and the words of the ceremony would explain the occasion sufficiently without much concerted action, and may be inserted at the proper place, preceded and followed by any Troop or local customs preferred. PLAN OF ASSEMBLY FOR GIRL SCOUT CEREMONIES 6. How to Conduct a Girl Scout Meeting 1. Calling to Order. 56 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS One long whistle blast: Silence (listen for orders). Three short whistle blasts : “Fall In” three paces in front of Captain. Squad Formation: 5678 5678 1234 1234 0 0 Lieut. Capt. Captain, lieutenant or patrol leader gives commands: “Attention” (See Scout Drill) “Right Dress” “Front” 2. Inspection. Captain inspects personal appearance and posture, in- cluding hair, shoes, uniform, hands and nails. (Scouts hold hands out for this purpose.) At each correction Captain says in low voice, “One step forward.” Inspec- tion over, Captain takes position and reports, “So many corrections in Patrol No. — ” stating nature of correc- tion, but no names, then says, “Your places.” 3. Saluting the Colors. “Color Bearer” or (Color Guard) “Forward-Centers March.” Scout appointed as Color Bearer marches to where flag is, either alone, if in troop of one patrol, or escorted on either side by two Scouts acting as “Color Guard.” They draw up behind the Captain facing the troop, and hold the flag erect for the salute. “Scouts, the flag of your Country. Pledge allegiance.” At the command, “Place the flag,” they wheel and march back to replace it, then take their places. 4. The Star Spangled Banner (One verse) 5. Scout Promise, Salute. 6. Scout Laws, Repeat. 7. “Fall Out.” 8. Business Meeting. 'j SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 57 9. Discussion of one Scout Law. 10. Scout activities. Work for tests, games. Closing Exercises 1. “Fall In.” 2. America, or Battle Hymn of the Republic. 3. “Dismissed.” Scouts salute Captain. The form for opening and closing exercises suggested above takes only 20 minutes and is a practical method of ensuring uniformity when groups from different troops come together. Troops may use more elaborate forms, depending upon the amount of time which the girls wish to spend upon this type of work. For in- stance : (a) In a troop composed of many patrols each Cor- poral forms her patrol and reports to the Lieutenant, who in turn reports to the Captain, “The company is formed,” etc. (b.) In dismissing, troops with a bugler may play “Taps” or may sing the same to words locally composed. c. In some troops Corporals give commands. This is good because it emphasizes the patrol system. But the form outlined is given as the minimum require- ment, and troops using it need never feel at a loss in large rallies, for every ceremony necessary to express the Scout spirit with dignity is there. No additions made locally should change the essential order of these exercises, all additions which are made being merely amplifications of it in detail, which may not be possible nor desirable in every community. Business Meeting The meeting opens with the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer in place, with the Secretary at the right and the Treasurer at the left of the Chairman. The idea is to have every Scout in the troop learn to be the Chair- 53 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS man so that any and all could act in the capacity of a Business Chairman at any kind of meeting. The meeting is called to order by thb Chairman. “Will the meeting please come to order ?” The Chairman asks the Secretary to call the roll. “Will the Secretary call the roll? And will the Treasurer col- lect the dues ?” The Chairman calls for the Secretary’s report. “Will the Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting?” The Chairman calls for corrections of the minutes. “Are there any corrections?” If there are none she says: “If not, the minutes stand approved.” If there are corrections the Chairman calls for further corrections, “Are there further corrections, etc. If not, the minutes stand approved as corrected.” Form of Secretary’s report: “The regular meeting of Pansy Troop No. 5, held at the club house, on April 4th, was called to order at 3 o’clock. In the absence of the Chairman, Scout took the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, dues collected amounted to . After — — was discussed and voted upon, the meeting adjourned.” The Chairman calls for the Treasurer’s report. “Will the Treasurer give her report?” Form of Treasurer’s report: Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1919 $2.50 Members’ dues $1.00 Fines , .30 1.30 Total $3.80 Disbursements — Janitor $1.00 $1.00 Balance on hand 2.80 Total $3.80 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 59 The Chairman calls for corrections as before. Then the Chairman calls for a discussion of old busi- ness, that is, anything discussed at previous meetings, that has been left undone or left to be decided at a later date. Any member of the meeting may bring up this old business, or the Chairman may start the discussion. “The business .before the meeting is . What is your pleasure in regard to this/’ or “Will anyone make a motion?” The member who wishes to make the motion says : “Madam Chairman, I move that — ” Another member who agrees to this says: “I second the motion.” If the motion is not seconded at once, the Chairman says : “Will anyone second the motion?” After the motion has been moved and seconded the Chairman immediately states the question as, “It has been moved and seconded that the troop have a Rally on May 2. Are you ready for the question?” or “The question is now open for discussion.” If no one rises, the Chairman proceeds to put the question. “All those in favor say aye, opposed no.” Then the Chairman says, “The motion is carried,” or “The motion is not carried,” as the case may be. After the old business has been attended to, the Chair- man calls for new business, saying, “Is there any new business to be discussed?” The Chairman then dismisses the meeting by calling for a motion for adjournment. Adjournment : “Will some one move that the meeting be adjourned?” If this is moved and seconded it is not necessary to put it to a vote. The Chairman says: “The meeting is adjourned. SECTION VII GIRL SCOUT CLASS TESTS 1. Tenderfoot Test Before enrolling as a Tenderfoot a girl must be ten 3^ears old and have attended at least four meetings, cov- ering at least one month in time. In addition to the material covered by the test, the Captain must have thoroughly explained to her the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the Scout Promise and the Scout Laws, and be sure of her general understanding of them as well as of her ability to respect them. This test is given by the Troop Captain. Tenderfoot Test Head 1. What are the Scout Promise and the Scout Laws? Give them as printed in Handbook. 2. Demonstrate the Scout Salute. When do Scouts use the Salute? 3. What are the Scout Slogan and the Scout Motto? 4. How is the respect due the American Flag ex- pressed? Give the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. What are the words of the first and last stanza of The Star-Spangled Banner? 6. What is the full name of the President of the United States? What is the full name of the Governor of your State ? What is the full name of the highest city, town or village official where you live? Hands 7* Make or draw an American Flag, using correct proportions. 60 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 61 8. Tie the Reef, Bowline, Clove-hitch and Sheep- shank knots according to instructions given in Handbook, and tell use of each. Whip the end of a piece of rope. Indicate and define the three parts of a rope. Helpfulness 9. Present record that you have saved or earned enough money to buy some part of the Scout uni- form or insignia. Recommended : Practice Setting-up Exercises, Scout positions and Tenderfoot Drill as shown in Handbook. II. Second Class Test While it is not necessary to devote any specified length of time to the training for this test, it is well to remember that if too long a time is taken, either because of lack of interest on the part of the Troop, or too inflexible stand- ards on the part of the Captain, the possibility of winning Merit Badges is delayed and the feeling of steady pro- gress is likely to be lost. The girls should be urged to keep together as a body, and reminded that regular at- tendance and team-work will be fairer to all. Quick learners can spend their extra time on private or group preparation for their Merit Badges, for which they be- come eligible as soon as they have passed the test, but not before. This test may be given by the Troop Captain, or at her request by another Captain or competent authority, such as a registered nurse for bedmaking, health officer for First Aid, fire chief for fire prevention, and so forth. Second Class Scout Test Head 1. What is the history of the American Flag, and for what does it stand? C2 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 2. Describe six animals, six birds, six trees and six flowers. 3. What are the sixteen points of the compass? Show how to use a compass. 4. How may fire be prevented, and what should a Scout do in case of fire? 5. Send and receive the alphabet of the General Ser- vice or Semaphore Code. 6. Demonstrate ability to observe quickly and accurate- ly by describing the contents of a room or a shop window, or a table with a number of objects upon it, after looking a short time, (not more than ten seconds) ; or describe a passer-by so that another person could identify him ; or prove ability to make a quick rough report on the appearance and land- marks of a stretch of country, not to exceed one- quarter of a mile and to be covered in not more than five minutes. Report should include such things as ground surface, buildings in sight, trees, animals, etc. (Note: This territory must have been gone over by person administering the test. The test is not to be confused with the First Class requirement for map making. It may be made the object of a hike, and tested in groups or singly. Artificial hazards may be arranged.) » Hands 7. Lay and light a fire in a stove, using not more than two matches, or light a gas range, top burner, oven and boiler, without having the gas blow or smoke. Lay and light a fire in the open, using no artificial tinder, such as paper or excelsior, and not more than two matches. 8. Cook so that it may be eaten, seasoning properly, SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 63 one simple dish, such as cereal, vegetables, meat, fish or eggs in any other form than boiled. 9. Set a table correctly for a meal of two courses. 10. Make ordinary and hospital bed, and show how to air them. 11. Present samples of seaming, hemming, darning, and either knitting or crocheting, and press out a Scout uniform, as sample of ironing. Health 12. Demonstrate the way to stop bleeding, remove speck from eye, treat ivy poisoning, bandage a sprained ankle, remove a splinter. 13. What do you consider the mam points to remem- ber about Health ? (Note: This is based on a knowledge of the section in the Handbook on Personal Health. It is sug- gested that a good way to demonstrate practically a knowledge of the main points is to keep for a month the Daily Health Record. This will inci- dentally complete one-third of the requirement for Health Winner’s Badge.) 14. What are your height and weight, and how do they compare with the standard? Helpfulness 15. Present to Captain or Council the proof of satis- factory service to Troop, Church or Community. 16. Earn or save enough money for some part of per- sonal or troop equipment. Recommended : Practice Setting-up Exercises and Second Class Drill. III. First Class Test Work on this test should not be hurried. It is purposely made m/ore thorough and more difficult, because it is 64 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS designed for the older and longer trained Scout. The work for the Merit Badges, which all Scouts enjoy, should not be considered as interfering with this period, as such work is also the preparation for a possible Golden Eaglet degree. As a general rule, girls under fifteen are not likely to make thoroughly trained First Class Scouts, nor is the community likely to take their technical ability in the important subjects very seriously. The First Class Scout is the ideal Scout, of whom the organi- zation has every right to feel proud ; and ability to grasp a subject quickly and memorize details is not so im- portant as practical efficiency, reliability and demon- strated usefulness to the Troop and the community. While the standard must not be set so high as to dis- courage the average girl, impatience to get through in any given time should not be encouraged, as this is not important. First Class Scout Test Head 1. Draw a simple map of one square mile of territory seen on hike or about camping place, according to directions in Handbook, using at least ten con- ventional map signs. 2. Demonstrate ability to judge correctly height, weight, number and distance, according to direc- tions in Handbook. 3. Demonstrate ability to find any of the four cardinal points of the compass, using the sun or stars as guide. 4. Send and receive messages in the General Service or the Semaphore Code at the rate of thirty and sixty words a minute respectively. 5. Present the following Badges: Home Nurse SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 65 First Aide Homemaker and any two of the following: Child Nurse Health Winner Laundress Cook Needlewoman Gardener Health 6. Take an overnight hike, carrying all necessary equipment and rations ; or Take a group of younger girls on a day time hike, planning the whole trip, including where and how to get the food, assigning to each girl her part in responsibility, directing transportation and occupa- tion, and so forth ; or Be one of four to construct a practical lean-to; or Demonstrate skating backwards, the outer edge, and stopping suddenly ; or Run on skiis ; or Show your acquaintance from personal observa- tion of the habits of four animals or four birds. 7. Be able to swim fifty yards, or in case of inaccessi- bility to water, be able to shin up ten feet of rope, or in case of physical disability, earn any merit badge selected that involves out-of-door activity. Helpfulness 8. Present a Tenderfoot trained by candidate. 9. Present to Captain or Council some definite proof of service to the community. 10. Earn or save one dollar and start a savings account in bank or Postal Savings, or buy Thrift Stamps. Recommended : Practice Setting-up Exercises. Prac- tice First Class Drill. AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL * Words by Katharine Lee Bates Maestoso Music by Will C. Macfarlane Municipal Organist, Portland, Maine -2?- i i. O beau ti - ful for spa-ciousskies,For am - ber waves of grain, 2.0 beau -ti- ful for pil -grim feet, Whose stern, im-pas-sion’d stress 3. O beau- ti —ful for he-roes proved, In lib - er - at - ing strife. 4.0 beau ti - ful for pa-triot dream That sees be -yond the years L fJ 3 =t 5 -=tr-zJr i * mm at 3 * mm (: w -<£?-. — L F or pur - pie mountain majesties A- bove the fruited plain ! A- mer - 1 - ca ! A A thor-oughfare for freedom beat A-cross the wil-der-ness ! A- mer i - ca ! A Who more than self their country loved. And mercy more than life ! Amer * i - ca ! A Thine al a- bas-ter cit- ies gleam Undimm'd by human tears ! A- mer - i - ca ! A afc=ri=3=J= 3PP§ -is— I — :£ t- =t S 3~5 3^5 3 at=t^* at ¥ i & d— s> 7S!- fF rr* 1 mer-i - ca ! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood, F rom mer-i - ca! God mend thine ev’ry flaw, Con-firm thy soul in self-control, Thy mer-i - ca ! May God thy gold re -fine, Till all success be no- ble- ness, And mer-i ca IGod shed His grace on thee,And crown thy good with brotherhood, F rom £ 3 tSi- mm i =1: =t si- 33^ 3 lillPP Refrain Molto maestoso ritard 1 S3 Sdl • 1 p-y 7$: •+ feat sea to shining sea ! lib er-ty in law! ev - ’ry gain di- vine I sea to shining sea ! -m- 9 A - mer - i - ca I A - mer -i-ca ! God shed His grace on thee! 3 3 =3 ; -dr n= =1: § ■=r * ^ at =£:£-* * By permission oi the author. Copyright, 19x3, by Will C. Macfarlan* 66 SECTION VIII WHAT A GIRL SCOUT SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE FLAG We take the star from Heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus shozving we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to pos- terity representing liberty. — - George Washington. The American flag is the symbol of the one-ness of the nation: when a Girl Scout salutes the flog, there- fore, she salutes the whole country. The American Flag is known as “Old Glory, ” “Stars and Stripes,” “Star-Spangled Banner,” and “The Red, White and Blue.” The flag today consists of the field of red and blue stripes, with the blue field, sometimes known as the Union in the upper left-hand corner, with forty-eight white stars. The thirteen stripes stand for the thir- teen original States — New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. The stars stand for the States now in the Union. The colors of the flag are red, representing valor; white, representing hope, purity and truth; blue, rep- resenting loyalty, sincerity and justice. The five-pointed star, which is used, tradition says, at Betsy Ross’ sug- gestion, is the sign of infinity. History of the American Flag We think of ourselves as a young country, but we have one of the oldest written Constitutions under which a Nation operates, and our flag is one of the oldest in existence. When our forefathers came from Europe to settle 67 68 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS in this country, which is now the United States, they brought with them the flags of their home countries* and planted them on the new territory in symbol of taking possession of it in the name of their liege kings and lands. Gradually the colonies came to belong to England, and the Union Jack became the flag of all, with the thirteen colonies represented by thirteen stripes and the Union Jack in the corner. This flag was known as the Grand Union or Cambridge Flag, and was displayed when Washington first took com- mand of the army at Cambridge. It was raised on December 3, 1775, on the Alfred , flagship of the new little American Navy, by the senior Lieutenant of the ship, John Paul Jones, who later defended it gallantly in man}' battles at sea. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia and the United Colonies dissolved all ties that bound them to England and be- came an independent nation — the United States. It was immediately necessary to adopt a new flag, as the new nation would not use the Union Jack. Tradition says that in the latter part of May, 1776, George Wash- ington, Robert Morris and Colonel Ross called on Betsy Ross in Philadelphia to make the first flag, which they designed. They kept the thirteen stripes of the Colonial flag, but replaced the Union Jack by a blue field bearing thirteen stars, arranged in a circle. The birthday of the flag was June 4, 1777, when Congress passed this resolution : Resolved : That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes; alternate red and white ; that the union be thirteen stars, white on a blue field, representing a constellation. The first American unfurling the Stars and Stripes over a warship was John Paul Jones when he took command of the Rayer in June, 1777. Tradition says SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 69 that this flag was made for John Paul Jones by the young ladies of Portsmouth Harbor, and that it was made for him from their own and their mothers’ gowns. It was this flag, in February, 1778, that had the honor of receiving from France the first official salute accorded by a foreign nation to the Stars and Stripes. It was first carried into battle at the Battle of Brandy- wine in September, 1777, when Lafayette fought with the Colonists and was wounded. This was the famous flag made out of a soldier’s white shirt, a woman’s red petticoat, and an officer’s blue cloak. A famous flag now in the National Museum in Washington is the Flag of fifteen stars and stripes, which floated over Fort McHenry — near Baltimore- — in the War of 1812, and which Francis Scott Key (imprisoned on a British ship) saw “by the dawn’s early light” after watching through the night the “rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air” as proof that the fort had not fallen to the enemy. The next day he wrote “The Star- Spangled Banner.” It is said that peace has its victories as well as war, and Scouts will want to know that our flag flew from the first vessel ever propelled by steam — Robert Ful- ton’s Clermont . It was carried by Wilbur Wright on his first success- ful airplane flight in France. It was the flag planted at the North Pole by Robert Peary. It was the National emblem painted upon the first airplane to make the transatlantic flight, May, 1919. At first, when states came into the Union, a new stripe and a new star were added to the flag, but it was soon evident that the added stripes would make it very unwieldly. So on April 4, 1818, Congress passed this act to establish the flag of the United States: 70 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS “Sec. 1. Be it enacted . . . That from and after the 4th of July next, the flag of the United States be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white ; that the union have twenty stars, white on a blue field. “Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, that, on admission of every new State into the Union, one star be added to the union of the flag; and that such addition shall take effect on the 4th day of July succeeding such ad- mission.” In 1917 after the United States entered the World’s War, the Stars and Stripes were placed with the flags of the Allies in the great English Cathedral of St. Paul’s in London, and on April 20, 1917, the flag was hoisted beside the English flag over the House of Parliament as a symbol that the two great English- speaking nations of the world had joined hands in the cause of human brotherhood. RESPECT DUE THE FLAG 1. The flag should be raised at runrise and low- ered at sunset. It should not be displayed on stormy days or left out over night, except during war. Al- though there is no authoritative ruling which compels civilians to lower the flag at sundown, good taste should impel them to follow the traditions of the Army and Navy in this sundown ceremonial. Primarily, the flag is raised to be seen , and secondarily, the flag is something to be guarded, treasured, and so tradition holds it shall not be menaced by the darkness. To leave the flag out at night, unattended, is proof of shiftless- ness, or at least carelessness. 2. At retreat, sunset, civilian spectators should stand at attention. Girl Scouts, if in uniform, may give their salute. When the national colors are passing on parade or in SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 71 review, Scouts should, if walking, halt, and if sitting, rise and stand at attention. When the flag is stationary it is not saluted. An old, torn, or soiled flag should not be thrown away, but should be destroyed, preferably by burning. The law specifically forbids the use of and the rep- resentation of the flag in any manner or in any con- nection with merchandise for sale. When the “Star-Spangled Banner” is played or sung, stand and remain standing in silence until it is finished. The flag should, on being retired, never be allowed to touch the ground. Regulations for Flying the Flag 1. The flag should not be raised before sunrise, nor be allowed to remain up after sunset. 2. In placing the flag at half mast, it should be raised first to full mast, and then lowered to the half mast po- sition, from which it should again be raised to full mast before lowering. 3. The flag should never be draped. 4. When the flag is hung against a wall, the blue field should be in the upper left corner if the stripes are horizontal; in the upper right corner if the stripes are vertical. 5. In the case of flags hung across the street it is necessary to hang them by the points of the compass instead of right or left, because the right or left nat- urally varies according to whether the spectator is going up or down the street. When the flag is hung across a north and south street, the blue field should be toward the east, the rising sun, when across an east and west street, the field should be toward the north. 6. The flags of two or more nations displayed to- gether should always be hung at the same level, and should be on separate staffs or halyards. 72 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 7. In the United States, when the American flag is carried with one other flag, it should be at the right. When it is carried with two other flags, it should be in the middle. 8. When the American flag is hung against a wall with other flags, it is placed at the spectator’s right, if it is one of two; and in the middle, if it is one of three. 9. The flag at half mast is a sign of mourning. 10. The flag flown upside down is a signal of distress. 11. On Memorial Day, May 30, the flag is flown at half mast during the morning, and is raised at noon to full mast for the rest of the day. Patriotic Songs for Girl Scouts “The Star-Spangled Banner” Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light. What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight; O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallant- ly streaming ! And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there ; Oh ! say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave. O’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave ? On that shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep. Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes, SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 73 What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, now conceals, now dis- closes ? Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam, In full glory reflected now shines on the stream ; ’Tis the star-spangled banner; Oh, long may it wave, O’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave ! O ! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and the war’s deso- lation Blessed with victory and peace, may the heav’n- rescued land Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto — “In God is our trust” ; And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave. — Francis Scott Key , 1814. The Star Spangled Banner was written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key at the time of the bombardment of Fort McHenry, near Baltimore, by the British. Key had been sent to the British squadron to negotiate the release of an American prisoner-of-war, and was de- tained there by the British during the engagement for fear he might reveal their plans. The bombardment lasted all through the night. In his joy the following morning at seeing the American flag still flying over Fort McHenry, Key wrote the first stanza of the Star 74 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Spangled Banner on the back of an old letter, which he drew from his pocket. He finished the poem later in the day after he had been allowed to land. The poem was first printed as a handbill enclosed in a fancy border ; but one of Key’s friends, Judge Nicholson, of Baltimore, saw that the tune of Anacreon in Heaven , an old English drinking song, fitted the words, and the two were quickly united with astonishing success. The old flag which prompted the poem is still in existence; it was made by Mrs. Mary Pickersgill. “ America” My country, ’tis of thee. Sweet land of liberty. Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died. Land of the Pilgrims’ pride. From every mountain side Let freedom ring. My native country, thee. Land of the noble free. Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills. Thy woods and templed hills; My heart with rapture thrills Like that above. Let music swell the breeze. And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom’s song; Let mortal tongues awake. Let all that breathe partake, Let rocks their silence break. The sound prolong ! SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 75 Our father’s God, to Thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing: Long may our land be bright With freedom’s holy light; Protect us by Thy might. Great God, our King. —Samuel F. Smith, 1832. “America” was written in 1832 by Samuel Francis Smith, a graduate of Harvard, at that time studying for the ministry at Andover, Mass. The circumstances at- tending the writing of this hymn are told by the author in the following letter : Newton Centre, Mass., June 5, 1887. Mr. J. H. Johnson: Dear Sir: The hymn “America” was not written with reference to any special occasion. A friend (Mr. Lowell Mason) put into my hands a quantity of music books in the German language early in the year 1832 — because, as he said, I could read them and he couldn’t — -with the request that I would translate any of the hymns and songs which struck my fancy, or, neglecting the German words, with hymns or songs of my own, adapted to the tunes, so that he could use the music. On a dismal day in February, turning over the leaves of one of these music books, I fell in with the tune, which pleased me— and, observing at a glance that the words were patriotic, without attempting to imitate them, or even to read them throughout, I was moved at once to write a song adapted to the music — and “America” is the result. I had no thought of writing a national hymn, and was surprised when it came to be widely used. I gave it to Mr. Mason soon after it was written, and have since learned that he greatly admired it. It was first publicly used at a 76 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Sabbath school celebration of Independence in Park Street Church, Boston, on the 4th of July, 1832. Respectfully, S. F. Smith. The tune of “America,” which Samuel Smith took from a German song book, was originally a French air. This French air was borrowed in 1739 by an English- man, Henry Carey, who recast it for the British national anthem, “God Save the King.” Switzerland, Prussia and other German States, and the United States have used the music for their national hymns. Letter and facts from The Encyclopedia Americana. “Battle Hymn of the Republic” Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord : He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword ; His truth is marching on. I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps ; They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps ; I can read his righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps : His day is marching on. I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnish’d rows of steel : “As you deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal; Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel, Since God is marching on.” SOCUTING FOR GIRLS 77 He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat ; He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment- seat: Oh, be swift my soul, to answer Him, be jubilant my feet ! Our God is marching on. In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea. With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me ; As He died to make men holy, let us die to make them free, While God is marching on. —Julia Ward Howe. How to Make an American Flag The exact proportions of the American Flag have been fixed by executive order; that is to say, by order of the President, as have other features, such as the arrange- ment and position of the stars. The exact size of the flag is variable, though the army has several regulation sizes. The cut given below shows the dimensions of one of the regulation army flags. The proportions fixed by executive order on May 26, 1916, are as follows: If the width of the flag be taken as the basis and called 1, then The length will be 1.9, Each stripe will be 1/13 of 1, The blue field will be .76 long and 7/13 of 1 wide. Other features of the officially designed flag are as follows : The top and bottom stripes are red. Each state is represented by a five-pointed star, one of whose points shall be directed toward the top of the flag. Beginning with the upper left-hand corner and read- ing from left to right the stars indicate the states in order 78 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 4 4 *9 f T U. S. FLAG SHOWING OFFICIAL DIMENSIONS To make a five-pointed star, take a square of cloth or paper and fold and cut in the way shown in the cut. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 79 of their ratification of the Constitution and their ad- mission to the Union. Find your State’s star in the fol- lowing list, and remember its number and line. 1 — Delaware 2 — Pennsylvania 3 — New Jersey 4 — -Georgia Second 11— New York 12 — North Carolina 13 — Rhode Island 14— Vermont Third 17— Ohio 18 — Louisiana 19 — Indiana 20— Mississippi Fourth 25 — Arkansas 26 — Michigan 27 — Florida 28 — Texas Fifth 33 — Oregon 34 — Kansas 35 — West Virginia 36 — Nevada Sixth 41 — Montana 42 — W ashington 43 — Idaho 44 — W yoming 8 — South Carolina 5 — Connecticut 6 — Massachusetts 7— Marvland Row 1 5 — Kentucky 16 — Tennessee 9 — New Hampshire 10— Virginia Row 21— Illinois 22 — Alabama 23— — Maine 24 — Missouri Row 29 — Iowa 30 — Wisconsin 31 — California 32— Minnesota Row 37— Nebraska 38 — Colorado 39— North Dakota 40— South Dakota Row 45— Utah 46 — Oklahoma 47 — New Mexico 48 — Arizona 80 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS B&ad Leader O | B HD """| national Q President l Fidld Oapt.^OOO4'21^1011111 Di*®otor Vice-President iilg'L coohchT] 3 t a t *Q Coa’sio ner State Field Capt**QQQ«-state Director * State Deputy Commissioner "state counciiT L o c a lQ Com'sioner Local Field Captain **0004"Local Deputy Com* si oner -r Local Director ~OCAL COUMciT*! Troop Q Capt. Q Lieut* j SCOUTS 1 I SCOUTS 1 Color Guard — i Council Flag oooo “Color Guard American Flag Q Lieut. SCOUTS SCOUTS PARADE FORMATION FOR GIRL SCOUTS The accompanying Cut 1 indicates a suggested formation for patriotic, civic or Girl Scout parades when Scout officials take part in the parade. It should be noted that the Scouts are represented by a column of four ranks, the Color Guard SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 81 BIO j Color Guard-^O O Q<-Color Guard American Flag Officer Q in Charge Q Lieut. (3 Captain [ scon SCOUTS Q Lieut. (3 Captain ! SCOUTS SCOUTS Q Captain O Lieut [ ~1 SCOUT SIMPLE PARADE FORMATION 82 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS marching in the center of the column. Should a larger num- ber of Scouts participate in the parade, the Color Guard must be changed to a position in the center of the longer column. Cut 2 indicates a more simple form of parade which has been found of service and effectiveness. In this formation the Color Guard follows the band or Scout buglers. The local director or her representative marches directly behind the Color Guard and is followed by the Scouts in column formation, each double rank commanded by a captain, who marches three paces in front of the front rank, and a lieu- tenant, who marches at the extreme left of the double rank, one step ahead of the front rank. Front and rear ranks march forty inches apart. It is not usually possible, nor is it necessarily advisable, to use one troop in forming a double rank. The important thing is to have in each line the number of Scouts designated by the person in charge of the parade. This number, de- termined by the width of the street and the number march- ing, will be either four, eight, twelve or sixteen. If girls of the same height march together, the shorter preceding the taller, the appearance of the column will be more uniform and pleasing. When Scout troop flags are used, they are carried in the column at the extreme right. S3 u SECTION IX GIRL SCOUT DRILL Although the simple exercises in opening and closing a meeting are the only formal work necessary for Scouts, the Scout Drill outlined in this Handbook is added for Captains as a suggestion for handling one or more Patrols in the club room, or on the street, in an orderly dignified manner. Where the Troop and Captain are interested in this form of activity, it adds a great variety to the Scout meet- ings, and its value in giving an erect carriage, alert habit of obedience, and ability to think and act quickly are un- doubted. In case of rallies and parades it is practically the only way of handling large bodies of Scouts from different localities. Every order and formation here recommended is taken from the United States Infantry Drill Regulations, and it is now possible for Captains in all localities to secure the assistance of some returned soldier glad to give a half hour occasionally to drilling the Scouts. The simple formations selected have been divided into Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class groups entirely for the convenience of the Captain; none of the work is too difficult for a Second Class Scout and there is nothing to prevent a Tenderfoot from taking all of it, if the troop should be particularly interested in drilling. Commands are divided into two classes : (a) The preparatory, to tell the Scout what to do, and (b) The command of execution, to tell hozv to do it. Tenderfoot Drill Schedule “FALL IN” At this command each Scout immediately takes her position in the Patrol to which she belongs, (the Captain 84 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 85 having already assigned to each Scout her exact place) and without further order assumes the possition of “At- tention.” The position of Attention is: body and head erect, head, shoulders and pelvis in same plane, eyes front, arms hanging easily at the sides, feet parallel and about four inches apart ; perfect silence to be maintained. Patrol formation, two ranks (rows) of four Scouts each, forty inches between front and rear ranks. The patrol corresponds to the military unit of the squad. Other patrols will fall in on the left of patrol No. 1 and on a line with it, in their numerical order. When assembled a troop of four patrols will be in the position indicated by the following diagram, and facing the cap- tain> 5678 5678 5678 5678 1234 1234 1234 1234 Lieut. Capt. If the Captain prefers, and where there are only a few Scouts to be handled, they may be drawn up in a single rank facing the Captain. In either position they are now ready for the preliminaries of military drill. 1. Right (or left) Dress . 2. Front. At the command “Dress” whether to right or left, all Scouts place the left hand on the hip. Each Scout, except the base file, Scout on right or left end from whom the others take their alignment, when on or near the new line, executes “Eyes Right!” and taking steps of two or three inches, places herself so that her right arm rests lightly against the arm of the Scout on her right, and so that her eyes and shoulders are in line with those of the Scout on her right; the rear rank Scouts cover in file. The instructor verifies the alignment of both ranks from the right flank and orders up or back such Scouts as may be in rear or in advance of the line: only the Scouts designated move. 86 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS At the command “Front” given when the ranks are aligned, each Scout turns her head and eyes to the front and drops the hand at her side. To march the patrol or troop in column of twos, the preliminary commands would be as just given: 1. Fall in . 2. Right Dress. 3. Front. The troop is then drawn up facing the Captain in two ranks as described. The Captain then commands : 1. Right (or left) Face (According to the direction in which the column is to proceed.) 2. Forward. 3? March. At the command “March” each Scout steps off smartly with the left foot. Facings To the flank: “Right (or left) Face.” Raise slightly the left heel and the right toe; face to the right, turning on the right heel, assisted by a slight pressure on the ball of the left foot; place the left foot by the side of the right. “Left Face” is executed on the left heel in the corresponding manner. Right (or left) Half Face is executed similarly, facing forty-five degrees. To the rear : About Face. Carry the toe of the right foot about half a foot length to the rear and slightly to the left of the left heel without changing the position of the left foot; face to the rear, turning to the right on the left heel and right toe ; place the right heel by the side of the left. Eyes Right or Left 1. Eyes Right (or left). 3. Front. At the command “Right,” turn the head to the right oblique, eyes fixed on the line of Scouts in, or supposed to be in, the same rank. At the command “Front,” turn the head and eyes to the front. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 87 The Rests Being at halt, the commands for the different rests are as follows: Fall Out, Rest, At Ease and 1 Parade, 2 Rest. At the command Fall Out, the Scouts may leave the ranks, but are required to remain in the immediate vicin- ity. They resume their former places, at attention at the command “Fall In.” At the command ((Rest” each Scout keeps one foot in place, but is not required to keep silence or immobility. At the command “At Ease” each Scout keeps one foot in place and is required to keep silence but not immo- bility. j ' A : '{ 1 Parade, 2 Rest . Carry the right foot six inches straight to the rear, left knee slightly bent; clasp the hands, without con- straint, in front of the center of the body, fingers joined, right hand uppermost, left thumb clasped by the thumb and forefinger1 of the right hand ; preserve silence and steadiness of position. To resume the attention: 1 Squad (or Company) 2 Attention. Steps and Marchings All steps and marchings executed from the halt, ex- cept right step, begin with the left foot. The length of the full step in “ Quick Time,” for a Scout is twenty inches, measured from heel to heel, and the cadence is at the rate of one hundred twenty steps per minute. The length of the full step in “Double Time,” for a Scout, is about twenty- four inches; the cadence is at the rate of one hundred eighty steps per minute. The instructor, when necessary, indicates the cadence of the step by calling “One, Two, Three, Four,” or “Left, 88 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Right, Left, Right,” the instant the left and right foot, respectively, should be planted. All steps and marchings and movements involving march are executed in “Quick Time” unless the squad (or company) be marching in “Double Time.” Quick Time Being at a halt, to march forward in quick time : 1 For- ward, 2 March. At the command “ Forward ” shift the weight of the body to the right leg, left knee straight. At the command “March,” move the left foot smartly straight forward twenty inches from the right, sole near the ground, and plant it without shock ; next, in like man- ner, advance the right foot and plant it as above ; continue the march. The arms swing naturally. Being at a halt, or in march in quick time, to march in double time; 1 Double time, 2 March. If at a halt, at the first command shift the weight of the body to the right leg. At the command “March” raise the forearms, fingers closed to a horizontal position along the waist line; take up an easy run with the -step and cadence of double time, allowing a natural swinging mo- tion to ihe arms. If marching in quick time, at the command “March,” given as either foot strikes the ground, take one step in quick time, and then step off in double time. To resume the quick time: 1 Quick Time, 2 March. At the command March, given as either foot strikes the ground, advance and plant the other foot in double time ; resume the quick time, dropping the hands by the sides. To Mark Time Being in march: 1 Mark Time, 2 March. At the command March, given as either foot strikes the SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 89 ground, advance and plant the other foot; bring up the foot in rear and continue the cadence by alternately rais- ing each foot about two inches and planting it on line with the other. Being at a halt, at the command March, raise and plant the feet as described above. The Half Step 1 Half Step, 2 March. Take steps of ten inches in quick time, twelve inches in double time. Forward , Half Step, Halt and Mark Time may be executed one from the other in quick or double time. To resume the full step from half step or mark time: Forward March. Side Step Being at halt or mark time: 1 Right (or left) Step, 2 March. Carry and plant the right foot twelve inches to the right ; bring the left foot beside it and continue the movement in the cadence of quick time. The side step is used for short distances only and is not executed in double time. Back Step Being at a halt or mark time: 1 Backzvard, 2 March. Take steps of twelve inches straight to the rear. The back step is used for short distances only and is not executed in double time. To Halt To arrest the march in quick or double time : 1 Squad (or if the full troop is drilling, Company) , 2 Halt . >At the command Halt, given as either foot strikes the ground, plant the other foot as in marching; raise and place the first foot by the side of the other. If in double time, drop the hands by the sides. 90 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS To March by the Flank Being in march: 1 By the Right (or left) Flank, 2 March. At the command March , given as the right foot strikes the ground, advance and plant the left foot, then face to the right in marching and step off in the new direction with the right foot. To March to the Rear Being in march : 1 To the Rear , 2 March. At the command March , given as the right foot strikes the ground, advance and plant the left foot ; turn to the right about on the balls of both feet and immediately step off with the left foot. If marching in double time, turn to the right about, taking four steps in place, keeping the cadence, and then step off with the left foot. Change Step Being in march : 1 Change Step, 2 March. At the command March, given as the right foot strikes the ground, advance and plant the left foot; plant the toe of the right foot near the heel of the left and step off with the left foot. The change on the right foot is similarly executed, the command March being given as the left foot strikes the ground. SECOND CLASS DRILL Fall In. (Described in Tenderfoot Drill.) Count Off. At this command all except the right file execute Eyes Right, and beginning on the right, the Scouts in each rank count One, Two, Three, Four; each turns her head and eyes to the front as she counts. 91 92 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Alignments 1 Right (or left) Dress , 2 Front. (Described in Ten- derfoot Drill.) To preserve the alignment when marching; Guide Right (or left). The Scouts preserve their intervals from the side of the guide, yielding to pressure on that side and resisting pressure from the opposite direction; they re- cover intervals, if lost, by gradually opening out or closing in; they recover alignment by slightly lengthening or shortening the step ; the rear rank Scouts cover their file leaders at forty inches. To Take Distance (Formation for signalling or for setting-up exercises ) Being in line at a halt having counted ofif : 1 Take Distance at four paces, 2 March; 3 Squad (or company ), Halt. At the command March , each Scout in succession start- ing at four paces apart and beginning with No. 1 of the front rank, followed by 2, 3, 4 and 1, 2, 3, 4 of the rear rank, marches straight forward until the order Squad, Halt is given. The command Halt is given when all have their distances. (Word to instructors: Where the floor space is limited it is advisable to have the Scouts take the half step in executing this formation or1 move at two paces.) If more than one squad is in line, each squad executes the movement as above simultaneously. Being at distances, to assemble the squad (or com- pany) : 1 Assemble , 2 March. At the command March , No. 1 of the front rank stands fast; the other members move forward to their proper places in the line. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 93 The Oblique March For the instruction of the recruits, the squad being in column or correctly aligned, the instructor causes the Scouts to face half right and half left, points out to them their relative positions, and explains that these are to be maintained in the oblique march. 1 Right (or left) Oblique , 2 March. At the command March , each Scout steps off in a direc- tion forty-five degrees to the right of her original front. She preserves her relative position, keeping her shoulders parallel to those of the guide, and so regulates her steps that the ranks remain parallel to their original front. At the command Halt the Scouts face to the front. To resume the original directions : 1 Forward, 2 March. The Scouts half face to the left in marching and then move straight to the front. To Turn on Moving Pivot Begin in line : 1 Right ( or left) Turn, 2 March. (This applies to the single squad; if the whole troop is drilling and is in column of squads, or twos, the com- mand would be : 1 Column Right ( or left), 2 March.) The movement is executed by each rank successively and on the same ground. At the second command, the pivot Scout of the front rank faces to the right in march- ing and takes the half step ; the other Scouts of the rank oblique to the right until opposite their places in line, then execute a second right oblique and take the half step on arriving abreast of the pivot Scout. All glance toward the marching flank while at half step and take the full step without command as the last Scout arrives on the line. Right (or left ) Half Turn is executed in a similar manner. The pivot Scout makes a half change of direc- tion to the right and the other Scouts make quarter changes in obliquing. 94 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS To Turn on a Fixed Pivot Being in line, to turn and march: 1 Squad Right (or left), 2 March. At the second command, the right flank Scout in the front rank faces to the right in marching and marks time ; the other front rank Scouts oblique to the right, place themselves abreast of the pivot, and mark time. In the rear rank the third Scout from the right, followed in column by the second and first, moves straight to the front until in the rear of her front rank Scout, when all face to the right in marching and mark time; the other number of the rear rank moves straight to the front four paces and places herself abreast of the Scout on her right. Scouts on the new line glance toward the marching flank while marking time and, as the last Scout arrives on the line, both ranks execute Forward March without further command. Being in line to turn and halt : 1 Squad Right ( or left), 2 March, 3 Squad, 4 Halt. The third command is given imrqediately after the second. The turn is executed as prescribed in the pre- ceding paragraph except that all Scouts, on arriving on the new line mark time until the fourth command is given, when all halt. The fourth command should be given as the last Scout arrives on the line. Being in line to turn about and march : 1 Squad Right (or left) About, 2 March. At the second command the front rank twice executes Squad Right initiating the second Squad Right when the Scout on the marching flank has arrived abreast of the rank. In the rear rank the third Scout from the right, followed by the second and first in column, moves straight to the front until on the prolongation of the line to be occupied by the rear rank ; changes direction to the right; moves in the new direction until in the rear of SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 95 her front rank Scout, when all face to the right in marching, mark time, and glance toward the marching flank. The fourth Scout marches on the left of the third to her new position ; as she arrives on the line, both ranks execute Forward March without command. FIRST CLASS DRILL On right (or left) Into Line. Being in columns of squads, to form line on right or left; 1 On right (or left) into Line , 2 March, 3 Com- pany, 4 Halt, 5 Front. At the first command the leader of the leading unit commands: Right Turn. The leaders of the other units command: Forward, if at a halft. At the second com- mand the leading unit turns to the right on moving pivot. The command Halt is given when the leading unit has advanced the desired distance in the new direction ; it halts ; its leader then commands : Right Dress. The units in the rear continue to march straight to the front; each, when opposite its place on the line, executes Right Turn at the command of its leader; each is halted on the line at the command of its leader, who then commands: Right Dress. All dress on the first unit on the line. If executed in double time, the leading squad marches in double time until halted. Front Into Line. Being in columns of squads, to form line to the front : Right (or left) Front Into Line, 2 March, 3 Company , 4 Halt, 5 Front. At the first command the leaders of the units in the rear of the leading one command: Right Oblique. If at a halt, the leader of the leading unit command : Forward At the second command the leading unit moves straight forward; the rear units oblique as indicated. The com- 96 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS mand Halt is given when the leading unit has advanced the desired distance; it halts; its leader then commands: Left Dress . Each of the rear units, when opposite its place in line, resumes the original direction at the com- mand of its leader; each is halted on the line at the command of its leader, who then commands : Left Dress . All dress on the first unit in line. To Diminish the Front of a Column of Squads Being in column of squads: 1 Right (or left) By Twos , 2 March. At the command March , all files except the two right files of the leading squad execute In Place Halt; the two right files of the leading squad oblique to the right when disengaged and follow the right files at the shortest practicable distance. The remaining squads follow successively in like manner. Being in columns of twos: 1 Right (or left) By File, 2 March. At the command March, all files evecute In Place Halt, except the right file of the leading two oblique successively to the right when disengaged and each fol- lows the file on its right at the shortest practicable dis- tance. The remaining twos follow successively in like manner. Being in column of files of twos, to form column of squads ; or being in column of files, to form column of twos: 1 Squads (Twos) Right (or left) Front Into Line, 2 March. At the command March, the leading file or files halt. The remainder of the squad, or two, obliques to the right and halts on line with the leading file or files. The re- maining squads or twos close up and successively form in the rear of the first in like manner. The movement described in this paragraph will be ordered Right or Left, so as to restore the files to their normal relative positions in the two or squad. SECTION X SIGNALLING FOR SCOUTS A. GENERAL SERVICE CODE The General Service Code, given herewith, also called the Continental Code and the International Morse Code, is used by the Army and Navy, and for cabling and wireless telegraphy. It is used for visual signalling by hand, flag, Ardois lights, torches, heliograph, lanterns, etc., and for sound signalling with buzzer, whistle, etc. The American Morse Code is used for commercial pur- poses only, and differs from the International Morse in a few particulars. A Scout need not concern herself with it because it would only be used by the Scout who eventu- ally becomes a telegrapher, and for this purpose the Western Union Company offers the necessary training. Wig Wag Signalling GENERAL SERVICE CODE The flag used for this signalling is square with a smaller square of another color in the center. It may be either white with the smaller square red, or red with the smaller square white. A good size for Scout use is 24 inches square with a center 9 inches square, on a pole 42 inches long and one-half inch in diameter. There are but three motions with the flag and all start from, and are completed by, return to position, which means the flag held perpendicularly and at rest directly in front of the signaller. Signaller should stand erect, well balanced on the arches of the feet. The butt of the flag stick is held lightly in the right hand; the left hand steadies and directs the flag at a distance from six to twelve inches above the right on the stick. The length of the stick will 97 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS determine the position of the left hand; the longer the stick the further apart must the hands be placed in order to obtain the best balance. DOT: To make the dot, swing the flag down to the right until the stick reaches the horizontal and bring it back to Position. DASH : To make the dash, swing the flag to the left until it reaches the horizontal and bring it back to Posi- tion. - INTERVAL : The third position is made by swinging the flag down directly in front and returning to Position. In order to keep the flag from “fouling” when making these motions., make a sort of figure 8 with the point of the stick. A slight turn *of the wrist accom- plishes this result and becomes very easy after a little practice. Beginners should master the three motions of the flag, exaggerating the figure 8 motion before they attempt to make letters. It is also best to learn the code SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 99 THE GENERAL SERVICE CODE (The International Morse or Continental) Uses: Commercial wireless, submarine cables, Army and Navy. Methods: flags by day, torches, lanterns, flashlight, searchlight, by night; whistle, drum, bugle, tapping. Period Comma . — — . — Quotation Marks .■ — . . — . Colon — - — -■ — . . . Semicolon — . — . — . Interrogation . . . . A convenient form for learning the letters is as follows: DOTS DASHES T — M OPPOSITES A .— — . N G — * — . B— ... ...— V F . . — . D — .. ..— U Y — SANDWICH LETTERS K — P . X—..— R.— . LETTERS WITH NO OPPOSITES z ... C — .— . J .— t 100 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS before attempting to wig wag it, so that the mind will be free to concentrate upon the technique or correct man- aging of the flag . Make no pause between dots and dashes in making a letter, but make a continuous swing from right to left, or left to right. A pause at Position indicates the com- pletion of a letter. One Interval (Front) indicates the completion of a word. Two Intervals indicate the completion of a sentence. Three Intervals indicate the completion of a message. Do not try for speed . In all signalling, accuracy is the important thing, for unless the letters are accurately made they cannot be easily read, and the mes- sage will have to be repeated. Fall into a regular easy rhythm in sending. Speed comes with practice. Signalling with a Plash Light: Use a short flash for the dot and a long steady flash for the dash. Pause the length of three dots between letters, and the length of five dots between words. A still longer pause marks the end of a sentence. Signalling by Whistle: Use a short blast for the dot, and a long steady blast for the dash. Indicate the end of a letter, a word, and a sentence by the same pauses as explained in Flash Light Signalling. Signalling with a Lantern: The motions used in sig- nalling with a lantern are somewhat like those of the wig wag flag. For Position hold the lantern directly in front of the body; for the dot swing it to the right and back to Position; for the dash swing it to the left and back to Position ; and for Interval move it down and up in a vertical line directly in front. A stationary light should be placed on the ground before the feet as a point of reference for the various motions. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 101 B. SEMAPHORE SIGNALLING SEMAPHORE CODE The semaphore is a machine with two arms which may be moved into various positions to make letters. The semaphore code shown in the accompanying picture may also be employed by a person using two flags. It is the quickest method of flag signalling but is available for comparatively short distances, seldom over a mile, unless extra large flags are employed or there is some extraor- dinary condition of background or atmosphere. The semaphore code is not adapted to as many uses as is the general service code, but for quick signalling over comparatively short distances, it is preferable in every way. The regulation flag is 18 inches square, either divided diagonally into two triangles of white and red, or square of white with small square of red in the center, or red with small square of white. These flags are fastened on poles 24 inches long and % inch in diameter. The flags must be carefully held so that the sticks make, as it were, a continuation of the arm bone; a bent wrist will cause the flags to make an entirely different angle, and consequently a different letter from the one intended. Swing the arms smoothly and without hesitation from one letter to another. Hold each letter long enough to make it clear to the person receiving it. Every word begins and ends with “intervals,” the hands crossed down- ward in front of the body, arms nearly straight, right hand always over the left. Indicate the end of a sentence by one “chip-chop” made by holding both flags to the right, horizontally, and mov- ing them up and down several times ; not together, but one flag going down as the other comes up, making the “chopping” motion. 112 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS CODE FOR SEMAPHORE SIGNALLING SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 103 From the very beginning practice reading as well as sending. It is harder to do and requires more practice. Instructors should always face the class in giving a lesson; in this way the pupil learns to read at the same time as she is learning to make the letters. This principle applies to all visual signalling. Whistle Signals 1. One blast, “Attention ;” “Assemble” (if scattered.) 2. Two short blasts, “All right.” 3. Three short, one long blast, calls Patrol Leaders 4. Alternate long and short blasts, “Mess Call.” Hand Signals These signals are advisable when handling a troop in a street where the voice cannot be readily heard, or in marching the troop into some church, theatre, or other building where a spoken command is undesirable. Forward , March: Carry the hand to the shoulder; straighten and hold the arm horizontally, thrusting it in the direction of the march. (This signal is also used to execute quick time from double time.) Halt: Carry the hand to the shoulder ; thrust the hand upward and hold the arm vertically. Double Time , March: Carry the hand to the shoulder, rapidly thrust the hand upward the full extent of the arm several times. Squads Right , March: Raise the arm laterally until horizontal ; carry it to a vertical position above the head and swing it several times between the vertical and horizontal positions. Squads Left , March: Raise the arm laterally until horizontal ; carry it down- 104 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS ward to the side and swing it several times between the downward and horizontal positions. Change Direction or Column Right (Left) March: The hand on the side toward which the change of direc- tion is to be made is carried across the body to the oppo- site shoulder, forearm horizontal ; then swing in a hori- zontal plane, arm extended, pointing in the new direction Assemble: Raise the arm vertically to its full extent and describe horizontal circles. SECTION XI THE SCOUT AIDE Introduction. The six following subjects, Home Economics, Child Care, First Aid, Home Nursing, Public Health, and Per- sonal Health are grouped together, and for proficiency in all of them a special badge called “Scout Aide” is awarded. This badge will probably be regarded by the outside world as the most important decoration the Girl Scouts can win, and all Scouts who will try for it should realize that those who wear it will represent the organization in a very special sense and will be eager to prove their practical knowledge and ability in the important subjects it stands for. No young child could pretend to represent all this medal stands for. Any grown girl or woman should be proud to own it. Practical knowledge of Personal Health, Public Health and Child Care will add to the efficiency and happiness of this nation, and the women of today have a better chance to control these things than ever before. Home Nursing and First Aid will save lives for the nation in the two great emergencies of illness and accident. Household Economics, the great general business and profession of women, if it is raised to the level of the other great businesses and professions, and managed quickly, efficiently and economically will cease to be re- garded as drudgery and take its real place among the arts and sciences. When the girls of today have learned to do this, the women of tomorrow will be spared the criticism of waste and extravagance that our nation has had to bear. If Girl Scouts make good as far as this medal is concerned and become real “Scout Aides” the Scout reputation is secure. 105 106 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 1. THE HOME MAKER By Sara Louise Arnold Dean Simmons College The Keeper of the House. Every Girl Scout knows that good homes make a country great and good ; so every woman wants to understand home-making. Of course that means “keeping” a house ; and of course that means that Girl Scouts should try for the Housekeeper Merit Badge, the “Home Maker.” Now “making a home” doesn’t mean just having it, owning it and holding its key. It means making it a good place to live in, or helping to make it so. This sounds like the House that Jack built; but all this belongs 4:o the making of a home. Planning Your House. When you plan a house of your own you must think what it needs most. You would choose, first of all, to have abundant air, fresh and clean ; a dry spot where dampness will not stay ; sunshine at some time of day in every room of the house, which you can have if your house faces southeast; and you must be able to get a good supply of pure water. You will want to make your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer, so you will look out for windows, doors and porches. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 107 Think what must be done in a house : eating, sleeping, working, resting, by the whole family. How many rooms must you have? Draw a plan of some house in your neighborhood that seems good to live in. Make up your mind what you like best in that house. Furnishing. Then houses must be furnished with the things that the family needs. The furniture will be for use. You must ask every piece what it is good for. What will you do with it? Could you get along without it? Some things you would use constantly, others once in a while. Which would you get first if you were planning carefully? How much would it cost to furnish the house for which you have drawn the plans : to furnish the kitchen, the living room, the bed rooms? Make a list of the furniture needed (not just wanted ) for each room with the cost of each piece. It is worth while for you to go to look at furniture in stores and to think about buying it. Then you will dis- cover that a piece of furniture that looks well in the store might not look at all well in your house, for furniture must “suit” the house and the room into which it goes. It must “fit,” we say. No other furniture will do. So the Girl Scout will make up her mind what will fit her house; and of course this means also what will fit the family purse. For the keeper of the house must not let into her house one single thing that she cannot afford to buy. She will take pride in that. So when you make a list of furniture— with its price — make sure that everything you choose, suits, or fits, your house. The Cellar. Most houses are built over cellars, for purposes of sanitation, heating and water supply, as well as for storage. The Girl Scout who lives in the country probably knows all about cellars for they are much needed there. 108 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS The city girl may live in an apartment and may never think of a cellar. Look at the cellars of two or three houses. How are they built? Did you plan for one in your house? The cellar should be well ventilated, having light as well as air. Its windows should be screened ; the floor should be dry and if possible made of cement; the walls should be whitewashed. Ashes should be kept in a galvanized iron barrel, to prevent fire. A cellar should be a clean place, corners and all. The Kitchen. The kitchen is a work-shop; it should be sunny and airy. Look out for windows to let in the fresh air and sun- shine. And while you are thinking of windows, be sure that they can open at the top and bottom to let sweetness in, and drive bad odors out. Your kitchen should hold things that are necessary, and nothing else. It should be easy to keep clean, having- painted walls, and the floor should be of hard pine or else covered with linoleum. When a Girl Scout takes care of the kitchen she is in honor bound to keep all the corners clean and to leave no dust nor crumbs of food anywhere about. She will take great pains to keep flies out of the kitchen and so will have her windows screened. A good kitchen is provided with a sink and if possible with running water ; and it must have a good stove, with a place for keeping wood or coal if either is used. The Kitchen Floor. The floor of the kitchen should be made of hard wood. Maple or hard pine will make a good floor. A hard-wood floor can be dressed with shellac or with oil. The wood absorbs this dressing so that water will not soak in. A floor which has been shellacked should be wiped with warm water. Not much water will be needed. The oiled floor can be wiped and dried, then oiled lightly from time to time. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 109 Linoleum or oilcloth may be used to cover an old door. If the floor is rough it should be made even by planing before the linoleum is put down, and the cracks should be filled. If you can’t get linoleum you can paint your floor with a hard floor paint. Be sure to get a paint that dries hard. The linoleum should be frequently washed with warm water and soap and then rinsed carefully before it is dried. The Kitchen Stove. The chief business of the kitchen stove is to provide heat for cooking. It must hold a fire, and so must be made of something which will not burn. Stoves are usually made of iron. Fire will not burn without air, so a place must be arranged to let air into the stove, and just enough to make the fire burn clearly and furnish the right amount of heat. That is what the front dampers or slides are for. The fuel, wood or coal, is held in the fire-box. The heated air makes the top of the stove hot for frying, broiling or boiling, and the oven hot for baking. The smoke and gases from the fire must not come out into the room to blind our eyes or suffocate us ; the chimney is built to take care of the smoke and gases, and there must be a way for them to get into the chimney ; the stove pipe is for this. But the game you have to play with your stove is to let the smoke and gases run up chimney, but to save all the heat you can for the work to be done. So your stove is supplied with dampers. When the fire is new, and there is much smoke or gas, you open the damper into the stove pipe, and in the stove pipe. Try to get a picture of the way the heated air goes from the fire-box up into the chimney. We call this direct draft. Of course a great deal of heat runs away through the chimney, and so your fuel is wasted. Now if you want to save heat, and particularly if you want to bake, and must have a hot oven, you will close the SCOUTING FOR GIRLS oven damper that has made the short easy way into the stovepipe. Then the heated air must find another way to get to the chimney, and it has to go around the oven to do this. While the hot air is finding its way around the oven, it heats it, ready for your baking. We call this the ‘‘in- direct draft.” Look over your kitchen stove and see how this happens. Take off the covers, open every door, and examine every part. Stoves must be carefully managed. The fires must burn readily and the cooking must be done with the least possible amount of wood or coal. This means a clean stove, free from ashes and with a clear draft. Wood or coal will burn freely in the air. They will stop burning if there is no draft. Learn to manage your draft. Remember that stoves are made with a damper, in order to control the current of hot air. If the oven damper is closed this heated air must pass over and around the oven before it gets to the chimney and so heat the oven. If it is open the hot air can immediately escape up the chimney. When starting the fire leave the damper open. As soon as it is burning well, close it so that the oven will be heated. Your stove should also have a damper in the pipe, to save the- heat which would otherwise run up the chimney. If there is none, have one put in. There are also dampers or slides in front of the stove to control the amount of air going in. The housekeeper must learn how to manage her stove ; she must get acquainted with it, for every stove has its own way. Draw a picture or plan of the stove that you know best. See if you can tell plainly how to build a fire in your stove. If you use natural gas or a kerosene stove tell how that should be managed. Gas and Oil Stoves. Cooking may be done on an iron stove with either coal or wood as fuel, or the stove may SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 111 be planned for burning gas or kerosene. The coal fire must be fed several times a day with coal and the ashes must be removed to keep the fire burning clearly. Wood burns out quickly and must be replaced often. Both wood and coal stoves mean almost constant care for the housekeeper. Gas gives less trouble. It comes in pipes from out- side the house. This means that somebody else— the gas company — provides the supply. You turn on the gas when you want to use it and turn it off, if you are wise and thoughtful, the moment it is not needed. The gas company measures the amount of gas that you use by its meter, and you pay for every bit that you burn or waste. The important thing, then, is to use as little gas as possible in order to pay for as little as possible. You would rather pay twenty-five cents for a thrift stamp, than for gas that had burned simply because you had forgotten to turn it off. Be sure that gas is turned completely off at all places and never have a low light burning, as the flame may be blown out and the unburned gas escape. This would be dangerous and might even kill persons in the house. The kerosene stove may be used instead of a gas stove in houses which are not piped for a gas supply. If wicks are used they must be carefully trimmed, so that they will be clean and even. A kerosene stove needs frequent cleaning. It should be kept free from dust and from drippings of oil. The Fireless Cooker When a Girl Scout gets to thinking about all the work to be done in a kitchen she will ask some very important questions. How much work is to be done? How long does it take to do it? Can time be saved by doing it in a better way ? How can I save labor. Save time ? Save money ? 112 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS The Girl Scout will find the answers one at a time, if she does her own work. And if you do your own work you will at once call for a fireless cooker. The name sounds impossible, for you have always cooked with a stove, and, of course, a fire. How can you cook without a fire ? The women of Norway taught us how. When they went out to work in the fields or on the farm they took the hot kettle of soup off the stove and hid it away in a hay box. The hay kept the heat in the kettle instead of letting it escape; so the soup kept on cooking, and when the women came home from their work in the fields there it was, all steaming hot and ready for dinner. Everyone has noticed how some things carry or con- duct heat and other things don’t. That’s why we use a “holder,” when handling a hot dish or stove lifter or tea-pot. The “holder” does not carry the heat to the hand; it keeps it away. So the hay packed around the hot kettle kept the heat in the kettle, refusing to “con- duct” it away. Therefore the soup went on cooking. Your English cousins use a “cosy” to cover the hot tea-pot or coffee pot. This “cosy” is made of quilted cotton; and looks like the quilted hood that your great- grandmother used to have. This keeps the heat in the tea or coffee, so that you can have a second cup for the asking. America was slow to learn from her thrifty cousins, but at last she adopted the fireless cooker; and this is what it does : The fireless cooker, a case packed with some material which refuses to conduct heat, is used to continue the cooking of foods after they have been made hot on the stove. When securely covered in the cooker they will go on cooking for several hours because the heat is retained by the protecting case. A Girl Scout may buy SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 113 a fireless cooker, paying from $5 to $25 tor it, or she may make one, which will cost less than one dollar. Of course this is a challenge to make one. You may be very sure that if you make a fireless cooker you will un- derstand all about it. To make a fireless cooker you will need : (1) A cooker or container , which should be an agate pail with a close fitting cover. No sides should be straight up and down, the bottom just as big as the top. You can choose a small one holding two quarts, or a gal- lon pail which would be large enough for anything an ordinary family would be likely to cook. * ; (2) A case , which must be at least eight inches wider than your container, for the packing must extend at least four inches around the pail on every side. You may use a round case like a big wooden candy pail, which you can usually get at the ten cent store for ten cents ; or it may be a galvanized iron can with a cover like the one ordinarily used for garbage; or it may be a box shaped like a cube. (3) For packing you may use crumpled newspapers tightly packed in ; or ground cork, which is used in pack- ing Malaga grapes, is fine, and you may be able to get it from a fruit store. Excelsior is good, and perhaps you will find that in the shed in some packing case ; while, if you live in the country, you may be able to get Spanish moss. This should be dried, of course. And then there is hay— which our Norwegian cousins use. Let us try paper. Pack the box or can four inches deep, with crumpled paper, making a very even layer. Put a piece of pasteboard much larger than the bottom of your pail upon this layer and set your pail in the middle of it. Now pack the paper tightly around the pail up to the very top, using a stick of wood or mallet to press it down. 114 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Now you must make a cloth cover for your pail in the shape of a tall hat. The rim of the hat must reach out to the edges of your case and be tacked there. Take out your pail, fit this cloth cover into the hole and tack the edge evenly to the box. You must now make a cushion to fill the rest of the box, packing it full of the crumpled paper. Make hinges for the lid of your box and put some sort of fastener on the front to keep the lid down tight. Now you have your fireless cooker. When your oat- meal or your stew, or your chicken, or your vegetables have boiled ten or fifteen minutes on the stove in your agate pail, clap on its cover, set it into the nest, push the cushion into the top of the cooker, clamp down the lid, and your work is done, for the cooking will go merrily on all alone by itself in your fireless cooker. While you are making your fireless cooker, remember that the thermos bottle is made on the same principle. And remember, too, that your non-conducting packing material will keep heat out just as well as it keeps heat in. In the summer time you may wish to keep your ice cream cold for a while in your fireless cooker. Perhaps you will see how this might help in a hot summer’s day and what a comfort a fireless cooker might prove in a sick room. The Ice Chest. How It Is Made In taking care of food we must be provided with a cool place, for the storage of milk, butter, cream, and all cooked food that may spoil. In summer this is especially important; in an apartment, and in most city houses the ice chest is needed all the year around; in the country, it is needed only in the warm months. The ice chest is built much as the fireless cooker is made. Its case is usually made of wood, its packing material must be non-conducting, and its lining must be SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 115 some smooth surface through which water cannot pass. Some ice chests are lined with zinc and some with porce- lain tiles. In some ice chests, food and ice are kept in the same box, which usually opens at the top ; in other chests there is a separate chamber for the ice. From the ice chamber a drain pipe carries away the water which drips from the melting ice. Every ice chest must be kept clean and sweet. It should be looked over every day and washed carefully at least once a week. No crumbs of food should be left on the shelves. If you spill anything, wipe it up clean at once. The drain pipe must be kept clean. A long wire brush is used for this. If you are buying an ice box, get one with removable pipes, which are easily cleaned. If there is any odor from the chest, scald with water and soda, a teaspoonful of soda to a quart of water. Rinse with fresh cold water. If your ice chest drips into a pan which must be emptied daily, have a regular time for emptying it. An overflowing pan in an apartment may damage the ceiling below. If it drips into a pan which drains itself, be sure that the drain is kept clean and the entrance to the pipe unclogged. Clean the drip pan whenever you clean the ice chest. It is a good plan to keep food in closed containers like fruit jars. Wide dishes take up too much space. Con- tainers should be tall rather than broad. Put no hot dishes in the ice box ; it wastes the ice. The Iceless Refrigerator An “iceless refrigerator” sounds like a “fireless cooker/5 This is an arrangement made to keep food cool in the summer when there is no ice. A wooden cage with shelves is covered with a cloth cover and placed near a 116 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS window or out of doors. If in the house it should stand in a large pan to prevent the dripping of water on the shelf or floor. A piece of the cloth cover should rest in a pan of water. If this is not convenient a strip of cloth can be sewed to the cover endwise and this piece should be placed, in a pan or bowl of water which should be set on top of the cage. This water will be sucked throughout the cloth cover of the refrigerator until it is wholly wet. As the water evaporates from the cover the air inside the refrigerator is cooled. The iceless refrigerator works well on days when dry air is moving about. It does not do well on damp, quiet days. Another simple refrigerator which does very well for a little milk or a pat of butter is a clean, earthen flower pot, turned upside down in a shallow pan of water. This will keep very cool the food which it covers. The Kitchen Sink Next to the stove, the sink is the most important piece of kitchen furniture. The best sinks are of enamel or are made of porce- lain. They have a fine wire drainer so that nothing solid will go into the trap and plug the pipes. The Girl Scout uses boiling water, and plenty of it, to flush the sink. She takes pains that no grease gets into the drain to harden there. When grease is accidentally collected, soda and hot water will wash it away, but it should never collect in the pipes. The Keeper of the House takes pride in a perfectly clean sink. Taking Care of the House and the Things in It Taking care of a house and its furniture means keep- ing the house clean, neat, and orderly, and keeping every- SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 117 thing in good repair. This means a great deal of thought on the part of the Keeper of the House. For there are many sorts of work to be done, and there is a right way of doing every bit of it. By paying attention a Girl Scout may learn very fast, and become very helpful and competent. First, there’s the Dish Washing. Dish Washing In making ready for dish washing scrape every plate carefully to remove crumbs that would get into the dish water. Try using crumpled tissue paper to remove milk, grease, or crumbs before the dishes are put into the pan. Save tissue paper, and paper napkins for this. Pile in separate piles, all dishes of each sort; wash first glass, then silver, then cups, saucers, plates, then the rest; do not put bone, ivory or wooden handles of knives into the water. Use hot water and soap for dish washing, then rinse with clean hot water. Dish towels should be cleansed after every dish wash- ing; wash clean in hot soapy water, then rinse all the soap away in clean water. Cooking utensils should soak in cold water until time for dish washing, unless they can be washed as soon as used. Use a tray for carrying dishes to the closet or pantry instead of traveling with a handful back and forth. Strain the dish water before pouring it down the sink. Be sure that no greasy water is put into the sink. Let the grease rise and cool ; skim it off and dispose of it after the dishes are washed. Taking Care of Rooms Keeping a house in order means having everything in its place in every room. It means sweet, fresh air in every room ; it means removal of dust and litter. A good housekeeper “tidies” her rooms as she goes along, always 118 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS picking up anything that is out of place and putting it where it belongs. But she also has an order for doing things. Perhaps she sweeps the entire house every day or every other day, or perhaps she puts one room in order on one day and another on another and so on. The important thing is to have a regular plan. The Living Room Taking care of a living room means cleaning the floor and the rugs ; dusting the walls, the pictures ; cleaning, dusting, and sometimes polishing the furniture. Open the windows top and bottom, dust and brush them inside and out; use a soft brush or a dust mop to take the dust from the floor. Use a carpet sweeper for the rugs unless you have electricity and can use a vacuum cleaner ; collect the sweepings and burn them. Dampen one quarter of your cheese-cloth duster and roll it inside the rest of the duster, then wring. This makes a dampish cloth for dusting the base-boards, win- dow sills, and other woodwork as well as the furniture. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 119 Where the furniture is highly polished, or would be in- jured by water, use oil on the duster instead. Dust after the dust has settled, not when it has been stirred into the air. Shake and replace doilies or covers. Be sure that the pictures hang straight after dusting and that every piece of furniture is put in its right place. See how long it takes to clean the room ; then study to find out how the time can be shortened. Do not keep useless furniture nor have too many things in your room. The Bathroom and the bath tub require daily cleans- ing. In the ordinary family every one who uses the tub should leave it perfectly clean for the next one who needs it. All the furnishings of the bathroom should be kept sweet and clean. Use a flush closet brush daily, scalding it after using it. And remember that fresh air and sun- shine are cleansing agents. Get them to work for you. The Bedroom . Your bedroom needs all the fresh air it can get. The Girl Scout sleeps with her windows open. As soon as you have dressed in the morning throw the windows wide open again, if they have been closed. Open the bed, so that both sheets may be reached by the fresh air. Shake up your pillows and put them on a chair near the window. Leave your night clothing spread or hung where it will be well aired. Let your room have a fresh air bath ! You know already how to make a bed. You will re- member that all the bedclothing must be smooth and even, when the bed is made. You are lucky if you have a sister to help you make your bed, for this piece Of work is easier for two than for one. You will see that the mattress is lying straight. Once a week you (the two of you) will turn the mattress, end over end one week, and side over side the next week. Then your mattress will wear evenly, and not have a hollow in the middle where 120 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS you sleep all the time. Then you two will lay the mat- tress cover straight, and tuck it in firmly, so that you will have no hard wrinkles to sleep on. The under sheet, smooth and straight, must be tucked in all around. You will make that bed as smooth as the table. Now the itpper sheet, which is the hardest thing to manage in bed-making, must be neatly tucked in at the foot. But you must allow eight inches at the top to be turned over the blankets and spread. Now the blankets, straight and smooth, and evenly tucked in at the foot. Then you may choose be- tween tucking in the sides after folding the top sheet down over the blankets, and afterwards covering the whole bed with the spread, letting the sides and ends hang down ; and laying the spread even with the blankets, tucking in the sides, and turning down the sheet over all. Try both ways. Now, shake and pat the pillows, making them very smooth and quite square-cornered ; then lay them or stand them neatly at the head of the bed, meeting exactly in the middle ; and your bed is fit for a queen, or a tired Girl Scout after a tramp ! With the bed neatly made, everything must be put in its proper place. The furniture and window sills must be dusted with a clean cheese-cloth duster ; and the bare floors must be nicely dusted with a dry floor-mop, or a cloth pinned over a broom. If there are rugs, use a carpet sweeper, if you have one, or a broom. If you do any broom sweeping, however, you will do it before you dust. Now a last look to see that the room is tidy, every chair in place and the shades even at the windows, and your room is ready for the day. Of course any Girl Scout who wants a Homemaker’s badee will do all these things ; — not guess or suppose how others do them and how long it takes. That is the honest way to learn. So SCOUTING FOR GIRLS find out how long it takes to put your own room in order. There is only one way to find out. Fighting Germs Keeping clean in these days means keeping free from troublesome germs as well as visible dirt. Germs thrive in dampness and darkness. They can be overcome by sunshine. For thorough cleanness, the house needs fresh air and sunshine as well as sweeping and dusting. The Girl Scout must remember to let the fresh air blow through every room in the house every day. She should sleep with her windows open. She is fortunate if she can sleep out of doors. Of course she is in honor bound to have no dark, damp, hidden, dirt-filled corners in any part of her house, not even in shed or cellar. Let in the light and clean out the dirt. Fighting the House Fly and Mosquito House flies carry disease. They breed in filth, human waste, animal droppings, decayed animal or vegetable matter, and are so made that they carry filth wherever they go. Since the fly alights wherever it pleases, it carries dirt from outside and distributes it wherever it chooses. Clean up all heaps of rubbish where flies may breed. Keep your garbage pail absolutely clean. Disinfect out- door water-closets and cover with gravel or slacked lime. Get fly traps to set on your porches. Kill all flies that come into the house, especially the early ones, in the spring. Keep your windows and doors screened. Fight mosquitoes just as you fight flies. Leave no still water even in an old tin can, for the eggs of mos- quitoes are deposited in still water and hatch there. The mosquito, like many other insects, has an intermediate stage between the egg and the grown mosquito. During 122 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS this stage it swims about in quiet water. Mosquitoes in great numbers may be growing in old cans or bottles, rain- filled and hidden away under the bushes in your yard. Watch for such breeding places ; clean up your yard and banish the mosquito. Taking Care of Waste All waste must be carefully disposed of. It should never accumulate in the kitchen ; but the important thing is to have no real waste . See that everything is put to the utmost use. If you live in the couqtry, chickens and pigs will take the parings, the outer leaves of vegetables, etc., and you can bury or burn waste. If you live in the city the garbage man will collect all waste. The garbage can must be kept thoroughly clean. It should be rinsed and scalded whenever it is empty, so that there will be no bad odors about the kitchen. Find out how garbage is taken care of in your town. How can you help to keep your neighborhood clean? What should be done if there is carelessness about garbage? Taking Care of Woolen Things Housekeepers must fight moths as well as flies. The clothes moth loves to lay its eggs in wool. It is very keen in searching out bits of wool and finding a place for its baby to thrive. Unless you have a care it will lay its eggs in your best winter dress which you forgot and left hanging in the hot summer days. When the baby worm pokes its head out of the egg, it begins to feed upon the wool ; and when some cold winter morning you get your dress you will find holes neatly cut where the little worm has gnawed, and be- side the holes the little woven cradle which the tiny creature spun for itself, and in which the crawling worm changed to the flying, silvery moth. The housekeeper must therefore, carefully brush and SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 123 pack away all woolen things before the moths arrive. After the garment is cleansed and brushed it may be folded in newspapers carefully pinned at the ends, s# that no crack is left for the moth to get in, or it may be laid in a cedar box; or in any plain box with moth balls or camphor. Every box should be labelled so that you know without opening it what is in it. Watch edges of carpets and rugs for the carpet beetle and the “Buffalo bu g.” The last bothersome creature may eat your cotton dresses in your closet. All clothing must have care. Make a list of the woolen things that must be taken care of if the house is closed in summer and what per- sonal clothing must be packed away for the summer even if the house is not closed. Storage of Food Taking care of food so that it will “keep’" well is just as important as the careful buying of food. Much waste, and therefore loss of money and labor, comes from carelessness in the storage of food. The bright Girl Scout will keep her eyes open to see how foods are taken care of in the house; which foods must be kept in the cellar; which ones must be stored on the shelves of dry closets ; which ones come in sealed parcels ; which in paper bags ; which in boxes ; which in barrels. There must be a place in the house for keeping all these things. So you need to think which foods must be kept in the house and which must be bought from day to day. And in the house which you plan there must be ample space for closets and shelves, for keeping properly all that must be stored. No one can say which things must be kept in the house by every family. If the Girl Scout happens to live in a crowded city where rents are high, she will have little storage space, and will not keep so many things on hand. If she lives in the country, miles from a store, she 124 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS must have a “store” of her own. So keep your eyes open, Girl Scout, and see what is being done in your part of the world. That is what eyes are made for. Heating the House A house may be heated by a furnace, by stoves, or even by open fires in the fireplace, as in old days. Heat- ing the house makes the chimney necessary. This must be carefully arranged for in planning your house. Heat- ing by stoves is the most common arrangement. In the large city or town, the furnace is used. This is merely a big stove in the cellar or basement, so planned that its heat is distributed through the house. By this means one big stove does the work of many little ones, and warms the whole house. The furnace may use its heat to turn water into hot steam, which is sent through all the house through the iron pipes and radiators. Or the water in the boiler may be made quite hot, though not turned into steam, and sent through the house in the same way, by means of pipes. Or hot air from around this big stove or furnace may be sent through big pipes directly to the various rooms. This means dust and dirt, and we are learning to use steam and hot water instead of the hot air system. The fireplace is almost a luxury. It is found oftenest in country houses where wood can be easily got and stored. The town or city home may have its open fire, however. Everyone loves an open fire ; and when you plan your own house, you must manage to get one if you can. The hearth is the heart of the house. Labor Saving The housekeeper must learn how to do her work in the least possible time ; she must save steps. Look at the house that you have planned and see whether everything you need to use is within easy reach. Look carefully at SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 125 the closets where you keep things. Are they big enough ? Are they in the right place ? Suppose your water comes from a well which is a long way from the house. What difference will it make? What would you do about it? The Water Supply The water supply of every home should be carefully guarded. If the water is defiled or contaminated by germs of typhoid fever, diphtheria, or other diseases, whose bacteria may be carried by water, the disease may be spread wherever the water is used. No earth closets or human or animal waste should be in the neighborhood of the well. Water should come from high ground and clean places with no possibility of gathering infection on the way to the house. Great pains should be taken to keep drinking water absolutely clean. All drinking vessels should be washed and scalded and the rims should never be handled. In the country every home has a private water supply and takes pains to guard it. In the city there is a common water supply and everyone is responsible for keeping it pure. Where does the water come from that supplies your city or town? How is it kept clean? Who takes care of it? Whenever there is any question about the purity of common drinking water, the table supply should be boiled, for safety. Boiling will destroy any bacteria that could produce disease. This boiled water should be used for rinsing dishes as well as for drinking. Girl Scouts will interest themselves in municipal or neighborhood housekeeping, for that is a responsibility which all share together. Learning to take care of one’s own home is a good beginning, if one is to share in providing good condi- tions for the neighborhood. 126 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Little Things Worth Remembering The stove should be cleaned with crumpled newspaper whenever the kitchen is put in order. All ashes should be neatly brushed off. In lifting ashes from the ash pan with a shovel use a newspaper to cover the pail into which the ashes are poured, so that the dust will not scatter over the room. Don’t dump them and raise dust; and never pnt hot ashes into a wooden box or barrel. Watch the floor of closets and see that no dusty corners are hidden out of sight. Air and dry soiled clothing before putting it in the laundry basket. If damp clothes are hidden away they will mildew. Learn to make out a laundry list and to check it when the laundry comes home. Save soap chips and use in a soap shaker. Get all the help you can from older housekeepers in your neighborhood. Ask them how they do things and why. Your mother may know something better than any- body else does. The Girl Scout asks questions and learns why things are done as they are. She may think out a better way some day, but first she must pay attention to the old way. Sing at your work; it goes better so. Besides, joy belongs with housekeeping and your song helps to keep her there. Always sing if the work drags, but let it be a lively song! Making Things Clean and Keeping Clean Making things clean is a most important duty of the Keeper of the House. But don’t forget, Girl Scout, that keeping things clean is a constant duty. You know many a body who “cleans up” with a lot of stir once in a SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 127 while, but who litters and spills and spreads dirt and lets dust collect in corners all the rest of the time. “Keeping clean” is the housekeeper’s regular business, and “cleaning up” never need stir up the whole house. For keeping clean, soap and water must always be had. The soap loves to wrestle with grease. The water softens and rinses away both dirt and soap You will use a scouring soap or powder to clean stained or dirty metal or glass ; and you should cover water-closets and other out-of-door places for refuse with clean slaked lime now and then to keep them clean. Ten Ways of Removing Stains 1. When you have raspberry or blueberry or straw- berry stains on your white handkerchief or blouse or skirt, do not be too much disturbed. Hold the stained part firmly over an empty bowl, with the spot well in the centre, and ask some one to pour boiling hot water over the spot and into the bowl. The stains will disappear like magic. Then the wet spot may be dried and pressed with a hot iron, and the damage is repaired. 2. Peach stains are much harder to remove, but they should be treated just as the others were treated. Often several applications of hot water are necessary for these stubborn stains. But you must not lose patience. And you must not use soap! The stain will fade out at last under the hot water. 3. Ink stains are a great bother, especially to the school girl who carries a leaky fountain pen. Do not let them get dry. They will be much harder to remove. Sometimes cold water, applied immediately, will re- move the ink, if the spot is rinsed carefully. Use the cold water just as the hot water is used for the peach stain. If that does not remove it try milk. If the milk fails, let the spot soak in sour milk. Sometimes it must 128 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS soak a day or two ; but it will disappear in the end, with rinsing and a little rubbing. 4. Ink stains on a carpet are a serious matter. Let us hope that no Girl Scout will be so unlucky as to upset an ink bottle on a friend’s carpet or rug. If she does, she should know the best way to set about removing it. This should be done as quickly as possible before the ink dries, or “sets.” Take cotton, or soft tissue paper or blotting paper, and absorb all that has not soaked in. You will see that the “sooner” is the “better” in this case. Try not to increase the size of the spot, for you must keep the ink from spreading. Then dip fresh cotton in milk, and carefully sop the spot. Do not use the cotton when it is inky; that will smear the carpet and spread the stain. Use fresh bits of cotton, dipped in clean milk, until the stain has disappeared. Then rinse with clean water in the same way, and dry with dry cotton. 5. The spots made on silk or woolen by acids may be removed by touching with ammonia or baking soda, dis- solved in a little water. The bright yellow spot on a black dress will sometimes run away like lightning when touched by the wet cork of the ammonia bottle. 6. Egg stains on the napkin, or sometimes, unfortu- nately, on a dress front, must be removed before washing. Use cold water alone. The egg will dissolve and can be rinsed out. Hot water will cook the egg and it will be hard to remove. 7. Liquid shoe blacking is almost worse than ink. It must be treated in the same way, and at once. 8. Coffee and tea stains will wash out with either warm water or soap and water. A black coffee stain on a fresh table cloth may be removed like the berry stains, by the teakettle and bowl method. 9. Grease spots may be removed from washable fabrics by soap and water. For silk and woolen, gaso- SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 129 line should be used. Use gasoline in daytime only, to avoid lamps or gas in the neighborhood ; and never near a fire. Use carbona instead of gasoline or benzine when possible, as it cannot burn. Remember that all grease or sugar spots should be removed before putting a woolen garment away. Moths always seek them out, and they will find them if you don’t. 10. Paint can be removed by soaking the spot in tur- pentine. This dissolves it, and a bit of rubbing shakes it out. A brush helps, when the paint spot is on a woolen garment, after the turpentine has done its work. Remember: All spots and stains should be removed before washing the garment. GOOD MANNERS AND SOCIAL FORMS It is easier to meet people socially if we are acquainted with the simple forms of introductions, meeting and part- ing, and so forth. A girl who is entertaining her friends will be more successful in doing so if she plans ahead how she can welcome them, and has all the necessary preparations for a substantial good time, at hand. This planning also makes it possible for her to be less occu- pied when the time comes, and to have a good time her- self. Stand where guests can see you at once when they enter. Always introduce a younger person to an older one, as “Mrs. Smith, may I present Miss Jones, or Mr. Brown?” A man is always presented to a woman, or a girl, as “Miss Brewster, may I present Mr. Duncan?” If you have many guests, ask some of your friends to join you in watching to he sure that no one is left out, so that the evening may be a success for every one. It is sometimes difficult for a hostess to do this alone. If you ask other girls to help you, ask each to do a 130 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS definite thing, as to arrange for wraps, sing or play, pay special attention to some older person, etc. This saves confusion, as the Pine Tree patrol does in camp. A few intimate friends need no plan to make them have a good time, but with a large number it is usually better to plan games, music, charades, or some other form of entertainment. When invited to a house at a certain time, be prompt. Promptness is always a mark of courtesy, as it means consideration for the time and convenience of others. One should also watch carefully the time of leaving, and not stay about unless specially detained. TABLE MANNERS Accept what is offered or placed before you, with a quiet “Thank you.” If you are asked what you prefer, it is proper to name it. Do not drink while food is in the mouth. Take soup quietly from the side of the spoon, dipping it into the plate from instead of towards you, to avoid dripping the soup. Break bread or roll, and spread with butter only the piece which you are about to eat. Use knife only as a divider, the fork to take food to the mouth. Where one can dispense with a knife, and use only the fork to divide the food, do so. When not using either, lay them together across the side of the plate, not resting on the table cloth. A spoon should never be allowed to rest in a tall re- ceptacle such as a cup or glass, as it is likely to overturn the receptacle. Place the spoon on plate or saucer. At close of meal, fold napkin, that table may be left in orderly condition. When napkins are to be washed at once, or when they are paper napkins, they need not be folded. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 131 Do not begin a course until all are served. Sometimes it is better to serve the hostess first, and sometimes it is the custom to serve the guest first, that is the guest of honor who sits on the hostess’ right. When the host or hostess does the serving, the guest is served first. Do not be troubled if you use the wrong spoon or fork, and never call attention to anyone else’s doing so. No matter how you feel, or what the blunder or accident may be, such as spilling something or dropping a plate, never show displeasure to either servant or guest. Good breed- ing and pleasant atmosphere are essential to all enter- tainment. Good breeding means first of all thoughtfulness of others, and nothing shows lack of breeding so quickly as a lack of such politeness to those who happen to be serving us in hotels, at home, in shops, or when travelling, or anywhere else. When acting as waitress, stand at the left of the per- son to be served, so that the portion may be taken with the right hand. Preparing the Meal Plan the cooking so that the food that is to be served may be kept hot; for instance, soup may be kept hot on the back of the stove or where there is less heat, while the meat or vegetables are being cooked. Food that is to be served cold, should be kept in the ice-box or standing in water until the last moment and served in chilled dishes. In placing the food on the dishes and platters care should be taken to make it look attractive. Setting the Table When setting the table keep in mind how many courses there will be, and therefore, how many knives, forks, and spoons are needed. Have everything clean, and lay every- 132 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS thing straight. Air room well. Wipe table, and if a tablecloth is used, cover table with a felt silence cloth. If a tablecloth is used, it should be laid with the fold in the center of the table. If a centerpiece and doilies are used, they should be laid at even distances. Clean white oil cloth and paper napkins make an attractive looking table. At each cover the knife, edge in, is placed at the right with the spoon, and the glass is placed at the right in line with the end of the knife. The fork is at the left and bread and butter plate and small knife are at the left opposite the glass. Put the napkin between the knife and fork. Salt, pepper, water, bread and butter should be on the table, and if necessary, vinegar, mustard, sugar, pickles, etc. When possible a few flowers add to the appearance of the table. Have as much ready as possible before sitting down at the table. See at least that (1), glasses are filled; (2) butter portioned; (3) chairs placed. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 133 Hard and fast rules as to table setting do not exist. Local customs, the amount of service at hand, and com- mon sense must govern this. The captain, assisted by the council, must be the judges. THE GIRL SCOUT COOK By Ula M. Dow, A. M. In charge of Division of Food, Simmons College The Girl Scout who has earned the Cooking Badge may be a great help at home if she has learned to work quickly and neatly and may get much amusement both at home and on camping parties. If the first trial of a process is not a success, the Scout should have patience to try again and again until her result is satisfactory. If she has learned to prepare a few simple dishes well she should have courage to try unfamiliar recipes which are found in any good cook book. If she is to be ready to take responsibility when it is necessary, she should be able to plan the meals in such a way that nothing is wasted and that the family is satisfied and well-nour- ished. When working in the kitchen the Scout should wear a clean, washable dress, or a washable apron which covers her dress. She should be sure that her hair is tidy, and she should remember to wash her hands be- fore beginning work. She should try to use as few dishes as possible and not to spill or spatter. She should remember that her cooking is not finished until she has cleaned up after herself, has washed and put away the dishes, washed the dish towels and left the kitchen in order. What to Have for Breakfast— Breakfast is in most families the simplest meal of the day and the easiest to prepare. Some people are satisfied with fruit, cereal, toast or muffins, coffee for the adults, and milk for 134 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS the children. Many families, however, like the addi- tion of a heartier dish, such as boiled or poached eggs, fish hash, or minced meat on toast. If a hearty dish is served at breakfast this is a good time to use up such left-overs as potato, fish, or meat. Simple Breakfast Apple sauce or sliced peaches. Oatmeal or cornmeal mush. Toast or muffins. Coffee (for adults). Milk (for children). Hearty Breakfast Apple sauce or sliced peaches. Oatmeal or cornmeal mush. Toast or muffins. Coffee (for adults). Milk (for children). Poached eggs or minced lamb on toast. Fruit — Raw fruit should be carefullv washed and prepared in such a way that it can be easily eaten. Berries may be cooked with no other preparation than washing. Fruits, such as apples and pears, should be washed, pared, quartered, and cored before cooking. Any fruit which becomes dark on standing after it is cut may be kept light colored by dropping the pieces into a pan of water until they are ready to be cooked. If this is done most of the water should be drained off before they are cooked. Dried fruits, such as prunes, which have a wrinkled skin should be soaked for a short time in cold water before they are washed. Otherwise it is impossible to get them clean. After washing they should be covered with cold water and soaked over night, or until they are plump. They should be put on to cook in the water in which they are soaked and cooked until tender. Sugar SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 135 should then be added if they are not sweet enough. The most common method of cooking fresh fruit is to boil it gently with just enough water to prevent it from burning. Sugar should be added just before the cooking is finished, the amount depending on the acidity of the fruit and the taste of the family. In sampling food, the cook should remember that the rest of the food is to be eaten by other people. She should never taste from the cooking spoon, but should transfer her sample to a tasting spoon which is not returned to the kettle. Cereal — Cereals, such as oatmeal, cornmeal, and cracked wheat, should be cooked in a double boiler. A double boiler can be improvised by setting a pail or pan into a kettle of boiling water. Cereals for breakfast may be cooked the day before and reheated in the double boiler, but should not be stirred while reheating. A tablespoonful or two of cold water on top will pre- vent a hard skin from forming while standing. All prepared cereals are better if cooked for a longer time than the package directions indicate. It is hardly pos- sible to cook any grain too long. The fireless cooker is especially valuable for cooking cereals, but a longer period of time must be allowed than for cooking in a double boiler. A home-made fireless cooker, described in another place, is interesting to make. Ready-to- serve cereals are very expensive compared with those cooked at home. Cracked wheat, J4 cup 1° 1 CUP water; 3-12 hours. Rolled oats, y2 cup to 1 cup water; y2-Z hours. Cornmeal, 3 tablespoonfuls to 1 cup water; 1-4 hours. Use y2 teaspoonful of salt to each quart of water. Have the water boiling rapidly. Add the cereal gradually. Let the mixture cook directly over the fire 5 minutes. Place over boiling water or in the fireless cooker to 136 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS cook slowly for a long time. Keep covered and do not stir. The time of cooking given in the table means that the cereal is eatable after the shorter time men- tioned, but is better if cooked the longer time. Toast— Good toast is worth knowing how to make. The cook should not be satisfied with toast which is % either white or burned. Toast is most easily made from stale bread, which should be cut in one-third to one-half inch slices. A single slice of toast may be made by holding it over the fire on a fork. In camp a forked stick answers every purpose. The easiest way to make several slices is to put them in a wire toaster and hold them over hot coals. Begin carefully and hold the bread some dis- tance away from the fire, turning it often until it dries. Then hold it nearer the coals until it is a golden brown on both sides. With a new coal fire or wood fire toast must be made on a toaster on the top of the stove to prevent the bread from being smoked. If the top of the stove is being used for other things, the drying may be done in the oven. Muffins — Any good cook book has numerous recipes for muffins, most of which can be made easily if the directions are followed exactly. Cornmeal Muffins (for four persons) : Four tablespoonfuls butter or oleomargarine, 3 table- spoonfuls sugar, 1 egg, 1 cup milk, 1 1-3 cups flour, 2-3 cup cornmeal, 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder. Cream the butter, add the sugar and the egg well beaten. Sift the baking powder with the flour and cornmeal and add to the first mixture, alternating with milk. Bake in buttered muffin pans 25 to 30 minutes. This mixture makes good corn bread if baked in a shal- low buttered pan. Coffee — If the family drink coffee, they will want SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 13/ coffee for breakfast, no matter what other items of the menu may be varied. It should be served only to the grown-up members of the family. Coffee of average strength is made as follows : One-half cup coffee finely ground, 4 cups cold water, 2 eggshells. Mix the coffee, the crushed eggshell, and cupful of cold water in a scalded coffee pot. Add the remain- der of the water and allow the mixture to come gradu- ally to the boiling point. Boil 3 minutes. Draw to the back of the range and keep hot for 5 minutes. Add cupful of cold water and let stand 1 minute to settle. Strain into a heated coffee pot in which the coffee is to be served at the table. A method for making coffee used by the guides in the White Mountains is as. follows: Boil the water in an ordinary pail, remove the pail from the fire, pour the dry coffee gently on the top of the water, cover tightly and move it near the fire where it will keep warm but will not boil again. In about thirty minutes the coffee will have become moistened and sunk to the bottom of the pail. If the coffee is slow in becoming moist, time may be saved by removing the cover for a moment and pressing gently with a spoon on the top of the coffee, but the mixture must not be stirred. It is essential that the water be boiling when the coffee is added, that the cover be absolutely tight, and that the coffee be kept hot without boiling. Half a cup of coffee to four cups of water makes coffee of average strength. Milk — The little children of the family should have whole milk at every meal. The older children should have milk at breakfast and supper time. There is no food so good for children who want to be well and strong. A part of the family supply of milk is some- 138 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS times skimmed to give cream for use in coffee and on desserts. The cream contains most of the fat in the milk, but the skimmed milk which is left is still a very valuable food, containing the substances which make muscle and bone, and every bit of it should be used in the cooking or for making cottage cheese. The waste of milk is the worst possible extravagance. Eggs — Eggs may be prepared in countless ways, and the ambitious cook will find much amusement in trying some of the suggestions in the cook books. Eggs are an entirely satisfactory substitute for meat and fish, and are therefore often served for the main dish at dinner or supper. Many people like an egg every morn- ing for breakfast, but this is a rather extravagant habit. If eggs are served for breakfast they are usually cooked in the shell, poached or scrambled. The men of the family sometimes prefer their eggs fried, but this is not a good method for the children. Only fresh eggs can be poached successfully, so that this is a good test for freshness. Poached Eggs — Oil the skillet and fill it within a half inch of the top with water. Break each egg into a saucer and let the water boil after the egg is placed in it. The egg is done when the white is jelly-like and a slight film is formed over the yolk. Remove the egg with a griddle cake turner to a piece of buttered toast. Sprinkle light- ly with salt. If the eggs are not absolutely fresh, the white will scatter in the water. If the first egg to be cooked shows this tendency oiled muffin rings may be put in the pan to keep the rest of them in shape. Soft Boiled Eggs — A soft boiled egg has much the same consistency as a poached egg. It is easier to man- age because the shell is unbroken, but it is harder to get it of just the right consistency because the contents of the egg are invisible. Most people are very partic- SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 135 ular to have the egg just hard or soft enough to suit them, and it is necessary for the cook to practice to be sure of uniform results. Drop the eggs carefully into a kettle of boiling water, draw the kettle back on the stove so that the water does not boil again and (for a soft egg) allow the eggs to remain for five minutes. If the eggs are very cold they should remain longer. Use of Left-overs for Breakfast — If the family like a hearty breakfast this is a good meal at which to use bits of left-over meat which might otherwise be wasted. Meat may be chopped or ground, reheated in the gravy which was served with it, and served on toast. Lamb is especially good minced on toast. To make hash mix equal quantities of meat and chopped potato and brown nicely in a greased frying pan. Such mixtures should be tasted to make sure that they are salt enough. Some people like a very small amount of onion with any of these made-over meat dishes. DINNER What to Have for Dinner — If all the members of the family are at home at noontime it is usually more convenient to have dinner then, but if members of the family are away or hurried at noontime it may be bet- ter to have dinner at night. Dinner may consist of several courses, but if the mother or the daughter of the family prepares the meal, the family is usually per- fectly satisfied with two courses. The main course of a simple family dinner consists of meat, fish, eggs or a cheese dish served with potato, rice or macaroni, and a vegetable such as string beans, green peas, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes or corn. If the family like salad, the vegetables are often served as a salad. This is a very good way to use up small amounts of vegetables which are left from the day before. Often 140 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS little remainders of two or more vegetables may be very attractively combined in this way. Some families like hot bread at dinner, and hot breads, such as baking powder biscuit (described under sup- per), or corn bread (described under breakfast), are particularly good with some combinations. Examples are baking powder biscuit with meat stew or fricas- seed chicken and corn bread with bacon and eggs or ham. If fish is served in a chowder, buttered and toasted crackers are usually served. An occasional chowder for dinner is an excellent way to use up any surplus of skimmed milk which may be on hand. The kind of dessert served at dinner, besides depend- ing on the taste of the family, depends on the amount of money which is spent for food and whether there are young children in the family. Pie and ice cream, which are favorite desserts in many families, are ex- pensive. Little children should not have desserts which contain a good deal of fat, such as pie or doughnuts, or which are the least bit soggy, as some steamed puddings are inclined to be. The most economical desserts and those best suited to the children are baked puddings made with milk and cereal, such as Indian pudding, rice pudding, and those made with cereal * and fruit, such as Apple Betty or peach tapioca. If there is skimmed milk on hand the possibility of using it in a milk pudding should be considered. Chocolate bread pudding and Apple Betty make a very attractive use of left-over bread. Dessert should always be chosen with reference to the heartiness of the first course. A main dish which is not very filling can be balanced by a more substantial dessert. Simple Dinners: 1. Hamburg steak. Baked potato. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 141 Squash or baked tomatoes. Apple Betty. 2. Roast chicken or roast lamb with dressing and currant jelly. Mashed potato and gravy. Peas or string beans. Orange jelly and whipped cream. Meat — The best way to learn about cuts of meat is to go often to market and talk to the butcher whenever he has a minute to spare. Some cuts of meat are tough with coarse fibers and much connective tissue. They should be ground if, like Hamburg steak, they are to be cooked by a short process, such as broiling. If not ground, the tougher meats are usually cooked a long time with water and made into a stew, a pot roast, a meat pie, or a meat loaf. These cuts are cheaper, but require more care in preparation than the more expen- sive cuts. Examples are the bottom of the round, the shin, and the flank of beef. The more expensive cuts, such the top of the round, tenderloin and sirloin, are more tender, more delicately flavored, and are used for broiling and roasting. Some cuts which seem inexpen- sive really cost more than they appear because they contain large amounts of bone or waste fat. The dif- ference between lamb and mutton is a question of the age at which the animal was slaughtered. Lamb is much more tender than mutton, is more delicately flavored and more expensive. There is a similar dif- ference between chicken and fowl. Fowl is much tough- er than chicken and requires careful and long cooking to make it tender. Pan Broiled Hamburg Steak — Hamburg steak may be bought already ground at the butcher’s, or one of the cheap cuts of beef, such as bottom of the round or shin, may be bought and ground at home. Many people 142 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS like a little salt pork or onion ground with the meat. Make the meat into small, flat cakes and cook in a smoking hot frying pan which has been thoroughly rubbed over with a piece of fat. When one side is seared over nicely turn the cakes (a griddle cake turner or spatula is helpful) and broil on the other side. Place on a hot platter, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dot with bits of butter and garnish with a little parsley or watercress. A rump or sirloin steak may be broiled in a hot frying pan in a similar way. Wipe and trim the steak, place in a smoking hot frying pan and sear both sides. Re- duce the heat and turn the steak occasionally (about every 2 minutes) until it is cooked, allowing 8 minutes for a rare steak, 10 minutes for medium cooked steak, and 12 minutes for well done steak, for a steak 1 inch thick. Avoid puncturing the meat with a fork while cooking. Many people prefer to broil a steak on a broiler. This is practical with gas or electricity or over a wood or coal fire which is reduced to clear coals Without smoke or flame. It is very difficult indeed to cook Hamburg steak on a broiler. Lamb chops may be broiled in either way. Roast Leg of Lamb - — Wash the leg of lamb, place it on the rack in a roasting pan and put in a hot oven with the roaster uncovered. When the roast is well seared (15 to 30 minute), draw from the oven, sprinkle with salt, pour a little water into the pan, and put on the cover. Finish cooking at a lowered temperature, allowing 20 or 25 minutes for each pound. A dripping pan may be used in place of a roaster, using a pan of similar size for a cover. A rack may be improvised from a broiler, a toaster or a cake rack. Beef is roasted in the same way, but is usually cooked SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 143 for a shorter time (15 to 20 minutes for each pound). Beef Stew (for four) : 2)4 pounds beef shoulder or shin. 2 cups diced potato. 1-3 cup turnip cut in half inch cubes. 1-3 cup carrot cut in half inch cubes, onion chopped. 2 tablespoons flour. Salt and pepper. Wash the meat, remove from the bone and fat and cut in iy2 inch cubes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and dredge with flour. Sear the pieces of meat in the frying pan in the fat cooked out from the trimmings of fat. Put the meat in a kettle, and rinse the frying pan with boiling water, so that none of the juices will be lost. Add the bone, cover with boiling water and boil five minutes. Lower the temperature and cook un- til the meat is tender (about three hours.) Add the carrots, turnips, onions, pepper and salt in an hour, and the potato in 15 minutes before the steak is to be served. Remove the bone and any large pieces of fat. Stir two tablespoons of flour to a smooth paste with a little water and thicken the stew. Such a stew may also be made with lamb, mutton, or veal, using other vegetables as desired. Celery and onion are better than turnip and carrot with veal. Chicken — If a chicken is purchased at the market it is usually delivered dressed. This means that the head has been cut off, the entrails removed, and the coarser pinfeathers pulled out. Many times, however, it is necessary to know how to do this oneself. To Dress and Clean a Chicken — Cut off the head and draw out the pinfeathers. Remove hair and down by holding the fowl over a flame (a gas flame, an alcohol flame, or a piece of paper flaming in the wood or coal 144 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS ( j range), constantly changing the position until all parts of the surface have been exposed to the flame. Cut off the feet. Wash the fowl thoroughly, using a small brush, in water to which a little soda has been added. Rinse and dry. Make a slit down the back of the neck. Remove the crop and windpipe. Draw down the neck skin long enough to fasten under the back. Make a straight cut from ^4 inch below the tip of the breast- bone to the vent. Cut around the vent. Slip fingers in carefully around and fully loosen the entrails. Care- fully draw out the entrails. The lungs, lying in the cavities under the breast, and the kidneys, in the hol- low near the end of the backbone, must be taken out separately. Remove the oil sack and wash the chicken by allowing cold water to run through it. To clean giblets (the gizzard, the heart, and the liver) proceed as follows : Separate the gall bladder from the liver, cutting off any portion of the liver that may have a greenish tinge. Remove the thin membrane, the arteries, the veins and the clotted blood around the heart. Cut the fat and the membranes from the giz- zard. Make a gash through the thickest part of the gizzard as far as the inner lining, being careful not to pierce it. Remove the inner sack and discard. Wash the gizzard carefully and boil in water to use for giblet sauce. If the chicken comes from the market dressed it should be washed carefully and any pinfeathers re- moved which were overlooked by the market man. To Staff , Truss and Roast a Chicken — When the chicken is clean and prepared as directed, fill it with stuffing (described later), a little in the opening at the neck, the rest in the body cavity. Sew up the opening with a few long stitches. Draw the skin of the neck smoothly down and under the back, press the wings SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 145 close against the body and fold the pinions under, so that they will cross the back and hold down the skin of the neck. Press the legs close to the body. Thread the trussing needle with white twine, using it double. Press the needle through the wing at the middle joint, pass it through the skin of the neck and back, and out again at the middle joint of the other wing. Return the needle through the bend of the leg at the second joint, through the body, and out at the same point on the other side; draw the cord tight and tie it with the end at the wing joint. Thread the needle again and run it through the legs and body at the thigh bone and back at the ends of the drumsticks. Draw the drumstick bones close together, covering the open- ing made for drawing the chicken and tie the ends. Have both knots on the same side of the chicken. When cooked, cut the cord on the opposite side and draw out by the knots. Lay the stuffed and trussed chicken on its back on a rack in a roasting pan. Lay a strip of salt pork on breast. Place in a hot oven until the chicken begins to brown, then lower the temperature and cook the chicken until very tender. Baste often with the drip- pings in the pan. From 3 to 4 hours will be required for a five-pound chicken. If a fowl is used it should be steamed for 3 or 4 hours and then roasted for J4 hour. Stuffing — For a large chicken mix thoroughly 4 cups of finely broken stale bread, \y2 teaspoon of salt, J/g teaspoon of pepper, 1 teaspoon of poultry dressing and 4 tablespoons of fat. Pour over the mixture hot milk *or water, stirring lightly until the mixture is moist. Giblet Gravy — If the chicken was properly roasted the drippings in the pan should be nicely browned, but not burned. Make a gravy from these drippings and 146 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS the water in which the giblets were boiled. To do this pour the water into the pan, set the pan over the fire and stir until the contents of the pan are dissolved. Thicken with a smooth paste of flour and water, using two tablespoons of flour for every cup of liquid. Boil until the flour tastes cooked. Strain. Add the giblets cut in small pieces. Vegetables — All vegetables should be clean, crisp and firm when ready for cooking. Vegetables are pre- pared and cooked in a variety of ways, but almost all vegetables should be carefully washed as the first process. It is convenient to keep a small brush for washing the vegetables, like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and beets, which must be scrubbed to get them clean. Vegetables which are to be eaten raw, such as lettuce and celery, should be washed with special care, wrapped in a clean, wet cloth and put in the ice box to keep them crisp. Baked Potato — Select smooth potatoes of even size. Scrub them carefully and bake them in a hot oven. The time required is from 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the potatoes and the temperature of the oven. When the potatoes are done, slash each one with a knife to let the steam escape, and serve immediately. Mashed Potato — Wash the potatoes, pare, cover with boiling salted water (1 level teaspoon of salt to a pint of water), and cook until tender (30 to 45 minutes). Drain off the water and return to the fire a moment to dry. Mash the potatoes, add butter, salt, pepper and hot milk, and beat vigorously until light and creamy. For three cups of potato use 2 tablespoons of butter and 4 tablespoons of hot milk. Pile lightly in a hoft dish and serve immediately. Steamed Squash — Wash and cut in one-inch slices. Steam until tender, scrape from the shell, mash thor- SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 147 oughly, season with salt, pepper and butter, and serve. String Beans — Snap the ends from the beans, remove any strings, cut into short pieces, wash, cover with boil- ing salted water (1 level teaspoon to a pint) and cook until tender. The time required will vary from one hour to three hours, depending on the age and kind of bean. Drain the beans, season with salt and butter, and serve. Canned string beans should be rinsed, reheated in as little water as possible, drained, and seasoned. Baked Tomatoes — Select smooth tomatoes* otf even size. Wash the tomatoes, remove the thin slice from the stem end and remove a spoonful of pulp. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and scraped onion, fill the cavity with buttered crumbs, place in a pan (preferably one which can be used as a serving dish at the table), and bake in a moderate oven until the tomatoes are tender. Serve in the dish in which they were cooked or remove them carefully to the platter on which the Hamburg steak is being served, arranging them in a ring around the meat. i The buttered crumbs are prepared by melting a table- spoon of butter or oleomargarine and stirring in six tablespoonfuls of dry .bread crumbs. Desserts — Most desserts are easy to make if the directions given in the cook books are followed exactly. Many people take pride in making beautiful cake or pie, who are careless about making good toast or bak- ing a potato well. Apple Betty — Prepare well sWeetened apple sauce and thin slices of lightly buttered bread cut in small triangles. Fill a shallow baking dish with alternate layers of apple sauce and toast, beginning with apple sauce and ending with toast. Sprinkle lightly with 148 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS ) sugar and cinnamon and heat in the oven. Serve with cream. Orange Jelly — Swell 1*4 tablespoons of powdered gelatin in a half cupful of cold water. Mix 1 cupful of orange juice, cupful of lemon juice, }4 cupful of sugar and 1^4 cupfuls of boiling water. Add the gela- tin and stir carefully until it is dissolved. Strain into a wet mould and chill until the jelly is firm. Unmould the jelly and serve with whipped cream or a custard sauce. To unmould the jelly, run the point of a knife around the edge of the mould, dip the mould quickly in warm water, place an inverted serving plate on top of the mould, turn both over and lift the mould care- fully. SUPPER OR LUNCH What To Have for Supper. — Supper shows more variation between families than other meals of the day. Some men insist upon meat, even though meat is served for their dinner, but this is rather extravagant unless there is left-over meat which should be used. Hash and minced lamb on toast, which were suggested for the hearty breakfast, would be equally well liked by most families for supper. Many families prefer for supper some milk dish such as macaroni and cheese or a cream soup served with either stewed or fresh fruit or followed by a fruit or vegetable salad. Hot rolls or baking powder biscuits are a very attractive substitute for plain bread if someone has time to make them at the last minute. If the mother and daughter do all the work of the family, they usually like to have on hand cookies or cake, which can be used for supper rather than to have to prepare some special dessert. Cold meat has the advantage that it is ready to serve with little preparation, but many other dishes such as the macaroni and cheese and the creamed soup, suggested in the menus, may be made SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 149 when dinner is being prepared and simply reheated for supper. A hot drink at night usually seems desirable except on hot days in the summer. If tea is served for adults, the children should have cocoa or milk. If dinner is served at night, luncheon is served in the middle of the day. The suggestions made in regard to supper apply equally well to luncheon. Little children should have their hearty meal in the middle of the day and a light meal at night no matter what arrangement of meals the rest of the family may have. Simple Suppers 1. Macaroni and cheese or cold meat Stewed or fresh fruit Cookies Bread and butter Tea (for adults) Milk or cocoa (for children). 2. Cream of potato soup Vegetable or fruit salad Baking powder biscuit Tea (for adults) Milk or cocoa (for children). Macaroni and Cheese — For macaroni and cheese the macaroni must be cooked and white sauce prepared. Break three-quarters of a cup of macaroni in inch pieces and cook in two quarts of boiling water to which a table- spoon of salt has been added. The water must be boil- ing rapidly when the macaroni is added and must be kept boiling constantly. When the macaroni is tender, drain it in a strainer and run enough cold water through it to prevent the pieces from sticking together. To prepare the sauce, melt two tablespoons of butter or oleomar- garine in the top of a double boiler, stir in two tablespoons 150 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS of flour and a half teaspoon of salt and pour over the mixture a cup and a half of cold milk. Cook this mix- ture directly over the heat, stirring constantly until it begins to thicken. Then place the dish over the lower part of the double boiler, containing boiling water, and let it continue cooking for fifteen minutes. Put a layer of the boiled macaroni in a buttered baking dish and sprinkle with cheese, either grated or cut into small pieces. Pour on a layer of the sauce. Follow this by layers of macaroni, cheese and sauce until the dish is full. Cover with buttered crumbs and bake until the crumbs are brown. To make the buttered crumbs, melt one tablespoon of butter or oleomargarine and stir in six tablespoons of crumbs. * The macaroni and cheese may be prepared in the morn- ing if desired and baked at supper time in a moderate oven. It should be left in the oven long enough to be- come thoroughly hot. If there are little children in the family a dish of creamed macaroni should be made for them without the cheese. Cream of Potato Soup — 3 potatoes 1 y2 teaspoons salt 1 quart milk teaspoon celery salt 2 slices of onion 34 teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons flour 2 tbsp. butter or oleomargerine Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water. When soft rub through a sieve. Scald the milk with the onion in a double boiler, remove the onion, unless the family likes it left in, add the salt, celery salt and pepper. Melt the butter in a small sauce pan, stir the flour into it and then add this mixture to the hot milk, stirring briskly. Cook for ten minutes over boiling water in the double boiler. A good creamed soup may be made from almost any vegetable, substituting vegetable pulp for the potato. Celery soup and corn soup are very good With these SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 151 and most other vegetables, the celery salt should be omitted. Onion salt is very useful. Creamed soups are very good made from skimmed milk if there is a supply in the house which should be used. Salad — The pleasure in a salad is in its crispness, at- tractiveness of arrangement, and pleasant combination of flavors. A salad may be arranged in a large dish and served at the table if it is the chief dish of the meal, such as chicken salad or fish salad, but it is usually arranged in individual portions and made to look as dainty and pretty as possible. All fresh vegetables and fruits used should be crisp and cold and thoroughly washed. Canned or leftover vegetables or fruit may often be used. To wash lettuce. — Handle delicately. Remove leaf by leaf from the stalk, examining for insects. Pass the leaves backwards and forwards through clean water un- til all sand is removed. Fold in a wet cloth and keep in the ice-box until it is used. The lettuce leaves should be dried when they are used. French Dressing. — Mix 24 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tea- spoon of salt and *4 teaspoon of paprika. Add oil and vinegar alternately, beating constantly with a fork until 5 tablespoons of vinegar and 10 tablespoons of oil have been used. A quick way to make French dressing is to mix all the ingredients in a bottle with a tightly fitting stopper and shake vigorously until the ingredients are blended. Some persons prefer less vinegar, and reduce the amount to 2*4 tablespoons vinegar to 10 of oil. Cooked Salad Dressing . — J4 tablespoon sugar J4 tablespoon flour }4 tablespoon butter % teaspoon mustard 1 egg yolk J4 teaspoon salt *4 cup vinegar Dash of red pepper. 152 SCOUTIMG FOR GIRLS Heat the vinegar in the upper part of double boiler over direct heat. Sift the flour, mustard, salt and pepper thoroughly. Pour the boiling vinegar gradually upon the mixture, stirring constantly. Return to the upper part of the double boiler and cook over hot water until the mixture thickens, stirring constantly. Add the butter and remove from the fire. Chill before using. Mayonnaise . — 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons lemon juice or 2 tablespoons vinegar y2 teaspoon mustard 2/3 teaspoon salt Dash of cayenne pepper. 2/3 cup of oil (olive oil, cotton seed oil or other edible oil). Have the ingredients chilled. Place the mixing bowl in crushed ice. Mix the egg yolk, mustard, salt and cayenne pepper. Add a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice, then a .teaspoon of oil, drop by drop, until all the ingredients are used. Constant beating is necessary throughout. Fruit and Vegetable Salads. — Good combinations for salad are (1) potato and beet, (2) carrot and green peas, (3) tomato and celery, (4) asparagus and pimento. Com- binations of fruit and vegetables are, (1) apple and celery, (2) orange and green pepper. Combinations of different kinds of fruit and nuts or cheese are especially good. Examples are, (1) pineapple and orange, (2) white cherries stuffed with nuts, (3) banana rolled in chopped nuts or (4) half pears (cooked or raw) with a ball of cream cheese and chopped nuts in the cavity made by the removal of the core. Magazines which devote a page to cooking usually have in their summer numbers pictures of salads from which suggestions tin regard to arrangement may be taken. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 153 Baking Powder Biscuit. — 2 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons shortening y to 1 cup milk or milk and water. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt, twice. Put in the shortening, then add the milk gradually, mixing with a knife. The dough should be as soft as can be handled without sticking. Turn onto a lightly floured board, roll lightly y inch thick and cut with a floured cutter. Bake in a hot oven 12 or 15 minutes. Tea. — People who like tea have very decided ideas about how strong it should be and how long it should be steeped. The following gives tea of moderate strength. Scald the teapot and put in 4 teaspoonfuls of tea leaves. Pour over them four cups of boiling water, cover and steep 3 minutes. Strain into a tea pot and serve at once. Cocoa— The children of the family should never have tea. On a cold night cocoa is a very pleasant variant from the usual glass of milk. Mix 4 tablespoons of cocoa with 3 tablespoons of sugar and a little salt. Add 1 cup of boiling water and cook until the mixture is smooth and glossy. Add a quart of milk and heat to boiling. This may be done more safely in a double boiler. Just before serving beat with an egg beater. General Suggestions If the Girl Scout who is preparing for her ex- amination will look back over the menus which have been suggested, she will notice that milk is emphasized. It is absolutely essential that the children in the family shall have milk. If the family do not like milk to drink. 154 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS it should be remembered that every bit which is used in cooking serves the same purpose as if it were taken from a glass, but little children do not ordinarily get enough milk unless they drink some. Fruit should be served at least once a day and better twice, and some vegetable other than potato should be not only served but eaten by the family. Children who are not taught to like vege- tables when they are little sometimes never learn to like them, and it is really important to eat vegetables, not only because they contain important substances for growth, but because it is only good manners to learn to like all the ordinary foods which are served. Anyone who has cooked knows how discouraging it is to feel that some member of the family does not like the food. There is a temptation in the city where fruit, vegetables and milk are high, to use too much meat and but little of these foods. It has been suggested recently that in forming an idea as to whether the money is being spent to the most advantage, the money spent for fruit and vegetables, for milk and cheese, and for meat and fish should be compared. In a well-balanced diet these amounts should be nearly equal. An increasing number of people are becoming lacto-vegetarians, which means that they eat no meat or fish, but balance their absence by using more milk, eggs and cheese. Before starting to prepare a meal the Scout should not only have her menu in mind, but should have an idea how long it will take to prepare each dish so that every- thing will be ready to serve at the same time with all the hot dishes very hot and all the cold dishes very cold. If all the dishes of the meal require about the same length of time in their preparation the ones should be started first which can be most easily kept in good condition. Enjoyfnent of a meal depends quite as much on neat and comfortable service as it does upon good food. The SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 155 table cloth, napkins, dishes and silver should be clean and the dishes should be arranged so that there is as little danger as possible of accident. This is the reason, for example, for the rule that a spoon should never be left in a coffee or tea cup. The arrangement is usually more comfortable if nothing is placed on the table which is not going to be actually used at the meal, except that a few flowers or a little dish of ferns in the center of the table is very much liked by most people, if there is room for it. It often happens that the family see more of each other at meal times than at any other time in the day and everyone should try to make meal time a pleasant, restful, good humored time. Household Weights and Measures The careful housewife soon becomes skilled in weigh- ing and measuring the various goods she buys and uses. At the store she is on guard against short measures, and if she does not market in person, she has machines at home to test what is delivered. The following table is given for frequent reference use by the Girl Scout while earning her badges in Homecraft. She will also find it useful in learning to judge weights and distances for her First Class test. Table of Household Weights and Measures (Reprinted by permission of publisher from “House- wifery,” by L. Ray Balderston, M. A . J. B. Lippineott, 1919) Linear Measure: 12 inches 3 feet Sy2 yards 320 rods 1760 yards 5280 feet 1 foot 1 yard 1 rod 1 mile 1 mile 1 mile 156 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Square Measure : 144 square inches 9 square feet 30*4 square yards 160 square rods 1 square mile 36 square miles Avoirdupois Weight: 27.3 grains 16 drams 16 ounces 100 pounds 2,000 pounds Liquid Measure: 4 gills 2 pints 4 quarts 31 gallons Dry Measure: 2 pints 8 quarts 4 pecks 105 dry quarts Miscellaneous Household 4 saltspoonfuls : 3 teaspoonfuls 16 tablespoonfuls ■ 2 gills = 2 cupfuls : 1 cupful : 32 tablespoonfuls : 2 cups of butter : 1 lb. butter : 4 cups flour : = 1 square foot = 1 square yard = 1 square rod = 1 acre = 1 section = 1 township = 1 dram = 1 ounce (oz.) = 1 pound (lb.) = 1 cwt. (hundredweight) = 1 ton = 1 pint = 1 quart = 1 gallon = 1 bbl. = 1 quart = 1 peck = 1 bushel = 1 bbl. (fruit, vegetables, etc.) Measures: — 1 teaspoonful = 1 tablespoonful = 1 cupful = 1 cupful = 1 pint = 8 fluid ounces = 1 lb. butter = 1 lb. =40 butter balls = 1 lb. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 157 2 cups sugar = 1 lb. 5 cups coffee = 1 lb. 1 lb. coffee = 40 cups of liquid coffee 1 7/z cups rice =r 1 lb. 2 2/3 cups oatmeal = 1 lb. 2 2/3 cups cornmeal — 1 lb. 1 cup of liquid to 3 cups of flour = a dough 1 cup of liquid to 2 cups of flour = a thick batter 1 cup of liquid to 1 cup of flour = a thin batter 1 teaspoonful soda to 1 pint sour milk 1 teaspoonful soda to one cup of molasses 1 teaspoonful cream of tartar plus teaspoonful soda = 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder j 2. THE CHILD NURSE There always are and always will be children to be taken care of. There is no way in which a girl can help her country better than by fitting herself to under- take the care of children. A Girl Scout thinks for her- self, and, knowing the Health Laws, she knows the im- portant things to consider in caring for children: 1. The care necessary for the child’s bones. 2. When it should exercise its muscles. 3. Its rest. 4. The air, sun and food and water which it needs. 5. How to keep it clean. Bones — Great care must be taken in handling a baby. Its bones are soft and easily injured, and for this reason a baby should not be handled more than necessary. When very young its entire spine should be supported, and no undue pressure made upon the chest, as often happens if the baby is grasped under the arms. In lifting a young 158 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS baby from its bed, the right hand should grasp the clothing below the feet, and the left hand should be slipped beneath the infant's body to its head. It is then raised upon the left arm. An older child should be lifted by placing the hands under the child's arms, and never by the wrists. If children are jerked or lifted by the arms, serious injury may be done to the bones. The bones, when a child is growing, are partly composed of soft tissue which is easily destroyed, and further growth is prevented. Many children are brought to the hospital with injuries done to their arms from being jerked across the street. Do not let a child walk too soon, especially a heavy child. Bow legs and knock knees come from standing and walking when the bones are soft. Exercise — At least twice a day an infant should be allowed for fifteen or twenty minutes the free use of its limbs by permitting it to lie upon a bed in a warm room, with all clothing except the shirt and diaper re- moved. In cold weather leave on the stockings. Later, when in short clothes, the baby may be put upon a thick blanket or quilt, laid upon the floor, and be allowed to tumble at will. Rest— Healthy children never sleep too much. A new born baby should sleep nine-tenths of the day. A child should have a nap during the day until four years old, and, if possible, until seven or eight years old. It should go to bed before six. It should have a crib or bed to itself, placed where it will have fresh air, but protected from draughts, and its eyes protected from direct rays of light. Air and Sun— A little child is in its room so much it is very important that fresh air and sunlight should be brought to it there. Rooms may be well aired twice or three times a day, removing the baby to another room SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 159 while the windows are open. The child may be placed in its crib or carriage before an open window, dressed as if for the street. After children are three months old they may be taken out, but the sunny part of the day should be chosen, between 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. in cold weather. At night the windows should be partly opened, but care should be taken that the infant does not become chilled. Be careful that sheet and blankets do not get over a baby's head. The clothes may be pinned to the side of the bed. Food and Water — Even little babies should be given water twice a day. The water should be boiled, cooled and kept covered. It is hardly possible for children or older persons to drink too much water. During hot weather a child needs more water than during cold weather. Mother’s milk is the only perfect food for an infant during the first nine or ten months. If it is necessary to give artificial food from a bottle, the greatest possible care must be taken. The milk used should be the best obtainable. To obtain clean milk it is necessary that everything that touches it be clean, sterilized when pos- sible, and that the cows, and men who handle the milk be healthy. In New York City all milk is classified according to its cleanliness and butter fat content. The cleanest and richest milk is called “certified milk" and is sold raw. The other milks are classified according to cleanliness. Grade A, B and C are all pasteurized. Only certified and Grade A should be used for infant feeding. You know that sterile means free from germs or bac- teria. Milk or water may be made comparatively sterile by boiling. Pasteurized milk is milk which has been heated to 155° Fahrenheit, kept at that temperature for thirty minutes and cooled quickly by placing the bottles in cold running water. 160 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Punctual feeding makes good digestion, and even if the baby takes an extra nap it is better to wake a healthy baby to give him his meals at regular hours than to let his digestion get out of order. Between meals a little water which has been boiled and cooled and kept cov- ered will wash out its mouth as well as refresh the child. The average infant is fed every three hours until it is five months old. After that it is fed every four hours until it is fifteen or sixteen months old, when it is shifted to three meals a day with perhaps a cup of milk in long intervals. Solid food, such as zweiback and milk or cereal, is begun at seven months, and by thirteen or four- teen months the child will be eating cereal, bread, broth, beef juice, potato, rice, vegetables, etc. Candy is harm- ful for children, and even older children should eat candy only after meals. Raw fruit, except orange juice, is apt to be upsetting in summer. Keep the baby and everything around him clean. The baby’s food is the most important thing to keep clean. The cleanliness of the bottle, when it is necessary to feed the baby from one, is very important. Choose a bottle of fairly heavy glass with rounded bottom and wide mouth, so that it may be easily cleaned. Short rubber nipples which clip over the neck of the bottle and which can be easily turned inside out, should be selected, and discarded when they become soft, or when the openings become large enough for the milk to run in a stream instead of drop by drop. Remove the bottle from the baby’s mouth as soon as empty, rinse at once in cold water and then fill with a solution of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda), about one teaspoonful to a pint of water. Before rinsing wash in hot soapsuds, using a bottle brush, rinse well in plain water, and boil for twe minutes, placing a clean cloth in the bottom of the basin to protect the bottle from breaking. Before SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 161 using new nipples they should be scrubbed inside and out and boiled for at least five minutes. After using they should be carefully rinsed in cold water and kept in a covered glass containing a solution of boric acid (one teaspoonful dissolved in a pint of boiling water), and at least once a day be turned inside out and thor- oughly washed with soap and water, then rinsed. Nip- ples should be boiled twice a week. Bath— A baby should have a bath every day, not sooner than one hour after feeding. The room should be warm ; if possible there should be an open fire in the room. The temperature of the water for a baby up to six months old should be 98°. Then it should gradually decrease, next temperature being 95°, until at the age of two it should range between 85° to 90°. Before a baby is undressed the person who is bathing the baby must be sure that everything needed for the bath and dressing is at hand. The hand basin or small tub of warm water, a pitcher of hot water in case it is needed, castile or ivory soap, soft wash cloths, towels, brush, powder, fresh absorbent cotton, boric acid solution, and the baby’s clothes laid out in the order in which they will be needed in dressing the child, the soft flannel bandage, the diapers, the shirt, flannel petticoat, dress and shawl. For some people it is easier to handle a baby when laid on a bed or table than on one’s lap, having under the child a soft bath towel or canton flannel large enough to be wrapped around it. Its nose may be cleaned with a bit of absorbent cotton rolled to a point, using a fresh piece for each nostril. To bathe the eyes use fresh pieces of absorbent cotton dipped in boric acid solution. Wash the baby’s face carefully so that the water does not drip into its ears. Dry the face carefully. Wash the head gently and thoroughly with soap, being careful 162 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS to rinse completely. Soap the baby’s body before putting it into the bath. As a soapy little baby is difficult to hold, support him firmly all the time he is kicking and splash- ing, by placing the arm or hand at the baby’s back be- tween its shoulders. Wash particularly, under the arms, the creases in the back of the neck, between the legs, fingers and toes. The bath should be given quickly and the baby lifted out on the bath towel or flannel, covered and dried quickly, using a soft towel. Rub the baby very slightly. All the folds of the skin should be dried and well powdered: under the arms, behind the ears, about the neck, legs, etc. Do not put too much powder on, as it forms a paste. Dress the infant and lay it on its crib while putting away all the things used for its bath. It is perfectly proper for a baby to exer- cise its lungs by crying, so do not be alarmed, but be sure that its clothing is comfortable and that the child is clean. Garments worn at night should always be different from those worn during the day. The gar- ments next to the skin should be of wool or part wool, except the diaper, which should be soft cotton, and when new, washed several times before using. Wet diapers should be rinsed in cold water and dried before using a second time; about every twenty-four hours diapers should be washed, scalded, rinsed in cold water and hung in the air to dry. Daily Routine — Child Under Two Years of Age 6.00 A.M. Feed warm milk. 7.30 A.M. Seat on chair or hold over chamber not more than ten minutes. If the child has no movement of the bowels at this time, try later. 9.00 A.M. Give bath, and immediately after, feed, then put to bed in a well ventilated room, dark- SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 163 ened, or out of doors in carriage or crib. Be sure no strong light is in the child’s eyes. Child should sleep until one o’clock. 1.00 P.M. Take up, make comfortable, and feed. 2.00 P.M. Take child out of doors again, but do not stay after 3 P.M. in winter time. Later in summer. Stormy days keep in house in crib or carriage, well wrapped up in room with window open. 3 to 5 P. M. Hold child, or let it stay in crib and play or kick. 6.00 P.M. Undress, rub with soft, dry towel, put on nightclothes, feed and put to bed in well ventilated room. 10.00 P.M. A young baby should be fed at this time, dried, and not fed again until 6 A.M. A baby needs to be kept quiet. Do not make loud noises near it. Do not play with infant too much. Leave it to itself to grow. Keep the baby clean, every- thing about it tidy. Do not give a child pointed toys or playthings small enough to go into the infant’s mouth. Tie toys to the crib or carriage so that they do not fall on the floor. Things to Remember Emphasize “tidy as you go,” sleep, water, bowel move- ments, exercise for older children, especially in cold weather, nothing in mouth, do not use pacifiers, tying toys to crib or carriage, a baby over two years of age should not be fed oftener than every four hours. Bowel Movements At least once a day. Should be medium soft, not loose, smooth, and when on milk diet, light in color. If child is constipated, give one teaspoonful of milk of magnesia clear, at night. 164 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS See doctor if child is not well. Feedings Children from birth to five months should be fed every three hours. Children over one and a half years old need three meals a day, dinner in the middle of the day. Little children need to be kept very quiet. No con- fusion or loud noises around them. They will then grow better and stronger. Colds Never neglect a cold. Do not “pass it on” to a child by coughing, sneezing, talking or breathing into its face. Do not kiss anyone when you have a cold. Never allow the handkerchief used by a person with a cold to touch a child. If you must handle a child when you have a cold, wear a piece of gauze over your mouth and nose, and be sure to keep your hands clean. Be very careful with the handkerchiefs used ; see that no one touches or uses them. It is preferable to use gauze or soft paper for handkerchiefs and burn them. When a child has a cold put it to bed. Keep quiet as long as there is any fever. Give a cathartic, such as castor oil, as soon as cold appears. Reduce the child’s diet and give plenty of drinking water. Consult a doctor. Do not let the child go out until thoroughly well. j 3. THE FIRST AIDE IN ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES General Rules The sorrow and unhappiness of the world is increas- ed enormously every year by injury and loss from SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 165 accidents, more than half of which might be prevented if someone had not been careless, or if someone else had taken a little trouble to correct the results of that carelessness before they caused an accident. It therefore becomes the plain duty of Girl Scouts not only to be careful but to repair, if possible, the carelessness of others which may result in accident. Let us review briefly some of the many small things in our daily lives which cause accidents, and therefore suffering and loss. 1. Carelessness in the Street. As, for example, tak- ing chances in getting across in front of a car or auto- mobile; running from behind a car without looking to see if some vehicle is coming from another direction; catching a ride by hanging on to the rear end of cars or wagons ; getting off cars before they stop ; getting on or off cars in the wrong way; being too interested to watch for open manholes, cellarways, sewers, etc. ; reck- less roller skating in the street, throwing things like banana peels on the street or sidewalk where people are likely to slip on them ; teasing dogs, or trying to catch strange ones; many dogs resent a stranger petting them and use their only means of defense — biting. Other examples will occur to you of carelessness in the streets which space does not allow us to mention here. Wait until the car stops before trying to get off. In getting off cars you should face in the direction in which the car is going. A simple rule is to get off by holding a rod with the left hand and putting the right foot down first. This brings you facing the front of the car and prevents your being swept off your feet by the momentum of the car. If you see any refuse in the street which is likely to cause an accident, either remove it yourself or report it to the proper authorities to have it removed at once. 1 66 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 2. Carelessness at Home. As, for example, starting the fire with kerosene; leaving gas jets burning where cur- tains or clothing may be blown into the flame; leaving clothing or paper too near a fire ; throwing matches you thought had been put out into paper or other material which will catch fire easily ; leaving oily or greasy rags where they will easily overheat or take fire spontane- ously; leaving objects on stairs and in hallways which will cause others to fall ; leaving scalding water where a child may fall into it or pull it down, spilling the scalding water over himself ; leaving rags or linoleum with up- turned edges for someone to fall over; and innumerable other careless things which will occur to you. 3. Disobedience, playing with matches; building fires in improper places ; playing with guns ; trying the “med- icines” in the closet ; throwing stones ; playing with the electric wires or lights; playing around railroad tracks and bridges. We could multiply the accidents from dis- obedience indefinitely. Remember, a caution given you not to do something means there is danger in doing it, which may bring much sorrow and suffering to your- self and to others. It is a very old saying that “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” but it is just as true today as it was hundreds of years ago. After the Accident When the time for prevention is past, and the acci- dent has happened, then you want to know what is the best thing to do, and how best to do it in order to give the most help and relief immediately, before ex- pert help can arrive, and to have the victim in the best condition possible for the doctor when he comes, in order that he may not have to undo whatever has been done before he can begin to give the patient relief from his suffering. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 167 1. Keep cool. The only way to do this effectually is to learn beforehand what to do and how to do it. Then you are not frightened and can do readily and with coolness whatever is necessary to be done. 2. Send at once for a doctor, if you have a messen- ger, in all except the minor accidents. This book will help you learn to judge of whether a doctor will be necessary. If in doubt, send for the doctor anyway. 3. Prevent panic and keep the crowd, if there is one, at a distance. The patient needs fresh air to breathe, and space around him. 4. Loosen the clothing, especially any band around the neck, tight corsets or anything else that may inter- fere with breathing. 5. Keep the patient flat on his back if the accident is at all serious, with the head slightly down if his face is pale and he is faint, or slightly raised if his face is flushed and he is breathing heavily, as though snoring. 6. If there is vomiting , turn the head to one side in order that the vomited material may easily run out of the mouth and not be drawn into the windpipe and pro- duce choking to add to the difficulties already present. 7. Remove clothing , if necessary, gently and in such manner as to give the patient the least amount of suf- fering. Move any injured part as little as possible. At the same time, as a secondary consideration, injure the clothing as little as possible. If, as often, it becomes necessary to cut off the clothing, it may be possible to rip up a seam quickly instead of cutting the cloth, but saving the clothing is always secondary to the welfare of the patient. Little or no consideration should be shown for clothing where it is necessary to keep the patient motionless, or where quick action is needed. 8. Transportation. There are three methods for 168 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS emergency transportation of accident victims which can be used according to the degree of the injury: (a) Fireman's Lift. If it is necessary for one per- son to carry a patient, it is easily possible to lift and carry quite a weight in the following manner: First, turn the patient on his face; then step astride his body, facing toward his head, and, with hands un- der his armpits, lift him to his knees; then clasp your hands over the patient's abdomen and lift him to his feet; then draw his left arm around your neck and hold it against the left side of your chest, the patient's left side resting against your body, and supporting him with your right arm about the waist. Then drop the patient's left hand and grasp his right wrist with your left hand and draw the fight arm over your head and down upon your left chest; then stooping, clasp his right thigh with your right arm passed between the legs (or around both legs) and with a quick heave lift the patient to your shoulders and seize his right wrist with your right hand, and lastly, grasp the patient's left hand with your left hand to steady him against your body. (Work this out with a companion as you read it.) (b) A seat made of four arms and hands (which you have no doubt used in your play), may be used for the lesser injuries. If the patient can, he supports him- self by putting his arms around the necks of his carriers, each of whom in the meantime grasps one of his own wrists and one of his partner's. This makes a comfort- able seat for carrying. If the patient needs supporting, a back may be improvised by each carrier grasping the other’s arm below the shoulder to form the back and their other hands clasped to form the seat. A better seat may be made with three hands clasping the wrists, while the fourth arm is used as a back, by one clasping the other's arm below the shoulder. This does not provide a very SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 169 secure back, however, as it is not easy to hold the arm against much of a weight from the patient's body. (c) Improvised Stretcher. When the patient shows any sign of shock, is unconscious, has a serious frac- ture of some bone or bones, has a serious injury to any part of the body, or is bleeding excessively, he must be carried lying down. It may be that there will be no regular stretcher at hand. In that case one must be improvised. A serviceable one can be made from ordi- nary grain or flour bags by cutting the two corners at the bottom and running two poles inside the mouth of the bags and through the holes. A workable stretcher can be made from coats by turn- ing the sleeves inside out, passing the poles through the sleeves and buttoning the coat over the poles. This brings the turned sleeves on the inside. A five-bar gate or a door, if it can be gotten without delay, also make satisfactory emergency stretchers. A stretcher may also be made out of dress skirts, with or without poles. Put the skirts together, bottoms slipped past each other, and slip the poles through, as with the bags. If no poles are available, roll the edges of the skirts over several times to form a firm edge, and carry with two or four bearers, as the size and weight of the patient make necessary. Minor Injuries and Emergencies Minor injuries may or may not need the aid of a doctor, and you must learn to use judgment as to the necessity of sending for one. We will consider these minor injuries in groups to remember them more easily. 1. (a) BRUISES; (b) STRAINS; (c) SPRAINS (a) A Bruise is produced by a blow which does not break the skin, but does break the delicate walls of the capillaries and smaller veins, thus permitting the blood 170 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS to flow into the surrounding tissues, producing the dis- coloration known as “black and blue/5 (b) A Strain is produced by the overstretching of muscles or ligaments, or both, but not tearing them. It may or may not be accompanied by breaking of capillary walls with discoloration. Any muscle or ligament may be strained. (c) A Sprain is produced by the overstretching of the muscles or ligaments or both about a joint. There may also be some tearing of the fibres or tearing loose from their attachments. This always breaks capillaries or small veins, making the surface black and blue. This discoloration usually appears some time after the acci- dent, because the broken blood vessels are far below the surface. Treatment — For bruises and strains it is seldom nec- essary to call a doctor. Apply cold, either by wringing cloths out of cold water and applying, or by holding the injured part under the cold water tap. Do this at intervals for several hours, until the pain is lessened. The cold may be alternated with hot water which must, however, be quite hot, just enough not to burn, as luke- warm water is almost useless. Some patients will prefer to use only hot water. The water followed by applications of tincture of arnica, witch hazel, or alcohol and water, half and half, and bandaging will be sufficient. If, however, there has been no black and blue at first, as in a bruise, but it begins to show later, and the pain continues severe, and there is a good deal of swelling, then you should send for a doctor, as more than first aid is needed. In case of sprain, send for a doctor, and in the mean- time elevate the joint and apply hot or cold water, or alternate hot and cold, as patient prefers. This will give relief by contracting the blood vessels. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 171 2. (a) BURNS; (b) SCALDS; (c) SUNBURN; (d) FROSTBITE (a) Burns are produced by dry heat, as a fire, acids, alkalis, etc., and may be of all degrees, from, a super- ficial reddening of the skin to a burning of the tissues to the bone. (b) Scalds are produced by moist heat, and may be of the same degrees as those produced by dry heat. (c) Sunburn is produced by the sun, and is usually superficial, but may be quite severe. (d) Frostbite is produced by freezing the tissues and is usually not dangerous. The more severe types will be treated later under Freezing. Treatment— { a) Burns ; (b) Scalds 1. Except in the minor burns and scalds, send for the doctor at once. 2. The first thing to do is allay pain by protecting the injured part from the air, since the oxygen in the air keeps the fire burning in the flesh as it does in wood. 3. For a burn produced by fire, cover with a paste made of baking soda and water, or smear with grease — as lard, carron oil (mixture of linseed oil and lime water — half and half) or vaseline. Cover with a piece of clean cloth or absorbent gauze and bandage loosely or tie in place. Gauze prepared with picric acid, if at hand, is a most satisfactory dressing. It can be pur- chased and kept on hand for emergencies. 4. In burns from alkalis or acids, wash off as quickly as possible and neutralize (make inactive) the acids with baking soda, weak ammonia or soapsuds ; the alka- lis with vinegar or lemon juice. Afterward treat like other burns. (c) Sunburn is an inflammation of the skin produced by the action of the sun’s rays and may be prevented 172 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS by gradually accustoming the skin to exposure to the sun. It is treated as are other minor burns. (d) Frostbite — Prevention — 1. Wear sufficient cloth- ing in cold weather and keep exposed parts, such as ears and fingers, covered. 2. Rub vigorously any part that has become cold. This brings the warm blood to the surface and prevents chilling. 3. Keep in action when exposed to the cold for any length of time. The signs of danger are sudden lack of feeling in an exposed part, and a noticeably white area. Chilblain is an example of frostbite. Treatment — The circulation of the blood through the frozen part must be restored gradually. This must be done by rubbing the part first with snow or cold water, which will be slightly warmer than the frozen part, and gradually warming the water until the circulation and warmth is fully restored. Then treat as a minor burn. If heat is applied suddenly it causes death of frozen parts. 3. SPLINTERS, SMALL CUTS, SCRATCHES AND PIN PRICKS None of these injuries will usually require a doctor if properly treated in the beginning. The bleeding from any of them is not sufficient to be dangerous. But whenever there is a break in the skin or mucous mem- brane there is danger of infection by germs, and this is what makes the first aid treatment in these cases so important. A tiny scratch is sometimes converted into a bad case of blood poisoning by not being properly treated at first. Splinters should be removed by using a needle (not a pin) which has been sterilized by passing it through a flame (the flame of a match will do if nothing better SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 173 is at hand). After the splinter is our, the wound is treated like a cut or scratch. The germs which produce poisoning do not float in the air, but may be conveyed by anything which is not sterile, as, for instance, the splinter or the instru- ment that did the cutting, scratching or pricking. They may be carried to the scratch by our hands, by water, or cloth used for dressings. Treatment — Wash your own hands thoroughly with soap and water, using a nail brush. Clean the injured part well with disinfectant, as, for instance, alcohol and water, half and half, or peroxide of hydrogen— paint the spot with iodine, and cover with sterile gauze (if this is not to be had, use a piece of clean cloth that has been recently ironed), and bandage in place. If the bleeding is severe, a little pressure with the bandage over the dressing will stop it. Use the same precau- tions if the wound has to be re-dressed. 4. STINGS AND BITES OF INSECTS The poison injected by the sting or bite of an insect is usually acid, and the part should be washed at once with a solution of ammonia or soda (washing soda) to neutralize the poison. Then apply a paste of soda bi- carbonate (baking soda) or wet salt and bandage in place. If the sting is left in the wound it must be pulled out before beginning treatment. 5. FOREIGN BODIES IN THE (a) EYE (Cinder), (b) EAR (Insect), (c) NOSE (Button) (a) Eye — If a cinder, eyelash, or any tiny speck gets into the eye it causes acute pain, and in a few minutes considerable redness. Treatment — Do not rub the eye, as this may press the object into the tender cornea so that it can be re- moved only with difficulty and by a physician. First 174 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS close the eye gently, pull the eyelid free of the ball, and the tears may wash out the speck. If this is not successful, close the eye, hold the lid free, and blow the nose hard. You may then be able to see the speck and remove it with a bit of clean cotton or the corner of a clean handkerchief. If the object is lodged under the lid, and the foregoing efforts do not dislodge it, proceed to turn the lid up as follows: Ask the patient to look at the floor, keeping the eyeball as stationary as possible. Take a clean wood- en toothpick or slender pencil, wrapped with cotton, place on the upper lid about one-fourth of an inch from the edge, grasp the eyelashes with the other hand, give a slight push downward toward the cheek with the toothpick, a slight pull upward on the lashes and turn the lid over the toothpick. Remove the speck and slip the lid back in position. Wash the eye with boric acid solution. If you are still unable to dislodge the body, discon- tinue any further efforts, apply a cloth wet in cold boric acid solution and send for the doctor. Anything done to the eyes must be done with the greatest gentleness. If an acid has entered the eye, neutralize it with a weak solution of soda bicarbonate in water. If an alkali (lime) is the offending substance, neutralize by a weak vinegar solution. Follow in each case with a wash of boric acid solution. (b) Ear (Insect) ; (c) Button in Nose — Foreign bodies in the ear and nose are not very common. But sometimes a child slips a button or other small object into these cavities, or an insect may crawl in. Drop in a few drops of sweet oil and if the object comes out easily, well and good. If not, do not keep on trying to extract it, for fear of greater injury. Send for the doctor. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 175 6. IVY AND OAK POISONING There are a poison ivy and a poison oak which are very poisonous to some people, and more or less so to all people. The poison ivy has a leaf similar to the harmless woodbine, but the leaves are grouped in threes instead of fives. The poison given off by these plants produces a severe inflammation of the skin. In the early stages it may be spread from one part of the body to another by scratching. Treatment— Wash the irritated surface gently with soap and water, and then apply a paste of soda bicar- bonate or cover quickly with carbonated vaseline. An- other remedy is fluid extract grindelia robusta, one dram to four ounces of water. Sugar of lead and alco- hol have also been found useful. For severe cases con- sult a doctor, especially if the face or neck or hands are affected. 7. (a) FAINTING; (b) HEAT EXHAUSTION (a) Fainting is caused by lack of blood in the brain, and usually occurs in overheated, crowded places, from fright or from overfatigue. Symptoms — 1. The patient is very pale and partially or completely unconscious. 2. The pulse is weak and rapid. 3. The pupils of the eyes are normal. Treatment — 1. If possible put the patient flat on his back, with the head slightly lower than the rest of the body. 2. If there is not room to do this, bend the patient over with his head between the knees until sufficient blood has returned to the brain to restore consciousness. 3. Then get the patient into the fresh air as soon as possible. 4. Keep the crowd back. 176 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 5. Loosen the clothing about the neck. 6. Apply smelling salts to the nose. 7. When the patient has recovered sufficiently to swallow, give him a glass of cold water, with one-half teaspoonful of aromatic spirits of ammonia if necessary. (b) Heat Exhaustion is exhaustion or collapse due to overheating where there is not sufficient evaporation from the surface of the body to* keep the temperature normal. Symptoms - — 1. The patient is usually very weak. 2. The face is pale and covered with a clammy sweat. 3. The pulse is weak and rapid. 4. The patient is usually not unconscious. Treatment — 1. Remove the patient to a cool place and have him lie down. 2. Loosen the clothing. 3. Give him a cold drink to sip. 4. Put cold cloths on his head. 5. Send for the doctor. 6. If necessary, give stimulant as in fainting. 8. (a) CHOKING; (b) HICCOUGH (a) Choking — Choking is produced by something lodged in the throat, does not require artificial respira- tion, but a smart slap on the back to aid in dislodging whatever is blocking the air passage. It may be neces- sary to have the patient upside down, head lower than feet, to aid in getting out the foreign body. This is a comparatively simple matter with a child, but is not so easy with an adult. When the object is not too far down the throat it may be necessary for someone to use his fingers to pull out the offending substance to keep the patient alive until the doctor can arrive. In this case wedge the teeth apart with something to pre- yent biting before trying to grasp the object. (b) Hiccough — This is usually due to indigestion or SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 177 overloading of the stomach. Holding the breath for one-half a minute will usually cure it, as it holds quiet the diaphragm (the large muscular and fibrous parti- tion between the chest and abdomen), and overcomes its involuntary contractions which are causing the hic- coughs. A scare has the same effect sometimes. If the hiccoughs still continue troublesome after these sim- ple remedies try to cause vomiting by drinking luke- warm water, which will get rid of the offending ma- terial causing the hiccough, and relieve the distress. 9. NOSE BLEED The ordinary nose bleed will soon stop from the normal clotting of the blood and does not require treat- ment. (c) Keep head elevated, with patient sitting up if possible. Do not blow the nose, as this will dislodge any clot which may have formed, and the bleeding will begin again. Any tight collar around the neck should be loosened. (d) If the bleeding seems excessive, apply cloths wrung out of ice water to the back of the neck and over the nose. (e) If the bleeding still continues and is abundant, pack the nostril with a cotton or gauze plug. Pack tightly (with the blunt end of a pencil if nothing else is at hand) and send for the doctor at once . Major Injuries and Emergencies 1. (a) DISLOCATIONS; (b) FRACTURES (a) Dislocations— In a dislocation the head of a bone is pushed or pulled out of its socket. A person may be falling and in trying to save himself catch hold of something in such a way that he feels a sharp, sudden, severe pain, and may even feel the head of the bone slip out at the shoulder or elbow. 178 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Symptoms — 1. When you look at the injured part it does not look like the other side. 2. If you attempt to move it you find it will no longer move as a joint does, but is stiff. 3. There is great pain and rapid swelling usually. 4. There may or may not be black and blue spots around the joint. Treatment — Send for a doctor at once. While wait- ing for the doctor, place the patient in the easiest posi- tion possible, and apply hot or cold cloths, frequently changed, to the injured part. / In dislocation of the jaw it may be necessary for someone to try to replace it before the doctor arrives. The mouth is open and the jaw fixed. The patient may even tell you he has felt the jaw slip out of its socket. Wrap your thumbs in cloth to prevent biting when the jaw snaps back in place. Place the thumbs on the tops of the lower teeth on each side, with the fingers outside, and push firmly down until the head of the bone can slip over the edge of the socket into place. As you feel the bone slipping into place, slide your thumbs out to the inner side of the cheek to prevent biting when the jaws snap together with the reducing of the dislocation. (b) Fractures — Broken bones — There are two classes of fractures: 1. Simple — In a simple fracture the bone is broken, but the skin is not broken; that is, there is no outward wound. 2. Compound — In a compound fracture not only is the bone broken, but the jagged ends pierce through the skin and form an open wound. This makes it more dangerous as the possibility of infection by germs at the time of the accident, or afterward, is added to the difficultv of the fracture. * SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 179 Symptoms — As in dislocations, you should be famil- iar with the main symptoms of a broken bone. 1. When you look at the injured part it may or may not look like its mate on the other side. In the more severe fractures it usually does not. 2. When you try to move it you find more motion than there should be if the bone has broken clear through; that is, there will seem to be a joint where no joint should be. 3. The least movement causes great pain. 4. The swelling is usually rapid. 5. The discoloration (black and blue) appears later; not at once, unless there is also a superficial bruise. 6. The patient is unable to move the injured part. 7. You may hear the grate of the ends of the bone when the part is moved, but you should not move the injured bone enough to hear this, especially if the limb is nearly straight; the detection of this sound should be left for the doctor. Treatment — Send for a doctor at once, and if it will be possible for him to arrive soon, make the patient as comfortable as possible and wait for him. However, if it will be some time before the doctor can arrive you should try to give such aid as will do no harm and will help the sufferer. You must handle the part injured and the patient with the utmost gentleness to avoid making a simple fracture into a compound one, or doing other injury, and also to give him as little additional suffering as possible. You will need to get the clothing off the part to be sure of what you are doing. Rip the clothing in a seam if possible when the fracture is in an arm or leg, but if this cannot be done, you will have to cut the material. Do not try to move the broken bone trying to get off a sleeve or other part of the clothing. 180 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS With the greatest gentleness put the injured part, for instance, the arm or leg, as nearly as possible in the same position as the sound part, and hold it in that position by splints. Do not use force to do this. There is no great hurry needed to set a broken bone. The important point is to get it set right, and this may better be done after complete rest of several days, al- lowing for the passing of the inflammation. The Most Important “What Not to Do Points” for Fractures Are: 1. If there is reason to think a bone may be broken try in all ways to prevent motion at point of fracture lest it be made compound. 2. Do not go hunting for symptoms of fracture (such as the false point of motion or the sound “crepitus”) just to be sure. ' 3. The best treatment is to try to immobilize the part till the doctor comes. Splints — Anything that is stiff and rigid may be used for splints. Shingles, boards, limbs of trees, umbrellas, heavy wire netting, etc. Flat splints are best, however. All splints should be padded, especially where they lie against a bony prominence, as, for instance, the ankle or elbow joint. If the patient is wearing heavy winter clothing this may form sufficient padding. If not, then other cloth, straw or leaves may be used. Cotton batting makes excellent padding, but if this is not to be had quickly, other things can be made to do to pad the first rough splints which are applied until the patient can reach a doctor or the doctor arrives on the scene of the acci- dent. In applying splints remember they must extend be- yond the next joint below and the next joint above. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 181 otherwise movement of the joint will cause movement of the broken part. The splints are tied firmly in place with handker- chiefs, strips of cloth, or bandages, tied over splints, padding and limb. Do not tie tight enough to increase the pain, but just enough to hold the splints firmly. Do not tie directly over the break. There must be an inner and outer splint for both the arms and the legs. 2. (a) SERIOUS WOUNDS; (b) SERIOUS BLEEDING Send for the doctor at once, and then stop the bleed- ing and keep as clean as possible till he arrives. Dangers — 1. In any wound with a break in the skin, there is the danger of infection or blood poisoning, as you have already learned. 2. In serious wounds through the skin, flesh and blood vessels there is also the danger of severe bleed- ing, with the possibility of the patient’s bleeding to death. Infection— You already know how the germs which can cause the blood poisoning get into the wound (a) by the object that makes the wound (b) from the clothing of the patient through which the wound is made (c) from the rescuer’s hands (d) from water which has not been sterilized used in washing the wound (e) from dirty dressings, that is, dirty in the sense that they have on them germs which can get into the wound and cause infection or blood poisoning. The first two of these chances the Girl Scout will not be able to control. The last three she can to some extent prevent. Do not wash , touch or put anything into a serious wound unless a doctor cannot be found. Only this sort of thing justifies running risk of infec- 182 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS tion. Otherwise just put on a sterile dressing and band- age. In reality washing wounds only satisfies the aes- thetic sense of the operator without real benefit to the patient in many cases. If a wound has to be cleansed before the doctor comes use boiled water; if this cannot be had at once, use water and alcohol half and half. 1. Always wash your hands thoroughly with water, soap and a nail brush, unless there is necessity for immediate help to stop bleeding which admits of no time to clean one’s hands. Be sure your nails are clean. 2. Try not to touch the wound with your hands un- less it is absolutely necessary. 3. Many wounds do not have to be washed, but dressing may be applied directly. 4. Apply sterile cloth for dressing, having cleansed the wound as best you can, or all that is necessary. This may be gotten at a drug store in a sterile pack- age ready for use immediately, and is very satisfac- tory. If, however, these cannot be had, remember any cloth like a folded handkerchief that has been recently washed and ironed is practically sterile, especially if you unfold it carefully and apply the inside which you have not touched, to the wound. Bind the dressing on with a bandage to keep in place util the doctor arrives. fb) Serious Bleeding: It is important that you should learn what is serious bleeding and this will often help you to be cool under trying circumstances. As you learned in your work in minor emergencies, the bleeding from the small veins and capillaries is not usually sufficient to be dangerous, and the pressure of the dressing when put on and bandaged in a place will soon stop it. It may sometimes be necessary to put more dressing outside of that already on (called re-in- SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 183 Showing where shorn? for [oressiw dgdin$t>^ artery is placed Tourniquet Loop through which stic\(, {or tightening is insetted forcing it) and bandage again snugly. But if you have made sure first that there is no large vein or artery cut, you need not be troubled for fear there will be serious bleeding before the doctor arrives. Bleeding from an Artery: If an artery is cut the blood spurts out, the size of the stream depending on the size of the artery cut. This is the most serious 184 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS bleeding because the heart is directly behind, pumping the blood through the artery with all its power. If it is a small artery the pressure with the finger be- tween the cut and the heart for a few minutes will give the blood time to clot behind the finger and form a plug. This will stop the bleeding aided by pressure of the bandage. If it is a larger vessel the force in the heart muscle pumping the blood will force out any plug formed by holding the finger there, as the finger tires too easily. Tourniquet: In this case it will be necessary to put on a tourniquet to take the place of the finger until a clot can form in the vessel big enough and strong enough to prevent the force of the blood current from pushing it out. This of course can be used only on the legs or arms. A tourniquet is something put on to make pressure on a blood vessel to stop serious bleeding. There are five points to remember about a tourniquet: 1. It must be long enough to tie around the limb— a big handkerchief, towel or wide bandage. 2. There must be a pad to make the pressure over the artery greater than on the rest of the limb — a smooth stone, a darning ball, a large cork, cloth folded into a large pad or a rolled bandage. 3. The pad must be so placed that the artery lies be- tween pad and the bone on the limb, in order that the pressure may stop the flow of blood by forcing the walls of the artery together between the pad and the bone. 4. Unless the tourniquet is put on tight enough, its application increases bleeding. It is extremely rare to find a tourniquet put on tight enough. In almost every such case removing the tourniquet will stop or partly lessen bleeding. A short stick or handle is needed, about a foot long, with which to twist the tourniquet SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 185 sufficiently to cut the flow of blood. Usually it cannot be twisted tightly enough by hand alone. Tie the twisted part firmly so it will not slip, after it has been made tight enough to stop bleeding. 5. Remember, a tourniquet stops most of the circu- lation below it as well as in the cut artery, and must not be left in place too long for fear of injury to the rest of the limb by cutting off the circulation. Usually it should not he left on for more than an hour . Bleeding from Veins— Bleeding from the veins is not so dangerous as from an artery. The blood from the heart has to go through the little capillaries before it gets into the veins, and therefore the force Of the heart muscle on the blood in the veins is not so great as in the arteries. The blood does not spurt out, but flows out as it would from a bottle tipped on its side. You have already learned what to do to stop the bleeding from the smaller veins, and that it is not seri- ous. From the larger veins, however, it can be very serious, and it may be necessary for you to put on a tourniquet before the doctor arrives in order to save the patient's life. Almost always bleeding from a vein can be con- trolled by clean gauze or handkerchief pad and pressure by hand directly over the bleeding wound. Tourniquets are almost never needed in bleeding from a vein. If necessary, it is wisest to apply them in the same way as for arterial hemorrhage and stop the circulation in the whole limb. It is important to know in a general way where the blood vessels are in order to put the pad over them to stop the bleeding. Roughly speaking, the artery of the arm runs down about in a line with the inner seam of the coat. The large vein lies close beside it, carrying the blood back to the heart. The artery and vein of the leg 186 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS run about in a line with the inside seam of a man’s trousers. Stimulants — In serious bleeding of any kind do not give stimulants until the bleeding has been stopped, as the stimulants increase the force of the heart and so increase the flow of blood. After the tourniquet is on and bleeding is stopped, if the patient is very weak, he may have a teaspoonful of aromatic spirits of am- monia in half a glass of water. fa) SHOCKS; (b) APOPLEXY; (c) CONVUL- SIONS (a) Shocks — In any injury, except the slight ones, the ends of the nerves in the skin are bruised or jarred. They send this jar along the nerves to the very delicate brain. The blood is drawn from the brain into the larger blood vessels, and the result produced is called shock. If you have jammed your finger in a door some- time, perhaps you have felt a queer sick feeling and had to sit down. A cold sweat broke out all over you, and you were hardly conscious for a moment or two. This was a mild case of shock. In more severe in- juries a shock to the brain may be very serious. Symptoms of Shock — 1. The patient may or may not be unconscious, but he may take no notice of what is going on around him. 2. The face is pale and clammy. 3. The skin is cold. 4. The pulse is weak. 5. The breathing is shallow. In any serious injury the shock is liable to be severe and will need to be treated before the doctor arrives. Treatment — Send for the doctor if serious. 1. Lay the patient flat on his back with head low, so that the heart can more easily pump the blood back into the Brain. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 187 2. Cover warmly; if they can be gotten, put around him several hot water bottles or bricks, being extremely careful to have them covered so that they will not burn him. Persons suffering from shock are more easily burnt than usual. Do not put anything hot next him unless it can be held against your own face for a minute without feeling too hot. 3. Rub the arms and legs, toward the body, but under the covers. 4. Give stimulants" only after the patient has recov- ered enough to swallow, and when there is no serious bleeding. Stimulants — Strong, hot coffee, or a half teaspoonful of aromatic spirits of ammonia in a half glass of warm water. The latter may be given if the coffee is not ready. (b) Apoplexy — When a person has a “stroke** of apoplexy send for the doctor at once. This condition resembles shock only in that the patient is unconscious. The blow to the delicate brain does not come from the outside along the nerves, but from the inside by the breaking of a blood vessel in the brain, letting the blood out into the brain tissue and forming a clot inside of the brain, and thus making pressure which produces the unconsciousness. Symptoms of Apoplexy— 1. The patient is unconscious. 2. The face is usually flushed — red. 3/ The skin is not cold and clammy. 4. The pulse is slow and full. 5. The breathing is snoring instead of shallow,. 6. The pupils of the eyes are usually unequally di- lated. Treatment — 1. Lay the patient flat on -his back with head slightly raised. 2. Do not give any stimulants. 3. Wait for the doctor. 188 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS (c) Convulsions — This condition resembles the fore- going shock and apoplexy in that the patient is uncon- scious. Symptoms of Convulsions — 1. The patient is uncon- scious. 2. The face is usually pale at first, but not so white as in shock, and later is flushed, often even purplish. 3. The skin is not usually cold. 4. The breathing may be shallow or snoring. 5. There are twitchings of the muscles of the face and body or a twisting motion of the body. 6. The pulse may be rapid, but is usually regular. 7. The mouth may be flecked with foam. 8. The pupils of the eyes may be contracted or equally dilated. Treatment — Convulsions come from various causes, and are always serious, therefore send for the doctor at once. 1. Put a wedge of some kind between the teeth if possible, the handle of a spoon protected by a cloth cover, or a rolled napkin does well. This is to prevent biting the tongue, which the patient is apt to do in un- consciousness with convulsive movements. 2. Lay the patient flat on his back, and prevent him from hurting himself in his twisting, but do not try to stop convulsive movement. It will do no good. 3. No stimulant is needed. (a) SUNSTROKE; (b) FREEZING (a) Sunstroke — Sunstroke is caused by too long ex- posure to excessive heat, or to the direct rays of the sun, and is much more serious than heat exhaustion, which you have already studied. Prevention — Do not stay out in the direct sunlight too long on a hot summer day. Wear a large hat which shades the head and face well, if obliged to be in the SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 189 hot sun for any length of time. Do not wear too heavy clothing in the hot weather. Leaves or a wet sponge in the top of the hat will help to prevent sunstroke. Drink plenty of cool water between meals. Symptoms of Sunstroke — 1. The patient is uncon- scious. 2. The face is red. 3. The pupils large* 4. The skin very hot and dry, with no perspiration. 5. The pulse is full and slow. 6. The breathing is sighing. Treatment — 1. Get the patient into the shade where it is as cool as possible. 2. Send for the doctor. 3. Remove the greater part of the clothing. 4. Apply cold water or ice to the head, face, chest and armpits. Often the patient recovers consciousness before the doctor arrives ; give cold water to drink ; never stimulants. (b) Freezing — This is a much more serious condition than frost bite, which you have studied, but only because more of the body is frozen and the tissues are frozen deeper. Much more care must therefore be taken to pre- vent bad effects after the thawing-out process. Symptoms of Freezing — 1. The patient may or may not be unconscious. 2. The frozen parts are an intense white and are without any feeling or motion. Treatment — Send for the doctor at once. 1. Take the patient into a cold room. 2. Remove the clothing. 3. Rub the body with rough cloths wet in cold water. 4. Very gradually increase the warmth of the water used for rubbing. 5. Increase the temperature of the room gradually. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 6. When the patient can swallow, give him stimulants. 7. When the skin becomes more normal in color and the tissues are soft, showing that the blood is once more circulating properly through the frozen flesh, cover the patient warmly with hot bottles or bricks outside of the bed clothing, or wraps, and give hot drinks. In using hot water be sure it is not too hot. MAD DOG AND SNAKE BITES The wounds made by the bite of a mad dog or a poisonous snake are not so important as wounds, as be- cause of what gets into the wound from the dog’s teeth or the fangs of the snake. In both cases the poison from the bite is quickly absorbed and affects the brain of the victim. The poison from the snake is much quicker in its results than that from the mad dog, but not more sure. Treatment — This is similar in both cases. To pre- vent absorption of the poison as much as possible, im- mediately tie a handkerchief or bandage or string tightly above the bite; that is, between the bite and the heart. Do not leave on too long.* This, of course, could be done only on the limbs, but fortunately most bites, espe- cially snake bites, are on the arms or legs. Soak the wound in hot water and squeeze or suck the poison out; sucking the poison out is not dangerous un- less one has cuts or sores about one’s mouth. In that case do not do it. Otherwise, remember you may save a life by doing it. Then burn the wound with strong ammonia. This is not aromatic spirits of ammonia, but the stronger am- monia. Most households use it diluted for cleaning, and you can usually find some at the nearest house. When it is a snake bite, stimulants should be given; if a grown person, whiskey, one or two tablespoonfuls, or aromatic spirits of ammonia, one or two teaspoonfuls, SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 191 in water. Send for the doctor at once, but carry out these instructions while you wait for him. WATER ACCIDENTS When it is possible, Girl Scouts should learn to swim well. It is fear when suddenly thrown into the water that causes many of the deaths by drowning, and learn- ing to swim well takes away this fear. A Girl Scout should also learn how to prevent accidents, and how best to help the victims of accidents in the water. Prevention Below are five rules for preventing drowning accidents. 1. Do not change seats in a canoe or rowboat. 2. Do not rock the boat. 3. Do not go out alone in a canoe, rowboat or sailboat unless you are thoroughly competent to manage such a boat, even in a sudden squall or storm. 4. Very cold water exhausts a swimmer much quicker than warm water, therefore do not take any chances on a long swim in cold water unless a boat accompanies you to pick you up in case of necessity. 5. Be careful not to get too far out when there is a strong undertow; that is, a strong current below the surface of the water flowing relentlessly out to sea. Rescue When a person gives up the struggle in the water, the body goes down, and then because of its bouyancy it comes to the surface and some air is expelled from the lungs, making the body less bouyant. It immediately sinks again, this time a little lower, and again comes to the surface, and more air is expelled. This process may be repeated several times, until sufficient water is taken into the stomach and lungs to overcome the buoy- ancy of the body and it no longer appears at the surface ; but the buoyancy is barely overcome, and therefore the 192 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 193 body will float easily. This can be easily utilized in saving the drowning person by making the water carry most of the weight of the body. To do this, place the hands on either side of the drown- ing person’s head, and tow him floating on his back with the face above the surface of the water, while you swim on your back and keep the body away from you. Remember, if possible, to go with the current and thus save necessary strength. In some cases it may be easier and safer to grasp the drowning person by the hair instead of trying to clasp the head. Emergencies Grips • — A drowning person is always a frightened per- son, and is governed by a mad instinct to grab anything which subconsciously he thinks may save his life. Usu- ally he is past any reasoning. He grabs his would-be rescuer with a death grip that is hard to break, but re- member he instinctively grabs what is above the sur- face and will not try to grab below the shoulders. Wrist Grip—li the drowning person grasps the res- cuer’s wrists, the rescuer throws both hands above his head, which forces both low in the water, and then turns the leverage of his arms against the other’s thumbs and breaks the grip. Neck Grip — To release a grip around the neck and shoulders from the front, immediately cover the mouth of the other with the palm of the hand, holding the nose between the first two fingers, and at the same time pull the other body toward you with the other hand, mean- while treading water. Then take a full breath and apply your knee to the other’s stomach quickly, thus forcing him to expel any air in his lungs and preventing him from getting more air by the hand on mouth and nostrils. If the grip of the drowning person does not allow use of the arms, then try to raise your arms to the 194 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS level of the shoulder, thus slipping his arms to the neck and leaving your own arms free to use, as described. Back Grip — This strangle hold is perhaps the most difficult to break, and it is necessary to break it instantly if the rescuer is not also to be in the rescued class. Grasp the wrists of the other and push sharply back with the buttocks against the abdomen of the other, and thus make room to slip suddenly out of the encircling arms. If this is not successful, do not despair, but tfirow the head suddenly back against the nose of the drowning person and then slip out of the grip before he recovers from his daze. It is often necessary to dive from the surface in res- cuing a drowning person, and this requires practice, and should be learned thoroughly before the necessity for saving a life is presented. Remember that to dive from the surface to a depth of more than ten feet will usually require a weight in addition to the weight of the body. Carry a stone or other heavy object in diving. Then when wishing to rise to the surface, drop it and push against the bottom with the feet. This will send the swimmer to the surface in short order. In carrying a weight in the water, carry it low on the body, close to the waist line, leaving one hand and both feet free for swimming. Or if for any reason it is neces- sary to swim' on the back, it leaves both feet free to use as propellers. Artificial Respiration If the apparently drowned person is to be saved, no time must be lost in the rescue from the water or in getting the water out of him, and breathing re-established after he is brought to land. If there is a messenger handy send for the doctor at SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 195 once, but in the meantime lose no time in attempting restoration. The best method for getting the water out of the lungs and breathing re-established is the Schaefer Method , be- cause it is the simplest, requires only one operator and no equipment. It can be kept up alone for a long time. 1. Every moment is precious. Immediately lay the patient face downwards, with the arms extended above the head and the face to one side. In this position the water will run out and the tongue will fall forward by its own weight, and not give trouble by falling back and closing the entrance to the windpipe. Be sure there is nothing in the mouth, such as false teeth, gum, tobacco, etc. Do not put anything under the chest. Be sure there is no tight collar around the neck. 2. Kneel astride of the patient facing toward his head. 3. Place your hands on the small of the patient’s back, with thumbs nearly touching and the hands on the spaces between the short ribs. 4. Bend slightly forward with arms rigid so that the 196 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS weight of your body falls on the wrists, and makes a firm steady pressure downward on the patient while you count one, two, three, thus forcing any water and air out of the lungs. 5. Then relax the pressure very quickly, snatching the hand away, and counting one-two — the chest cavity enlarges and fresh air is drawn into the lungs. 6. Continue the alternate pressing and relaxing about twelve to fifteen times a minute, which empties and fills the lungs with fresh air approximately as often as he would do it naturally. It may be necessary to work for an hour or two before a gasp shows the return of natural breathing. Even then the rescurer’s work is not over, as it will be necessary to fill in any gaps with artificial breathing. When natural breathing is established, aid circulation by rubbing and by wrapping him in hot blankets and putting hot bottles around him, being careful that they are protected to pre- vent burning the patient. If at any time it is necessary to pull the tongue for- ward and to hold it to prevent choking, remember to put a wedge between the teeth to prevent biting. Do not give anything liquid by mouth until the patient is con- scious and can swallow readily. Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia or Spirits of Camphor may be used on a hand- kerchief for the patient to smell. The patient should be carefully watched for an hour or two even after he is considered out of danger. ICE RESCUE Prevention: Below are two rules for preventing ice accidents : 1. Do not skate or walk on thin ice. 2. Watch for air holes. Rescue : In trying to rescue a person who has broken through the ice, always tie a rope around your own body SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 197 and have this tied to some firm object on shore. Do not try to walk out to the rescue as the ice will probably break again under the weight of your body on so small an area as the size of your feet. Always get a long board, ladder, rail or limb of a tree, and either crawl out on this, which will distribute the weight of your body over a larger surface of ice, or lie flat on your stomach and crawl out, pushing the board ahead of you so that the person in the water may reach it. If you yourself break through the ice in attempting a rescue, remember that trying to pull yourself up over the edge of the ice only breaks it more. If rescuers are near it is much wiser to support yourself on the edge of the ice and wait for rescue. After getting the person out of the water use artificial respiration if necessary and bend every effort to get the patient warm and breathing properly. ASPHYXIATION Prevention : Below are seven rules for preventing asphyxiation : 1. When coal stoves and furnaces are freshly filled with coal, coal gas may escape if the dampers are not properly regulated. See that all dampers in coal stoves and furnaces are correctly arranged before leaving them for any long time, as the for the night. 2. Do not go to sleep in a house or room with a gas jet or gas stove turned low. The pressure in the pipes may change and the flame go out, or a breeze may blow out the flame leaving the gas leaking into the room. 3. Do not blow out a gas jet. 4. Be careful to turn off gas jet completely. 5. Report gas leaks promptly. 6. Charcoal stoves and braziers are especially danger- ous from escaping gas and should not be used in sleeping rooms. 198 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 7. Do not go into unused wells or underground sew- ers without first lowering a lighted candle which will go out at once if the air is very impure, because of lack of oxygen to keep it burning. Rescue: 1. Remove the patient at once to the fresh air. Gas is lighter than air, and therefore will not be found close to the floor and it will often be possible to crawl out when one would be overcome by the gas if he tried to walk out. For this reason it is sometimes best in trying to rescue anyone already unconscious from gas to tie the wrists together with a handkerchief, put his arms around your neck, and crawl out on all fours, drag- ging the insensible body with you, under your own body. If you attempt to walk out and carry the patient, cover your mouth and nose with a wet handkerchief, go very quickly, and do not breathe until you reach the fresh air. 2. If there is a messenger handy, send for the doctor at once, but in the meantime if necessary, perform ar- tificial respiration as outlined under the Schaefer System in the preceding paragraphs, until the patient is restored to normal breathing. ELECTRIC SHOCK This is caused by some part of the body coming in contact with a live electric wire. The seriousness of the SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 199 shock depends on how heavy a charge of electricity the wire is carrying at the time. The patient is usually unable to release himself from the wire. The first thing to be done, if possible, is to turn off the current by means of the switch, but if this cannot be done at once , the patient must be rescued by pulling him away from the wire. Remember his body will easily carry the charge to yours while he is against the wire. Therefore you must “insulate” yourself — that is, put on your hands some- thing that will not let the electricity into your body — or stand on something that will “insulate” you ; for instance, rubber gloves or rubber tobacco pouches, dry silk hand- kerchiefs, other silk garments or newspapers used in place of gloves if necessary. Stand on a rubber mat or on dry boards, or glass, or in dire necessity dry clothes can be used to stand on. They must not be wet as then they will carry the electric current through your body and you must also be rescued instead of rescuing. Prevention: 1. Do not touch the “third rail” of elec- tric railways. 2. Do not catch hold of swinging wires, they may be “live wires.” 3. Report broken wires to the right authorities. Treatment : 1. Get patient loose from the current 2. Send for the doctor. ( 3. Lay the patient flat on his back. 4. Loosen the clothing, and perform artificial respira- tion according to Schaefer method if necessary. 5. Give first aid treatment to the burns. FIRE ACCIDENTS The first thought about a fire is to get it put out before it spreads any further. There are methods which will 200 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS do this 'work effectually and Girl Scouts should learn these methods beforehand thoroughly, in order that when the emergency arises they may act quickly, coolly and effectively. Fire in Clothing If this happens in your own clothing, do not run for help, as the draft made by the motion of your body will only fan the flames to burn more fiercely. Grab the nearest thing that will cover you; overcoat, blanket, rug, wrap it tightly around you at the neck first to prevent flames from burning the face and lie down and roll over and over. This will smother the flames quickly. If you can get nothing to wrap around you, lie down and roll slowly over and beat the fire with your hands covered by some part of your clothing not on fire. If the fire is in the clothing of another, wrap him in the nearest thing available, lay him on the floor and roll him over, smothering the flames as described before. Woolen material will not catch fire as easily as cotton, therefore, if you have a chance to choose, take woolen material for smothering the flames. Results Results of fire in the clothing are sure to be more or less serious burns. When you have discovered the extent of the burn, if it is at all serious, send for the doctor at once, and in the meantime treat the burn as you have already learned to do in minor burns. Fire in Buildings Keep cool, in order to remember what to do, and do it quickly. Turn in a fire alarm at once. Send some one else if possible who may not know what to do to the fire. The quickest way is by telephone call, “Fire Department/’ SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 201 and tell them the exact address of the building where the fire is. Or you may go to the nearest alarm box, smash the glass, open the door, and pull down the hook that sounds the alarm. (Generally the directions are printed on the box.) If you cannot sound the alarm alone, call upon the nearest person to help you. Wait there until the firemen arrive and direct them to the fira. When the firemen come do just as they tell you, for they know exactly what to do. People trying to escape from a burning building often get frightened and then there is a panic. Panic kills more people than fire. Keep cool, and others will follow your example. Never jump from a window unless the flames are so close that it is your only means of escape. If outside a burning building put mattresses and bedding piled high to break the jumper’s fall and get a strong hold on a rug to catch the jumper, and let many people hold the rug. If the fire is just beginning, it can easily be put out by smothering with a rug or blanket; sand, ashes, salt, or a few pails of water will answer the same purpose. Keep the doors and windows closed if possible to pre- vent draughts from fanning the flames to fiercer effort. Remember this point when you go into a burning building, and leave some responsible person guarding the door, in order that it may not be left open by some one in excitement and the flames fanned beyond control. If you need fresh air in your search for people in a burning building, open a window, put out your head and draw your lungs full of fresh air and then close the win- dow again. In any case it is best to tie a wet handker- chief or towel over the nose and mouth while in a burn- ing building, as this will prevent you from breathing a good deal of smoke. In searching for persons remember always to begin 202 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS at the top of the building if psmMe, and search every room. When on stairs keep to wall side, where air is relatively free from flames and smoke. If a room is locked, try to rouse the people by pounding and calling and then break in the door if unsuccessful m rousing them, and you suspect there is some one there. Remember, the air within six inches from the floor is usually free from smoke, and if the smoke makes breath- ing too difficult, you can still accomplish your end by crawling along the floor and dragging the rescued one with you as you learned to do in gas rescue. Form a bucket brigade from the fire to the nearest water supply ; passing the filled pails from one to another rapidly, the last throwing the water on the fire and pass- ing the empty pails back along another line to be filled again and passed on as before. Fires from Kerosene, Gasoline, Benzine Prevention . — 1. Do not light a fire with kerosene. 2. Do not clean gloves or clothing with gasoline or benzine in a room with a lamp or gas jet lighted. 3. Do not try to dry clothing that has been cleaned with gasoline or benzine near a hot stove or lighted gas jet. Extinction . — Do not use water to put out a fire of kero- sene, benzine, or gasoline, as that only scatters the flames. Smother with blankets, rugs, sand, ashes, salt, or any- thing which is at hand and can be used ; remember that woolen will not catch fire as easily as cotton. COMMON POISON AND ANTIDOTES Poisoning — Cases of poisoning happen most often be- cause people do not examine the bottles before taking medicines from them. Prevention — Disinfectants, liniments and medicines SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 203 Bottles and boxes should be correctly and plainly labelled. Bottles containing a poisonous substance should be rough outside, or with notched corks or marked with something beside the label stating that their contents are poison. Treatment — 1. Send for the doctor at once, telling him what kind of poison you think the patient has taken in order that he may bring the right antidote and the right implements to give the quickest and most effective relief. 2. Give demulcent or mucilaginous drinks, as for example, milk, raw egg, one or two tablespoonsful of salad oil, sweet oil, or barley water — whichever can be obtained most readily. 3. Give something to produce vomiting, provided the lips are not burned or stained as they are with an acid or alkali. A simple but effectual emetic can be made by mixing two teaspoonsful of salt or a tablespoon of mus- tard in a glass of lukewarm water. This may be re- peated if necessary. 4. If the patient seems drowsy, suspect opium and keep patient awake at all costs till the doctor arrives. 5. If delirium threatens, dash cold water on the patient’s head and face to try to prevent the fit from coming on. 6. When the poison taken has been acid, the anti- dote should be an alkali, but different poisons require different antidotes, and it would be unwise to trust to one’s memory as to the proper one to take in each case. It would be well to have a list of the more common poisons and their antidotes attached to the First Aid Kit, but do not trust to the memory. If a Girl Scout does not know, and if the patient’s lips are not stained or burned, give an emetic. 204 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Bandages Bandages form the most convenient way of keeping dressings on wounds and for making pressure when necessary. They are also used to correct some de- formities, but you will not need to concern yourselves with the latter, as this is in the province of doctors. There are three varieties of bandages which you will need to use and with which you should be familiar: the roller, trangular and four-tailed. The materials used for bandages are absorbent gauze, muslins or flannels. The kind you will use most will be gauze and muslin. The gauze is best to use in dressing wounds because it is pliable and absorbent, and muslin, if you may choose, in applying pressure, because it is firm. In an emergency there will usually be little chance to choose. Anything at hand, as underclothing, sheets, blankets, etc., may be torn into strips or triangles and used. Have the material which is used clean if possible. The width of the roller bandage depends on the part of the body to be bandaged, from one inch for the little finger to four inches for the body. They can be rolled very well by hand with a little practice, and every Girl Scout should learn to do this or to improvise a bandage roller by running a very stiff wire through a small wooden box and then bending one end on the outside of the box like a handle. A bandage must be rolled sufficiently tight so that the center will not fall out. By folding one end back and forth a few times to make a core, and then laying the bandaging over one’s knees lengthwise of the thigh with the core uppermost, it can be rolled quite tightly and answer every purpose for emergencies. Learn to put on all bandages smoothly and securely, but not too tightly. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 205 Triangular Bandages — These bandages have advan- tages for first aid work. They can be quickly made, easily applied and are not apt to be put on too tightly even by a beginner. The size of the piece of cloth varies with the part to be bandaged. Take a square piece of cloth (it should not be less than 34 to 38 inches), fold it diagonally from corner to corner and cut across the fold, making two bandages. The bandage may be applied unfolded or folded into a narrow strip, called cravat bandage. To fold the cravat bandage, the point of the triangle is brought to the middle of the diagonal side and the bandage folded lengthwise to the desired width. The cravat bandage is convenient to use in bandaging the hand, foot, head, eyes, throat and jaw; for trying on splints ; for tying around the limb in case of snake bite, and in making a tourniquet. Always tie the bandage with a square knot to prevent slipping. Care must be used in applying the triangular 206 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS bandage to have it smooth and firm, folding the loose ends into pleats evenly. Bandage for Hand — For wound of the palm, lay cravat in straight line, place palm across it at the mid- dle. Fold ends over the back of hand, carry around wrist and tie. Reverse the order for injury to the back of the hand. To cover entire hand, unfold cravat, lay flat with point of triangle beyond the fingers. Fold the point of the bandage over the fingers, cross the ends, and pass around wrist and tie at the back. Bandage for Foot — Place foot on the smooth triangle with the point extending beyond the toes several inches. Fold the point back over the instep, cross the ends, carry around the ankle and tie. Bandage for the Head — The bandage may be used flat or as a cravat, according to the nature of the in- jury and the part to be bandaged. For a cap bandage, fold over the edge of the diagonal edge, place on the head with the folded edge just above the eyes; pleat the edges hanging down over the ears SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 207 into small folds so that the bandage lies smoothly; carry the ends around the head; cross at the back, and tie in a square knot in front. The cravat bandage may be used to hold on small dressings where the whole head does not need to be covered. For the eyes, jaw and throat the triangular bandage is used by folding smoothly into a cravat and tying securely over the part to be covered. Arm Sling . — The triangular bandage makes the best arm sling to support the forearm or for supporting injuries to the elbow or shoulder. An arm sling is firmer and more satisfactory if the triangle is double; that is, simply fold over the square diagonally, but do not cut it along the fold. An arm sling will need to be about a yard square before folding. To adjust the arm sling, put one. end over the shoul- der on the uninjured side; slip the point of the triangle under the injured arm, so that it will extend beyond the elbow a few inches; then take the end of the ban- dage over the arm, carry around the back of the neck on the injured side, meeting the other end; and tie securely. To prevent slipping, pin the point of the bandage around the arm just above the elbow. A temporary sling can be made by pinning the sleeve of the injured arm to the dress or coat in such a way as to support the arm. The Four-tailed Bandage — This bandage is useful for bandaging the head, and especially in fracture of the jaw. Use a piece of cloth about six or eight inches wide and a yard long. Cut each end into two equal parts, leaving about three or four inches in the middle uncut. When the bandage is applied, the split ends are crossed so that they may be tied over different parts of the head and thus hold the bandage more securely 208 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS r5 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 209 in place. For instance, in the jaw bandage the uncut middle part is placed over and under the chin, the ends crossed, and two ends tied at the back of the neck and two over the top of the head. Roller Bandages — Roller bandages are a little more difficult to put on so that they will stay on, and at the same time be smooth and have a uniform pressure on the part of the body bandaged. This last point is most important. Rules for applying roller bandages: 1. Lay external surface of bandage against the part to be bandaged, holding the roll in the right hand, unless you are left-handed, unrolling it as a roll of carpet unrolls to show you a pattern in the shops. 2. Hold the loose end with the left hand and catch it with two or three turns of the bandage before be- ginning to put on the bandage. Never have more than four or five inches of the bandage unrolled at once. 3. Be careful to have the same pressure from every turn of the bandage. This is most important if the bandage is to stay on and be comfortable and not inter- fere with the circulation of the blood. Judgment of the pressure is only acquired by practice, and there- fore you should practise enough to acquire this before the real emergency happens. 4. Do not bandage too tightly. Blueness of the skin above or below the bandage always means the bandage must be loosened. Remember in applying a bandage immediately after an injury that considerable swelling may occur later, and apply your bandage more loosely than if bandaging after the swelling has gone down. Always loosen a bandage that is tight enough to cause pain or blueness. 5. Bandage from below upward. That is, from the tip of a finger or toe toward the hand or foot. From 210 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS the hand or foot toward the shoulder or groin. This is in the general direction of the return of the circulation. 6. Bandage over a splint and not under it. 7. Bandage arms, legs, fingers, etc., in the position the patient is to keep the part in when the bandaging is completed. For instance, bend the elbow to a right angle before putting on the arm bandage. This will be more comfortable for the patient, allowing him to carry the arm easily in a sling and also permit him to use the hand to some extent if the nature of the injury will permit. In bandaging a leg both above and below the knee, the bandage must be put on with a view to the necessary bending of the knee in walking and sitting, if the patient is expected to use the leg. 8. Never apply a wet bandage, as you cannot judge of just how much pressure will be exerted when the bandage dries, because of the shrinkage of cloth with drying; much greater in some cloth than in others. Kinds of roller bandages: 1. Circular for parts uniform in size, as the body. 2. Spiral for conical surfaces, as fingers or toes. 3. Reverse for more conical surfaces, as arms and legs. Circular Bandages — Any part of the body which is of uniform size may be covered with a circular bandage. Each turn covers about two-thirds of the previous turn. This holds each turn firmly and prevents slipping and exposing the dressing or wound underneath. Bandage in general direction of the return of the blood to the heart. Fasten the bandage with a strip of adhesive plaster or safety pin. If there is possibility of restless- ness or much activity on the part of the patient, it is best to run several narrow strips of adhesive plaster along the whole width of the bandage when finished to prevent possible slipping of the turns of the bandage SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 211 when the muscles move under it with the activity of the patient. This is especially true of a body bandage. Spiral Bandage — A conical part, if not too conical, may be covered with a spiral bandage. Each turn ascends at a slight angle, with one edge of the bandage a little tighter than the other. In putting on this kind of bandage it is necessary to learn to have the tight edges all of a uniform pressure and each turn overlap the turn below in such a way that these tight edges make the uniform pressure without regard to the upper edge underneath, which is covered in each turn by the tighter edge of the turn above it. Reverse Bandages — The reverse bandage is a modi- fication of the spiral one, in order to cover the gapping between spirals which occurs when the surface is very conical, as, for instance, on the leg. In putting on this bandage the loose end is caught by two or three turns first as in other bandages. Then start to make a spiral turn, but at the mid point of the front of the part being bandaged place the thumb of the left hand, and fold the bandage down so that it lies smoothly and continue the turn around to that same point. Repeat the process with each turn. (See illus- tration.) Each turn covers two-thirds of the one below in order to hold firmly. The pressure must be uniform when the bandage is finished. Fasten the ends as de- scribed under circular bandages, or divide the end of the bandage into two parts for several inches — long enough to wind around the part bandaged. Tie a single knot at the base to prevent further dividing, and wrap the ends around the part in different directions; tie in a hard knot to hold firmly. Bandaging Fingers and Toes — In bandaging fingers and toes it is usually best to bandage the whole of the injured member. Cover the end of the finger, for in- 212 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS / stance, by passing the end of the half inch or one inch bandage several times the whole length of the finger, over the end and to the base of the other side. Hold this in place with one hand, start the spiral at the end of the finger, and bandage smoothly toward the hand. The spiral or the reverse spiral may be used. Bandaging Two or More Fingers or Toes— It is some- times necessary to bandage two or more fingers, for instance, at once, as in case of a burn, where it is neces- sary always to have the burned fingers separated while healing to prevent the raw places from growing to- gether. Pass a finger bandage twice around the wrist and pass obliquely to the base of the thumb. Carry to the cud of the thumb and bandage as described above. When the thumb is bandaged, carry the bandage back to the wrist ; pass around the wrist in one or two cir- cular turns, and carry the bandage to the first finger SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 213 and bandage as before. Repeat this until all the fingers are bandaged. Carry the bandage back to the wrist, after the last finger you wish to bandage is done; make one or two turns around the wrist and fasten. In bandaging the foot, carry the bandage to the ankle to make secure and hold in place. Bandaging Arms and Legs — The reverse spiral is usually best for bandaging these, because of the conical shape. Practice alone can teach you to put this on smoothly, firmly, not too tightly, and at the same time quickly. A reverse bandage will not stay in place on the leg of the person walking around unless pinned in 214 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS many places or stuck by sizing in the cloth (which has been wet), plaster, etc. Only a figure eight caught over the top of the calf, in each alternate loop, will do so. The Figure Eight Bandage — The figure eight is a modification of the spiral used in bandaging over joints in such a way as to permit some motion and at the same time keep the bandage firm and in place. The bandage is carried first below and then above the joint; then below and then above, the turns over- lapping the usual two-thirds of the width of the bandage, leaving the joint free until the last. Then it may be covered with two or three circular turns of the bandage. This admits of considerable motion without disturbing the bandage to any extent. The National Red Cross and Girl Scout Instruction in First Aid By special arrangement with the National Red Cross, it is possible for a Girl Scout completing satisfactorily SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 215 the requirements for the First Aid Proficiency Badge to secure with slight additional work the Red Cross cer- tificate in First Aid. Or the course may be taken en- tirely under Red Cross auspices, though arranged by Scout officials, in which case the Scout may receive both the Proficiency Badge and the Red Cross certificate. The conditions of this co-operation between the Girl Scouts and the National Red Cross are as follows: Classes are to be organized with not less than four or more than twenty-five in a class. The best size is ten to fifteen. Scouts must be at least sixteen years of age to be admitted to these classes. The instructor must be a physician appointed by the Chairman of the First Aid Committee of the local chapter of the Red Cross. He or she may be supplied upon request by the Chapter, or chosen by the class and the name submitted to the Chapter for appointment. The Red Cross class roll m'ust be sent in to the local Chapter early in the course. A Secretary to handle the records should be chosen, and where the class is made up of Scouts, the officials should be preferably a Scout Captain or Scout Official. The examiner must be a physician appointed by the local Red Cross chapter and is preferably some one other than the instructor, but this is not necessary. Like the instructor, the examiner may be supplied by the Chapter or chosen by the class. The Red Cross examination roll, which may be ob- tained from the Chapter, should be used in giving exam- inations and then returned to the Chapter, who will issue the certificates. Follow the directions on the roll care- fully. If a Scout holds a First Aid Proficiency Badge she may complete the course in seven and one-half hours. If she does not hold a Proficiency Badge in First Aid 216 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS then fifteen hours will be required. A Girl Scout hold- ing a Proficiency Badge in First Aid and taking a school course held under Red Cross auspices which she passes with a mark of at least seventy-five per cent, can, when the school principal certifies to this, get the Red Cross certificate without further examination by applying to the local Red Cross Chapter. Advanced Courses Advanced courses are open to those who have the Red Cross certificate. There must be an interval of at least six months after the elementary course before an advanced course can be taken, and the same interval be- tween repetitions of it. The course of instruction is seven and one-half hours, mainly practical demonstra- tions. A Red Cross medal is given on completion of this course. Each time it is repeated, up to three times, a bar (engraved with year) is given to be added to the medal. Fees A fee of fifty cents is required for the elementary course. The local Red Cross Chapter has the right to reduce this fee. The fee for the advanced course is one dollar, which covers the cost of certificate, examination and medal. The fee for bar and engraving is fifty cents. These fees cannot be reduced. These fees cover the cost to the Red Cross of postage, certificates, medals, bars, and so forth, but do not cover that of instructor, examiner, or classroom supplies, which the Red Cross requires the class to take care of. Information Where there is no local Girl Scout organization refer to the local Red Cross Chapter; or if there is none, either to the Girl Scout National Headquarters, 189 Lexington SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 217 Avenue, New York, N. Y., or to the Department of First Aid, American Red Cross National Headquarters, Washington, D. C. 4. THE HOME NURSE The Girl Scout who has earned the Home Nurse Badge may be of great help where there is illness. But, she should remember that only such people as doctors and trained nurses who have knowledge and skill gained by special training and thorough practice are fitted to care properly for those who are very ill. If the Scout with the badge keeps her head and shows herself steady, reliable and willing, when called upon for help in illness or emergencies, she proves herself a true Scout who is living up to the Scout motto of “BE PREPARED.” To earn the badge she should know: How to keep the sick room clean and comfortable. Plow to make a bed properly. How to prepare for and help a sick person in taking a bath. Plow to make a sick person comfortable in bed, chang- ing position, etc. How to take temperature, pulse and respiration. How to prepare and serve simple, nourishing food for the sick. How to feed a helpless person. How to prepare and use simple remedies for slight ail- ments. How to occupy and amuse the sick. When helping about the sick, the Scout should wear a wash dress or an apron which covers her dress. She should be very neat and clean. She should wash her 218 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS hands frequently, always before her own meals, and after coming into contact with the sick person and after handling utensils, dishes, linen, etc., used in the sick room. Great cleanliness is necessary not only for her own protection but to prevent illness spreading. She should move quickly and quietly, but without bustle or hurry, taking care not to let things fall, not to bump against the furniture, not to jar the bed, not to slam doors, in fact not to make any unnecessary noises, as sick people are not only disturbed but may be made worse by noises and confusion. If a door is squeaky the hinges should be oiled. Too much talking, loud talking and whispering are to be avoided. Only cheerful and pleasant subjects should be talked of, never illnesses either that of the patient nor of others. The best nursing aims not only to bring relief and com- fort to those already sick, but to guard against spreading sickness. We know, now, that many diseases are spread by means of germs which are carried from person to person by various means, such as air, water, milk, and other food ; discharges from the mouth, nose, bowels, bladder, wounds ; clothing ; the hands ; the breath, and so forth. It has been found that great heat, intense cold, sun- shine and some powerful drugs called disinfectants kill germs. Germs thrive and multiply in dirt, dampness and darkness. That is why it is important to have fresh air, sunshine and cleanliness in order to keep well, and to help in curing those who get sick. The Room, Its Order and Arrangement The hangings and furniture of a sick room should be of a kind that can be washed and easily kept clean. Plain wooden furniture is better than upholstered furniture which collects and holds the dust. If there is a rocking i SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 219 chair it should be for the use of the sick person only. Seeing and hearing other people rock may be very dis- turbing. If carpets are movable, so much the better, as they can be taken out to be cleaned. The room should be bright and attractive. Sick people like flowers and pretty things, but the flowers should not have a strong perfume, and there should not be too many ornaments around to collect dust and to take up too much room. Flowers should be taken out of the room every night and the water changed before returned to the room in the morning. Never have faded flowers around. The room should be kept neat — a place for everything and everything in its place. Neatness and attractiveness are not only pleasing to the sick person and those who come into the room but may really make the sick person feel better. Medicines should not be kept in sight. All dishes and utensils not in use should be taken away and should be washed immediately after use. Ventilating and Lighting the Room The room of a sick person should be so situated that it will get plenty of sunlight and be easily aired. A room that has two or more windows can be better ventilated than a room with only one. When there is only one win- dow, it should be opened both top and bottom. If there is not a screen, one can be made by hanging a shawl or a blanket over a clothes horse or a high-backed chair, or over a line stretched across the lower part of the window. A fire place or a stove keeps the air circulating — the air being constantly drawn up the chimney — and so helps in ventilating a room. When “airing” the room great care must be taken to keep the sick person free from draughts. 220 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Unless special orders have been given to the contrary there should be plenty of sunshine let in. The eyes of the sick person should be protected from the glare by a screen. If possible there should be a thermometer in the room. The proper heat is between 65 and 70 degrees. If the tem- perature of the room is as high as 70 degrees and the sick person is cold, it is better to give her a hot water bag and to put on more covers than to shut the windows, thus keeping out the fresh air. Cool air acts as a tonic for the sick. Cleaning the Room The carpet should be gone over every day to remove the surface dust. Use the carpets sweeper, being care- ful not to knock the furniture nor to jar the bed. Raise as little dust and make as little noise as possible. Torn- up wet paper scattered on a small part of the carpet at a time and lightly brushed up into a dustpan with a whisk broom, or a broom, cleans the carpet very well without raising dust. If the carpet cannot be taken out to be swept or beaten but requires thorough sweeping, an umbrella with a sheet over it may be hoisted over the head of the sick person to keep the dust from her nose and nostrils. The bare parts of the floor should be gone over with a damp duster or a damp mop. The dusting should be done witri a damp or oiled duster also, so that the dust may not be scattered. A basin of soapy water should be at hand and the duster washed in it frequently while dusting, so that the dust collected on it from one surface will not be carried to another. While dusting special attention should be paid to the door- knobs and that part of the door around them. ♦ When the dusting is finished the dusters should be SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 221 thoroughly washed and scalded and hung out of doors to dry. The Bed A metal bedstead is better than a wooden one, as wood holds odors and moisture, and is apt to have more cracks and crevices for germs or bugs to lodge in. It should be white, for then it shows when it needs cleaning and bed bugs keep away from white surfaces which show them up easily. If possible, have the bed in a part of the room, where the drafts will not strike the patient every time a door or window is opened, and where the light does not shine in the eyes. If it can be placed so that the patient can see from the window so much the better. To Make an Unoccupied Bed Remove pillows and bedclothes, one at a time, being careful not to let corners drag on the floor, and put to air. Turn the mattress over from end to end one day, and from side to side next day. If the patient does not have to return to bed at once leave to air for at least half an hour. An old blanket, old spread or a quilted pad, spread over the mattress not only protects the mattress but prevents the sheets from wearing out, and may make the bed more comfortable. These should be kept clean. The bed for a sick person is frequently made with a rubber sheet and a draw sheet. The draw sheet is so called because its proper use is to be drawn through under the patient without greatly disturbing her and give her a cool fresh place to lie on. Therefore it should be long enough to tuck in sufficiently under one side to allow of this being done. An ordinary sheet folded in two from top to bottom and placed with folded edge toward the head of the bed may be used. It should entirely 222 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS cover the rubber sheet, which is usually put on between the bottom and the draw sheet. When the mattress is sufficiently aired, put on the pro- tective covering. Over this spread the lower sheet so that the middle fold of the sheet lies up and down the centre of the mattress from head to foot. Keep per- fectly straight. The sheet should be long enough to have at least fourteen inches over at ends and sides to tuck in. Tuck ends under mattress at head and foot drawing tightly so that it will be smooth and firm. Now tuck under at one side, folding neatly at corners, so that they will be mitred when finished. If there is no rubber nor draw sheet to put on, go to the other side of the bed and tuck in firmly at corners. Then, pulling the middle of the sheet very tightly with one hand, push the mattress SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 223 with the other and tuck the sheet under. This under sheet should be very smooth without a wrinkle in it. If it is not long enough to tuck in well at both head and foot, leave plenty at the head to tuck in securely and tuck in at the sides tightly rather than risk having it come loose at the head. Be sure, however, that the mat- tress is entirely covered. When Rubber and Draw Sheets Are Used Before going around to the other side, lay the rubber sheet over the bed, so that the top edge will be well above where the lower edge of the pillow will come. Put the draw sheet over it. Tuck both well under the mattress on that side. Then, go to the other side and tuck ;n the corners of the lower sheet as directed, then stretching draw, rubber, and under sheet very tightly, tuck in separately. Next spread the upper sheet, wrong side up, leaving as much at the head to turn back over the blankets as you left in the under sheet to tuck in. Have the middle fold over that of the lower sheet. Spread the blankets so that their upper edges will be even with the upper edge of the mattress. If the blankets are not long enough to reach as far up as they should, and yet tuck under firmly at the foot, place the lower one as directed, and the upper one so that there will be enough to tuck under at the foot, and hold the others in place. Tuck all in at once at foot and lower corners, mitring the corners as you did those of the lower sheet. Pull and straighten the sheet at the top and turn back smoothly over the blankets. If the bed is not to be occupied right away, tuck in both sides, stretching well so that it will have a smooth surface. Put on the spread, having the top edge even with the top of the covers. Tuck in neatly at foot and lower corners. 224 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS letting the sides hang. Shake and beat the pillows thor- oughly, make smooth and even, and put in place. To Change the Under Sheet When the Patienit Is in Bed Loosen the bedclothes, without jarring the bed. Take off covers one at a time, until only one blanket and sheet remain. (If the patient feels cold, leave as many blankets as necessary to keep her warm.) Holding blankets with one hand or having patient hold it by the top, draw off the upper sheet, being careful not to uncover the patient. Remove the pillows. Have the patient as near the side of the bed as is safe, on her side, and facing the side on which she is lying. Roll the under sheets on the side of the bed close to the patient’s back, making them as flat as possible. Pleat about half of the fresh under sheet lengthwise, and place close to the soiled sheets. Tuck in the other half, at the head, foot and side, draw the rubber sheet back over this fresh sheet, arrange the fresh draw sheet in place, tuck both in at that side and roll the free part close up to the patient’s back. Now lift the patient’s feet over the roll of fresh and soiled linen to the freshly made part, then have her roll her body over that side. Going to the other side of the bed, re- move all the soiled linen and tuck the fresh sheets in, pulling tightly, being sure that there are no wrinkles under the patient. All the time keep the patient well covered. Now, spread the upper sheet and blankets over the cover- ing the patient has had on while the lower sheets were being changed and, having the patient hold the coverings you have just put on, draw off the others, just as you took off the top sheet at first. Finish making the bed as you would an unoccupied one. If the Bed Is to Be Occupied at Once If the bed is to be occupied at once the coverings should J SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 225 be tucked in only at foot, corners and one side, then turned back diagonally from the head to foot. The bed clothes should never be drawn too tightly over a person in bed, or they may irritate the skin, especially at the knees and toes. Bed sores may be started in this way. Perhaps the commonest cause of bedsores is from wrinkles in the under sheets. If the spread is heavy it should not be used over a patient. Use a sheet instead to protect the blankets. Bathing Bathing is more important for the sick than for the well. It not only keeps the skin clean and in condition to do its work, but it is soothing to the nerves, makes the sick person rest better and is refreshing. If the room is the right temperature and the bath is carefully taken there is no danger of a sick person taking cold. On the other hand bathing helps to keep people in condition to avoid taking colds. (See Red Cross Text Book on Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick, page 156.) When a patient is very sick or helpless, the bath should be given by someone who is able to do it deftly and quick- ly, with the least exertion to the patient. Very often, however, a person in bed is quite able to bathe herself, with a little help, if the necessary things are brought to her. To Prepare for a Bath in Bed Have the room warm and free from draughts. A good temperature is 70 degrees. An old person or a baby may have it warmer. Bring into the room everything needed. This will in- clude : An extra blanket to wrap around the sick person. Two or more bath towels. 226 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Two wash cloths — one for the face and another for the rest of the body. Soap — Ivory or castile are good. Pitcher of good hot water, and slop jar. Alcohol and toilet powder if you have it. Nail file and scissors. Comb and brush. Clean bed linen and nightgown. In cold weather these may be hung near the fire or radiator to warm. A basin of water of a temperature that the sick person finds comfortable. When everything is ready the Scout can help by loosen- ing the bedclothes, arranging the extra blanket, removing the nightgown, and in holding the basin and towels, in changing the water or in any way that will make the bath easier for the sick person, perhaps washing the feet and back, being careful to keep all the rest of the body covered and warm, and in protecting the bed by bath towels spread under the part being washed. When doing this the wash cloth should not be so wet that it will drip and wet the bed. It should be held so that the corners do not touch against the bedclothes. There should not be too much soap used as it makes the skin feel sticky. Every part should be dried thoroughly. Warm towels are a great help in this. When the bath is finished alcohol or witch hazel may be used to rub the parts where there is most pressure as the back, shoulder blades, hips, buttocks, elbows, knees and ankles. This not only gives comfort but it prevents bedsores. If a sick person gets a bath, so that it does not disturb nor tire her nor make her chilly she will usually enjoy it. By getting everything ready, by helping, where needed, and by clearing up nicely the Girl Scout may make the bath a pleasure instead of something to be dreaded. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 227 Sometimes sick people are able to go to the bath room to take their own baths, if everything is gotten ready for them beforehand, so that they will not get tired doing so. People who are not well should never be allowed to lock themselves in the bathroom alone. Getting Ready a Tub Bath The bathroom should be well aired but warm. The water in the bath tub helps to warm it up. A bath towel or bath mat should be spread beside the tub on the floor and a chair with a blanket and a bath towel on it for the person to sit on while she is drying herself. The water should be about 105 degrees or a temperature that the person finds comfortable. Always let a patient try it herself with her hand and arm before getting in. Five to ten minutes is long enough to stay in the water. The towels should be within easy reach and the bathrobe, night gown and slippers placed ready to put on. The bed should be put to air and left as long as possi- ble, but if the patient has to get back in it immediately after her bath, it should be made — care being taken that it is warm enough. If necessary put in hot water bags and spread a blanket over the under sheet to wrap around her if she needs it. People chill easily after a bath if they are exposed to sudden cold. Foot Baths Foot baths are often used in the home as remedies for colds, headaches, sleeplessness and to give relief at the monthly period. If there is not a regular foot tub a pail that is large enough to put the foot in is better than a basin as it lets the water come up around the ankles. A person may sit in a chair or on the side of the bed. Have tub about half full of wate? and at first of a heat that feels com- 228 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS fortable, putting more hot water in from time to time, until it is as hot as it can be stood. When adding hot water the feet should be away from the part of the tub where the water is poured in, and it should be added slowly to prevent possibility of burning. A person get- ting a foot bath should be kept very warm. Wrap a blanket around the knees so that the legs will be pro- tected front and back. After fifteen or twenty minutes the feet should be removed from the water and dried without rubbing. They should be kept well covered for an hour or more. No one should go out immediately after a foot bath. If mustard is to be added, mix it first in a cup and mix it gradually so that it does not lump. Two tablespoonfuls of mustard to a foot bath is about enough. Changing of position , and supporting different parts of the body, give both rest and comfort to anyone in bed. This may be done by turning a patient and by the proper arrangement of pillows and other supports. To turn a patient toward you place one hand over her shoulder and the other hand over her hip and draw to- ward you. Bend her knees, go to the other side of the bed, put both hands undfer her hips and draw toward you. Place a pillow lengthwise at her back, from her shoulder to waist for support. A pillow, placed under or between the knees, often gives much relief and comfort. Small air pillows that can be placed under or against the small of the back relieve strain and rest the muscles. Anyone lying on her back will be rested by arranging pillows lengthwise at the sides to support arms. Rubber rings and air cushions are also used to relieve pressure and give sup- port. They should always be covered, using towel or pillow case, if they have not their own fitted covers. Rings of any size may be made of cotton wound with SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 22$ bandage. These are frequently needed under the heels, particularly for a patient lying on her back. Sitting Up in Bed When a patient is allowed to sit up in bed and a bed- rest is not available a straight chair placed bottom-up be- hind the patient makes a good support for the pillows. If there is no other support, at least six pillows are needed to make a patient comfortable. The pillows should be so arranged that the head is not thrown for- ward and that there is proper support for the back, and the arms. Raising a Patient Who Has Slipped Down in Bed Have the patient draw up the knees until the soles of the feet are firmly on the bed. Place your right arm un- der the far shoulder in such a way that the patient’s head rests in your bent elbow. Place the left arm under the thighs. ’ Hold your back stiff. Have the patient clasp hei 230 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS hands around your waist. Lift without jerking. When two persons are doing the lifting, one should stand on either side of the bed. The person on the left side of the bed should place the right arm as though she were doing the lifting alone. Place the other arm under the small of the patient’s back. The person on the right side will place her left arm beside her companion’s, and her right arm under the thighs. If able, the pafient may place a hand on the shoulder of each lifter. Lift in unison without jerking. A pillow rolled in a sheet, placed under the body and tied to the head or sides of the bed will prevent slipping down in bed. It is usually better to shake up and rearrange the pillows after raising the patient as the moving disar- ranges them somewhat. To Change the Pillows Slip the right arm under the shoulders in such a way that the neck and head are supported in your bent elbow ; with the left hand gently draw out one pillow at a time, from above. In replacing, stand the pillows on the side at the head of the bed, lift the shoulders, and grasping the pillow by the middle draw down under the patient’s head. Another way is to have the patient near one side of the bed and lifting in the same way draw the pillows one at a time away from you. In replacing put the fresh pil- lows on the far side and again lifting the head pull them toward you. The pillow should support the neck and shoulders. A small down or hair pillow placed under the back of the neck from time to time, rests and supports. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 231 To Change the Nightgown The nightgown should be loose enough to change easily. If there is an opening in the front, this may be made larger or the gown may be split up the back. These openings may be sewn up again without in any way damaging the gown. Have the gown well drawn up around the shoulders and neck. Slip one hand through the arm hole of the gown, and bend the patient’s arm. With the other hand draw off the sleeve. Draw the hand through the corresponding sleeve of the fresh gown and lifting the head just as for changing the pillow, slip the soiled and fresh gown over the head at the same time. Pull away the soiled gown. Put your hand through the sleeve and draw the patient’s hand through, then raising again draw the gown down under the back and hips. Combing the Hair The hair should be combed at least once a day. If this is done from the very beginning of an illness it will not get badly tangled. Spread a towel over the pillow. Have the patient turn head on one side so that the back of the head is exposed. Part the hair in the middle from the forehead to the nape of the neck. Comb only a small strand at a time. If there are tangles, comb from ends toward the scalp. Avoid pulling by twisting the strand around the finger and holding loosely between the comb and the scalp. When the hair on one side has been combed, braid it, hav- ing the top of the braid near the ear. Do the other side the same way. If very much tangled a little oil or alcohol rubbed in makes it easier to comb. Wash the comb and brush in soap and water once a week. 232 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Wash the hands after combing the hair. Be careful in removing the towel not to scatter the loose hairs and dandruff it may hold. Getting Patient Up in Chair If possible have a chair with arms. Place beside the bed. Put cushions on seat and fresh pillow at back. Throw a blanket over all corner-wise, to wrap around the patient when she sits down. While in bed put on stockings, slippers, bath robe (and under-drawers or flannel petticoat in winter). Have the patient sit up in bed, and help her to swing her feet over the edge. Stand in front of her, and have her place her hands on your shoulders. Place your hands under her arm pits, and let her slip off the bed with her feet firmly on the floor. Turn and let her sit down slowly Place a stool for her feet. Place the chair so that she will be out of drafts and so that the light does not shine directly into her face. When patients become restless and nervous they may often be made more comfortable by rearranging the bed clothes, by fanning, by changing position, by rubbing the back and legs, by. putting hot water bags at the feet, back and neck, or small of back. In summer try very cold water instead of hot water in the bags. Cold com- presses may be applied to the back of the neck, the spine, the forehead, or wherever they may give comfort. A foot bath, a hot or cool sponging will not only quiet rest- lessness but will ofen make a patient sleepy. In using any wet application be sure not to get the pillows or bed clothes wet. Continued rubbing at the back of the neck or stroking of the forehead gently is soothing and quiet- ing. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 233 Temperature, Pulse, Respiration The temperature of the average person in health is 98.6° Fahrenheit. This is called the normal temperature. A temperature below 98.0 degrees is said to be sub- normal. A healthy person may have a sub-normal tem- perature in the early morning. People with a continuous low temperature, say around 97 (this is often the case with old people and those who are recovering from ill- ness) need careful attention. If in bed, they should be kept warmly covered and supplied with hot water bags. If up, they should be warmly clothed, and protected from drafts, and sudden changes of temperature. Usually, in the early morning before daylight, the tem- perature is at the lowest. That is why it is important to watch sick people and babies and to put an extra cover over them at that time. Any temperature above 100 degrees, if it continues, is serious. A temperature above 101 degrees is a fairly high one, and 103 degrees or above is very high. The temperature is taken with a clinical thermometer placed in the mouth or in the armpit. For babies, and people who might break the thermometer if it were placed in the mouth, place the thermometer in the armpit. Temperatures of babies and very ill people are taken in rectum, but the Girl Scout should not attempt this. Al- ways wash the thermometer in cold water before using. Wash in cold water and disinfect by wiping off with alco- hol after using. Hot water will break it. When the thermometer is being used every day it may be kept in disinfectant. Never lay down a thermometer that has been used until after it has been washed and disinfected. To Take the Temperature in the Mouth Cleanse the thermometer. Shake down so that the mercury is below 96 degrees. Have patient moisten lips. 234 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Place the thermometer with bulb under tongue. Lips must be closed while holding it. Hold two or three minutes, in this position. Be sure that nothing hot or cold has been in the mouth for at least five minutes before taking temperature. To Take Temperature in the Armpits Wipe out armpit. Insert the thermometer. Place arm across the chest so that the thermometer is held securely. It should remain so for four or five minutes. Pulse The pulse may be counted on the thumb side of the inside of the wrist, at the temples, the ankles, and other parts of the body where the arteries are near the surface. The pulse shows the number of times oer minute which the heart beats or pumps. A normal pulse for a man is around 72, for a woman 80, for a child 90, and for a baby 100 degrees. A very rapid or a very slow pulse shows that there is “ something wrong that should be reported. It takes a good deal of practice to learn to count the pulse. Place two or three fingers on the beating artery, just touching firmly enough to feel the beats, and count for a half minute, then multiply by two to find the number of beats per minute. Be sure that the patient’s hand is in a comfortable position while counting. Respiration Respiration is another word for breathing. An aver- age formal person when sitting or lying still, breathes from twelve to twenty times per minute, and when mov- ing about 24 times. We all know that quick moving makes quick breathing. Respiration above 40 or below 8 is a danger sign. If SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 235 the respiration is very fast, or difficult, or wheezy, or in any way very unusual, we can tell it at a glance. People who are breathing hard are frequently relieved by being propped up in bed. To count the respiration . It is better to do this with- out the person’s knowledge. It may be counted by watch- ing the rise and fall of the chest or of the shoulders. An- other way is to hold the person’s hand as though taking the pulse, having her rest her hand and fore-arm lightly on the chest and count the rise and fall. Dishes Dishes used by patients with any of the contagious diseases, and this includes colds and sore throats, should be kept separate, and washed separately from the family dishes. They should be scalded after washing and have special dish cloths. Using separate utensils, and separate room for the sick person are two of the surest ways to prevent the spread of the disease. In such diseases as measles, scarlet fever, colds, mumps, influenza, dishes should be boiled every day. Put them in a large kettle in cold water and let them come to a boil. Even the thinnest glass will not break if treated in this way. Let the dishes stay in the water until cool enough to handle. Dish cloths and dish mops should be thoroughly washed in good hot water and soap, and put in the sun to dry. They should be boiled regularly. If it is necessary to disinfect linen put it all in a bag and leave in cold water to soak for some hours before putting it on to boil. Put a little washing soda in the water. After boiling hard for fifteen or twenty minutes it may be washed with the other garments. Stains should be washed out before putting linen in the wash. 236 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Utensils and Their Care All utensils should he kept clean and ready for instant use. The bedpan should always be warmed before be- ing used. Running warm water in and on it is usually the easiest" way to do this. It should be thoroughly dried on the outside so that it will not wet the bed. It is a good plan to”Trave a piece of rubber sheet or several thicknesses of old newspapers covered with a bath towel to put under the bed pan in bed. When carrying away, keep covered. Use cold water first, and after washing with soapy water, rinse and dry before putting away. Basins in constant use, especially if they are used to hold disinfectant, need to be well scoured with sapolio from time to time. Nothing is more shiftless looking than to see a dark rim of dirt or stain around a basin. Hot water bags should be emptied when not in use and hung upside down. The stoppers should be kept fas- tened to them. Ice caps should be dried inside and out and stuffed with cotton or tissue paper to keep the sides from sticking together. Hot and Cold Applications Hot applications are used to relieve pain, to supply heat, and to bring down temperature. Both moist and dry heat are used. Hot water bags, metal heaters, electric pads, hot flannels are the commonest forms of dry heat. Fomentations, poultices, and baths are the simplest forms of moist heat. In applying heat, one should be ever on the watch to avoid burning a patient. The skin of babies, children, old people, and of those who have been ill a long time, is very easily burned. Again, the same heat that is easily tolerated by one person, may burn another. Hot water bags or their substitute, electric pads or metal heaters should always be wrapped in towels or SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 23j7 have their own coverings. Never fill a hot water bag more than two-thirds full. The water should not be hot enough to scald a patient if the bag should spring a leak. Before putting in the cork, expel the air by twist- ing the upper part between the neck and the level of the water before putting in the cork. Be sure to cork tightly. If the bag is to be where the patient will bear the weight, put in a very little water and renew from time to time. Where there is no hot water bag, stone bottles may be used, or bags of salt or sand may be heated in the oven. The practice of using ordinary glass bottles is an un- safe one, as the corks are not always to be depended on to stay tight and the glass breaks easily. When bags of salt or sand are used the coverings should be thick enough to prevent the particles from sifting through. Pieces of flannel the right size may in some cases supply all the heat that is necessary. They should be covered with another flannel to keep in the warmth. To make a mustard plaster. Have ready a piece of old muslin (a piece of an old nightgown will do) two inches wide and two inches longer than twice the length of the poultice required. On one end of it, with a margin of an inch on three sides, place a piece of oiled paper or shelf paper or a piece of clean paper bag, the size you wish the poultice to be. Mix one tablespoonful of mus- tard with 8 tablespoonfuls of flour, before wetting. Have water about as hot as the hand can stand. Do not use boiling water. Stir the water into the mustard and flour gradually so that it will not lump. Make the paste stiff enough to spread thinly on the paper, about a quarter of an inch thick. Turn the margins of the cloth over the paste. Fold the long end over so that all the paste is covered and tuck the end under the turned-in edges of the sides. Fold it and take it to the patient in a hot towel or between hot plates. The skin where it is to be placed 238 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS ADMINISTERING AN INHALATION should be oiled. Test the heat by holding it against the back of your own hand. Put on slowly and leave for two minutes. Watch and remove sooner if the skin becomes reddened or if it is uncomfortable. After removing wipe away the moisture from the skin and cover with a soft piece of muslin, and place a piece of flannel over that. A blister after a mustard paste shows very careless nurs- ing. Never let a patient go to sleep with a mustard plaster on. Fomentations or stupes are pieces of flannel wrung out of very hot water and placed on the skin. They should be two or three times as large as the part to be treated, and should be applied as hot as the patient can bear them, without burning the skin. Have two sets, so that one set will be ready to put on when the other is taken off. The stupes should be wrung as dry as possible and as they must be very hot to do any good, a fomentation wringer is a great protection for the hands. One may be made by putting halves of a broom handle through the ends of a short roller towel in the SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 239 middle of which the fomentation has been placed. By twisting the sticks in the opposite direction the fomenta- tion can be wrung very dry. Take it to the bed in the wringer and do (not open until ready to place on the skin, as it will lose its heat very quickly. Put a little oil or vaseline on the skin and apply the fomentation gradu- ally. Cover with a dry flannel and put wadding over that. A piece of oiled skin or oiled paper between the wadding and the dry flannel helps to keep in the heat and moisture. Hold in place with a towel or binder pinned tightly. Cold is applied by means of ice bags and by cold compresses. In filling an ice bag the ice should be in small pieces, and the bag not too full. Expel the air as from a hot water bag. Cover with a towel or a cover for the purpose. Never put the rubber near the skin, k may freeze if so left. Besides, the cover ab- sorbs the moisture that collects on the outside as the ice melts. Cold compresses are a common remedy for headache. Old handkerchiefs are excellent for this purpose. Fold in frayed edges, two or three thicknesses will be heavy enough, and have two, large enough to cover the fore- head. Wring one out of ice water so that it will not drip, and put on the forehead. Keep the other on a piece of ice and change the two applications frequently. When applied to the neck a dry cloth should be placed outside to protect the pillow or the patient’s clothing. Cold compresses for inflamed eyes should be of one thickness only, and a little larger than the eye. Have a number and change very often. Use a separate com- press for each eye. If there is a discharge a compress should not be used a second time. The discarded com- presses should be collected in a paper bag or wrapped in newspapers and burned. 240 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS When cold compresses are applied to the head there should be a hot water bag at the feet. Gargles , sprays , and inhalations are often ordered for sore throats and colds. Salt or soda added to water in the proportion of a tea- spoonful to a pint makes an excellent gargle. A very cold gargle or one as hot as can be held with- out burning is better than a tepid one. Do not go out in the cold air directly after using a hot gargle. Use at least six separate mouthfuls each time you gargle, and hold long enough at the back of the throat for the gargle to reach every part. A spray should not be used for the nose without a special order from the doctor. The liquid sometimes gets into the passage leading to the ear and causes ear- ache. ' Always wipe the nozzle of the atomizer before using. It should be cleaned after each use and boiled, if an- other patient is to use it. Always boil the nozzle and clean out the bottle when the atomizer is to be put away. Keep it in a box where dust will not reach it. Inhalations are useful to relieve difficult breathing and for loss of voice or hoarseness. Fill a pitcher, bowl, or basin, two-thirds full of boiling water. Wrap with a towel to prevent burning if it should touch a patient. Usually drugs such as peppermint spirits, oil of eucalyp- tus, or tincture of benzoin, in dose of a teaspoonful to the hot water contained in the receptacle, is enough. If no drug is at hand, the steam itself may be depended upon to do some good. Pin one end of a bath towel around the face below the eyes and spread the other over the pitcher inhaling the steam as it rises. It may not be possible to induce a child to do this, in which case make a tent of an open umbrella with a sheet thrown over it SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 241 i at the head of the bed, leaving the front a little open. Place the pitcher so that the child will get the steam and hold the pitcher carefully all the time. Do not let the pitcher touch the patient. Another means of inhalation is to hold a funnel, made of a piece of folded paper in the nose of a kettle of very hot water, near the patient so that the steam can be in- haled. Be very careful not to scald the patient. After a steam inhalation one should not go out in the cold air nor have the windows opened for an hour or more. Common Medicines and Other Remedies It is a very safe rule never to take medicines oneself without a doctor’s orders. Above all, never advise others, even when you know from experience that certain medi- cines have helped yourself or others. Medicines should be taken upon prescription from the physician, should be measured accurately, and given at the exact hour ordered. Read carefully the label or box from which you take the medicine before and after opening or uncorking, and read the name again when putting back in its place. Many people have been poisoned by not reading the label. Have all glasses and spoons, etc., thoroughly cleansed before and after using. Accuracy, attention, cleanliness, regularity should be watchwords. In giving either food or medicine, the following meas- ures are helpful: 1 teaspoonful measures 50 grains. 2 teaspoonfuls make 1 dessertspoonful. 2 dessertspoonfuls make 1 tablespoonful. 2 tablespoonfuls make 1 ounce. 8 ounces make 1 cupful or glassful. 16 ounces make one pint. (This applies to either liquid or dry measure.) 242 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS In giving pills, capsules, tablets give a drink o f water first to moisten the tongue and throat. This helps them to slip down more easily. If there is danger of a pill or tablet choking the pa- tient, crush the pill or tablet between two spoons. When medicines are taken by spoon, the spoon should be licked by the patient in order to get the full amount. Nearly all medicines should be mixed with water, and should be followed with a drink of water unless orders are given to the contrary. Keep all medicines tightly corked. Buy medicines only in small quantities, as most of them lose their strength in time. In buying vaseline or cold cream it is better to have it in a tube than in jars. Being opened and dipped into constantly soon makes the contents of a jar unclean. Common Remedies Such remedies as the following are to be found in many homes. Castor oil, clove oil, vaseline, baking soda (this is the same thing as bi-carbonate of soda or saleratus), salt, lime water, alcohol, camphorated oil, spirits of camphor, flaxseed, aromatic spirits of ammonia. Do not confuse this latter remedy with ammonia water used for cleans- ing things. Castor oil should be taken in these doses: Baby, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. Older children : 1 tablespoonful. Adult : 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls. There are many ways of taking castor oil. Heat the glass or spoon, put in some orange or lemon juice, then the oil, then more juice. Open the mouth wide and put the oil far back. Have more juice at hand to swallow im- mediately after. Chilling the mouth by holding a piece of ice in it for a few minutes also helps to disguise the 243 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS taste. A couple of tablespoonfuls of lemon or orange juice with a quarter of a teaspoonful of soda mixed thoroughly with the oil will make it effervesce so that it is not unpleasant to take. If the dose is vomited, wait a little while, then give another. Do not give directly before nor directly after a meal. Olive oil is often taken in doses of one or two teaspoon- fuls after meals to regulate the bowels or to help people gain weight or when the appetite is small. It is also used to rub into the skin of under-nourished babies and to rub sick people, especially if the skin is very dry. After rubbing with oil always wipe the skin with a towel. Vaseline is used to grease sore and chafed parts. A little may be inserted into the nostrils for a cold. Cam- phorated vaseline is especially good for this. In case of an irritating cough that keeps a child from sleeping, a little plain pure vaseline may be put in the mouth, and it will be found very soothing. Vaseline is also used to grease such utensils as nozzles and to put on the parts to which poultices or fomenta- tions are to be applied. Soda may be used for burns (moisten and apply as a paste), as a gargle (one teaspoonful to a pint of water), an an enema (the same proportion), for colds (a tea- spoonful in a quart of water to be taken internally in the course of each day), and in bilious attacks, water with this amount of soda may be given. Also to get a person to vomit, in which case the water should be slightly warm. Salt may be used as a gargle in the same way as soda, and even mixed with the soda, also for enemas. Coarse salt, when heated and put into bags, may be used when there is no hot water bag. Lime water is used in mixing the baby’s milk and is put in the milk for sick people when they cannot take 244 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS full strength milk. The usual proportion is two table- spoons of lime water to a half glass of milk, which makes about 1 part of lime water to 3 parts of milk. Alcohol may be used to disinfect the more delicate utensils as the thermometer. Most alcohol now obtain- able is wood alcohol or denaturated ; that is, mixed with powerful poisons , so that it should never touch the mouth. Never place a bottle of alcohol near a flame. If it is ever necessary to use an alcohol lamp, use the solid alcohol. It is much safer. Camphorated oil is often used to rub the chest and neck with in case of colds. It should be warmed and rubbed in thoroughly. Protect the bedclothes and the patient’s clothes with towels. After rubbing, wipe and cover the part with a flannel, to prevent chill. Spirits of camphor or aromatic spirits of ammonia, a few drops on a handkerchief or piece of cotton, held five or six inches from the nose, relieves faintness. In- haling the camphor in this way will often make it easier to breathe through the nose in case of a head cold. Fif- teen drops of aromatic spirits of ammonia in a table- spoonful of water may be given to anyone recovering from a faint* or to relieve nausea. Flaxseed tea is an old-fashioned remedy for coughs. Pour a quart of boiling water over two tablespoonfuls of flaxseed and let it simmer for two to three hours, or until reduced to about a pint of tea. Strain through a fine strainer several times so that it will not be stringy, flavor with lemon, and add honey or sugar. Put in a cov- ered jar, and take a teaspoonful at a time to relieve irritation in the throat. The Daily Clean-Out.— People, sick or well, should have a bowel movement once or twice a day. Taking medicine for this purpose is a very bad habit. If healthy people have the proper exercise and food, and drink SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 245 plenty of good water, medicine is not necessary. Eating coarse grained food, as bran muffins, corn meal porridge, fruits, and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, exercis- ing in the open air, and having a regular time for going to the lavatory (immediately after breakfast and the last thing at night before retiring are suggested times) are habits that are usually sufficient to keep the bowels in good order. If the waste matter is not carried off by the bowel movements, the body will in time become poisoned by the decayed substance in the intestines, and illness follows. Many headaches, “tired feelings,” “blues,” and even ap- pendicitis may be caused by constipation. People who are sick and therefore deprived of taking exercise to help in keeping their bowels regular, need to have very special attention paid to their diet and to have plenty of drinking water always at hand. Also they should have bed-pan or whatever other attention they need regularly , and when asked for, immediately. Chill , if due to exposure, may be treated by giving a warm bath or a foot bath, and putting to bed between warm blankets and with hot water bags. Rub briskly under the covers and give a warm drink such as tea, coffee, milk, etc. Some Common Ills and Their Treatment When a chill is not merely due to being cold, give the same treatment except the rubbing, take the tempera- ture, and if there is fever, send for the doctor, as it may be the beginning of an illness. Colds or cramps, or pain in the bov/els may be caused by constipation, by gas, by undigested food, by the monthly period or more serious causes. Apply heat (hot water bag or fomentation), sip hot water in which is a little baking soda (one-half teaspoonful to a cup), or a few drops of peppermint. Try a hot foot bath. Lie 246 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS down and keep very quiet with a hot water bag at feet. If pain continues, except in the case of the monthly ill- ness, empty the stomach either by putting the finger down the throat or by drinking warm water and soda until vomiting starts. Take an enema or a dose of castor oil. If the pain still continues, send for a doctor. Convulsions. Send for a doctor at once. Loosen all clothing, undress if possible. Watch and prevent patient from hurting herself. Do not try to restrain. Try to force a spoonhandle wound with a bandage between the teeth, to prevent biting of tongue. Keep lying down with head slightly raised. As soon as possible, ad- minister enema or dose of castor oil. Put ice bag on head and hot water bottle to feet. Keep warm. A child may be put into a warm bath and held until convulsions subside. Keep very quiet and handle as little as possible when the convulsion is over, as handling may cause a repetition of the twitching. Croup. Give steam inhalation. Keep a kettle of very warm water in the room. If this is not possible, fill the bathroom with steam by turning on the hot water, and take the patient there. Put hot fomentations to neck, chest, and abdomen. Send for doctor, who will usually order medicine to make the child vomit, which brings some relief. Earache. Use hot applications against the ear. A heated glass or a cup in which there is a cloth wrung in very hot water, held against the ear may be found very comforting. Never put drops nor anything else into the ear canal. Either send for the doctor or take the patient to him, as there may be a developing abscess which needs to be opened. Fever. Patient should go to bed in a well ventilated room and keep quiet. The bowels should move freely and plenty of water be taken. Bathing the hands, face and neck or rubbing with alcohol gives relief, especially * SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 247 if there is restlessness. Only liquid food should be given, and even that should not be urged. Headaches. The commonest causes of frequent head- aches are eye-strain and indigestion. The cure is being fitted with glasses and taking a proper diet. Rest and quiet, careful eating, cold compresses to the head, a hot water bag to the feet, or a foot bath will usually relieve an ordinary headache. Sometimes, as when there is constipation, a dose of castor oil is necessary. An enema will often give instant relief. Never take headache medicines unless a doctor has. specially ordered it. These medicines may contain powerful poisons. The danger of taking them is that while for the time being they may relieve the headache, the cause of the headache remains, and the headache returns unless the cause, such as eye* strain or indigestion, is removed. Hiccoughs can be usually stopped by drinking a glass of water in sips while holding the breath. They are usually caused by eating too fast or by some form of indigestion. Colds, Their Prevention and Care Everybody knows that colds are “catching.” People who are over-tired or under-fed, who stay too much in either under-heated or over-heated rooms, or who do not bathe regularly, or who do not get exercise enough in the open air, are those most likely to catch cold. If you have a cold yourself, stay away from others if possible, and do all in your power to prevent others coming close to you. Cover the mouth when coughing or sneezing, use paper or old rags instead of handkerchiefs and then burn them ; wash your hands before touch- ing things others are to use, and use separate dishes, which should be kept entirely apart from the family dishes and washed separately. If such precautions are 248 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS taken by the first member of the family to take cold, it would seldom spread through the family. When people around you have colds, avoid getting close to them,, gargle often, take deep breaths of fresh air whenever possible, wash your hands often and keep them away from your nose and mouth. You do not need to be told that the handkerchief used by anyone with a cold is full of germs. It should be kept from touching other things and should never be left lying around. If, at the first signs of a cold, a good dose of castor oil is taken, a glass of hot lemonade and a hot bath be- fore going to bed, a cold may be “broken up,” as we say. In mild weather, the windows may be left open, but if the weather is very cold it is better to air the room from another room, in order to keep an even temperature, but there should be good ventilation. If the throat is sore, gargling and a cold compress to the neck will bring relief. If there is fever and headache, you have already been told what to do. Anyone with a cold should eat very lightly and drink plenty of water. They should be as quiet as possible and get all the rest and sleep possible. Camphorated or plain vaseline may be put in the nos- trils, and if there is a cough, plain vaseline may be taken internally— placed on the tongue at the back of the mouth. A spoonful of flaxseed tea taken as often as necessary to relieve irritation may bring relief. Inhala- tions are helpful in hoarseness. Never give any cough medicines except what are ordered by a doctor. If the symptoms continue after the first night it is advisable to call a doctor, as what seems a slight cold may be the beginning of a serious illness, as measles, scarlet fever, pneumonia, etc. If there is earache, rapid 4 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 249 breathing, great weakness or sleepiness the doctor should be called at once. Any symptom that lasts after a cold, as pain in one part, weakness, or high temperature, needs a doctor’s attention. Food for the Sick Food for the sick should be light and easily digested. Generally the doctor says what may be eaten. Such foods as the following are included is so-called invalid foods: Milk, milk soups, eggs, raw and soft-cooked, rennet, custards, ice creams, albumin water, well cooked cereals, gruels, broths, toasts, milk toast, jellies made with gelatine, such as lemon and wine jelly; macaroni, spaghetti, well-cooked bread (never fresh bread), tea, coffee, cocoa. Sick people should have their meals as regularly as possible, at regular hours and promptly and attractively served. The tray, the dishes, the tray-cloth, should be spotlessly clean, and the tray should not be over-loaded with dishes or food. If it is necessary to bring all the food for a meal to the room on the tray at once in order to save steps, remove some of it, perhaps the dessert, until the patient is ready for it. Before leaving the room to prepare the tray, arrange everything so that the patient may eat the food as soon as it is brought. As a rule it is better for the sick mem- ber of the family to have her meals served before the family sits down to the table, so that she may have her food fresh and hot, and not get tired waiting. Try to have food that the patient likes, if possible. If she does not like what may be served her, it may be served so attractively that her appetite may be tempted. All food should be tasted before serving. Serve hot food hot, and cold food cold. Milk is the most nourishing of liquid foods. If it is 250 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS to be heated, do not let it boil. Always take the chill off milk served to children. Generally speaking, cooked food is better than un- cooked, even fruits. Baked apples or apple sauce, for example, are safer to give the sick than raw apples. Toast is better than bread. Toast upon which the butter has melted should not be given to a sick person. Have the toast hot, and butter each mouthful as eaten. Bread should be at least one day old before given to a sick person. Hot breads, such as fresh rolls and biscuits, are not good foods for ill people. Fried foods should be kept from invalids and children. The best way to prepare a potato for an invalid is to bake it. It should be served when it is light and mealy, and never after it has become soggy. The best way of cooking meat is to broil it, having the outside well browned, and the inside soft and juicy, never dry and hard. A Tray for Liquid and Soft Food The tray should be large enough to hold two glasses or a cup and saucer and a glass, as well as salt or sugar. Put two spoons on the tray, and if the patient is using a tube or a feeder, put that on the tray. One of the glasses should contain fresh water. Offer a glass of water before and after the nourishment. The tray for soft solids. Suppose the meal is to be boiled rice, or other cereal, and toast. The tray should have a fresh doilie, salt, sugar (covered), a glass of water, two teaspoons, a knife, if butter is allowed on the toast, and a small pitcher of milk or cream for the rice. Put the cereal in a deep saucer or small bowl, cover with a plate or saucer and rest on another plate. Spread a small napkin on another plate. Put the toast on it, then wrap the napkin around it to keep hot. Sick people should have plenty of water to drink. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 251 Besides having a pitcher of fresh water and a glass where it may be easily reached, always put a glass of fresh cool water on the tray when food or medicine are brought. While ice water is bad for both sick and well people, the water should be cool enough to be agreeable and refreshing. Water that is chilled to the right tempera- ture by being kept in the ice chest, bottled, is preferable. It should be drunk slowly and not gulped down. Water standing in .the room should be kept covered at all times. Feeding Helpless Patients A patient is often so weak that she cannot lift her head in order to eat. In this case she would be given liquids through straws or by spoon or “feeder.” Some- times by putting a small quantity of liquid in a glass, two tablespoonfuls, a patient is enabled to drink without spilling a drop. If necessary, slip one hand under the pillow, raise the head a little, holding the glass to the lips with the other. Anyone lying down should take food very slowly. If solid, it should be cooked, especially well, as there is danger of choking. Tubes should be washed immediately after using. If used continuously they should be cleaned with a tube brush made for that purpose. Straws should be burned or destroyed. If feeding with a spoon, be careful that neither the food nor the spoon burns the lips or mouth. Feed slowly and a little at a time, allowing plenty of time between mouthfuls. Occupying and Amusing the Sick When people are recovering from an illness, or when they are what we call chronic invalids, they often enjoy and are helped by being amused or occupied. At this time a Girl Scout may be very helpful. First of all, she should be cheerful herself. Then she should be able to 252 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS play two or three quiet games, such as cards, dominoes, checkers, and be able to read aloud and to tell cheerful and amusing stories. Children may often be kept quiet and happy by hearing little rhymes recited. It might be a good idea for every Girl Scout to be able to tell three short stories and three funny stories, know three conundrums and three short poems, play three quiet games of cards, play checkers, play dominoes and know three puzzles. Excitement is always bad for sick people and they become tired easily, so they should not be read to, talked to, nor played with for too long an interval, even if they seem to wish it themselves. The Scout must always remember that these things are being done for the pleas- ure of the sick person, and she must be very patient, to let the games or stories be of their own choosing if they wish it, and to avoid being noisy herself. D^ily Routine There should be a regular daily routine. Have regular hours for feeding, bathing, giving treatment and medi- cines, giving the bedpan, etc. Be punctual. Usually the first thing to do in the morning is to close or open the window as necessary, and to give the patient a bed-pan. Have it warm. Take temperature, pulse and respiration and record them. Bring a basin of warm water, soap, towel, etc., to wash hands and face, and a glass of water to brush teeth. Tidy the hair. Straighten up the room a little. Prepare and serve patient’s breakfast. After an hour the bed bath may be taken, but a tub bath should not be taken until two hours after breakfast. Make the bed. Clean up the room. If the patient is well enough, let her read or see visitors after this. Serve the dinner. After dinner, open the windows, lower the shades, and let the patient rest and sleep if possible for at least an hour. Sick people need more rest than well SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 253 people and should have a regular hour for rest in the daytime. If they sleep, so much the better, as it has been proved that patients who take a nap during the day sleep better at night. After four o’clock give a drink of some kind of hot or cold substance, as needed or desired — broth, milk, lemonade. In the late afternoon sick peo- ple are often tired and restless. Change of position, re- arrangement of the pillows' or a good rub give comfort and relieve the restlessness. Diversion of some kind, nothing noisy or exciting, may serve the same purpose. It may be found wise to delay the bath until this time of day as bathing has a soothing effect. Between supper and bedtime the sick person should be kept from excitement. This is a good time for read- ing aloud or allowing them to read for themselves, but a very poor time to see visitors. Preparations for the Night . Bring in all the necessi- ties for washing the hands and face and brushing the teeth and combing the hair, and help where needed. Change the nightgown (it is* better to have a gown for the day and one for the night), brush the crumbs from the bed, make the sheet smooth, shake up the pillows and straighten out the bedclothes, having extra covers handy in case of need. Fill the hot water bag, attend to the fire, if there is one, and arrange everything in the room just as- it will be needed for the night. Give a warm drink, and allow the patient to rinse the mouth (or, if wished, the brushing of the teeth may be delayed until this time). The last thing to do for the sick person is to give a good rub, paying special attention to the bony parts (lower end of spine, shoulder-blades, hips, knees, ankles). Then arrange the ventilation. > Before settling a sick person for the night, be sure that everything about the room is done, as any moving about after she is prepared to sleep may tend to disturb her and prevent her from going to sleep 254 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 5. PUBLIC HEALTH Has the town you live in a free swimming pool with instructors and well arranged hours for little children, older girls and boys and grown-ups? Can you step out after school and have a couple of hours on a well kept tennis court? Is there a good golf course reasonably near, with convenient trolley service? Are there plenty of playgrounds, so that the children are off the streets? And, since grounds are not enough, are there friendly young play-leaders connected with them, to get the chil- dren together and teach them all sorts of games and sports ? If none of these things are to be found, or not enough of them, wouldn’t you like to have them? “Of course I should,” you reply, “but what can I do about it? I am only a girl, and I can’t get all these things by just wishing for them !” But that’s just what you can do. All these things in a town mean that the town is looking out for the health of its young people. Exercise is one of the most important means of preserving health, and most of the large cities nowadays are working hard to see that no child shall be out of the reach of a good park, a good swimming pool and a good playground. This all comes under the city government and as this is a democratic form of government, these things are all arranged by vote. That is, the citizens vote to use the public money for such things and vote for the officials who shall spend the money for them. Now, a great many women have the vote today : by the time the present-Girl Scouts are twenty-one, a great many more will have it, beyond any doubt. Do you see that if you make up your mind now about the village improvements you want, you can vote for them and get them? Women are naturally interested in all that happens i SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 255 to children, and if all the women of a community should get together and vote for everything that concerned the health and happiness and good education of children, can’t you see what happy days their school-days would be? If you saw “Public Health” at the head of a chapter, you might not think it looked very interesting ; but when you once get the idea that if your mother had had her say on the Public Health Board you would have had a fine skating pond with a good skate-house, last winter, and sunny, well-aired school rooms to study in, with a big gymnasium for basket ball in bad weather, you may be more interested in the merit badge for Public Health called “Health Guardian!” Remember that Public Health is simply good house- keeping, applied to the community* It is a subject which women are sure to take up more and more, and a Girl Scout who has given the matter a little thought and study is going to make a good citizen later on, and will be certain to have her advice asked — and taken — in the matter of making her town healthy and happy. For instance, if the desks in the public schools are not of the right height and shape, the children are bound to suffer in their health and hygiene. It is the business of the state to see that all public buildings, schools, theatres, factories, etc., have a cer- tain amount of light and air to the cubic foot, because so much is necessary for health. It is the business of the state to see that only a certain number of hours a day should constitute a day’s work. This is because a certain amount of rest is a necessity for all citizens. It is the business of the state to see that food and water can be brought into the community. Also that they 256 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS be kept pure, both in transportation and after they reach the community. This includes the policing of all reser- voirs and the filtering of the water; the refrigerating of meat and milk; the condemning of rotten fruit and vege- tables; the collecting and disposal of all garbage and waste. It is the business of the state to prevent spitting in public places, (one of the greatest sources of public infection) ; to prevent the use of common drinking utensils, towels, etc. ; to insist on the isolation of con- tagious diseases and the placarding of the houses where they occur. In order to carry on these great wise policies the state should offer free clinics where citizens can find out what is the matter with them and how to prevent it, and trained community nurses for the sick. Do you see what a wonderful power an intelligent woman can be in the community she lives in? Women ought to be much better, really, in this public house- keeping than men, because most of them have had to learn to do it on a small scale, and know how necessary light, air, rest, exercise and cleanliness are. But, you may say, in my state women have no vote, as yet, and I am too young for it, anyway; what can I do? The answer is very simple: every citizen, whether she is young or old, whether* she has a vote or not, can find out the laws of the town she lives in and help to enforce them ! And the most important of these laws are those which affect the public safety and the public health. Whether there is a Public Health Commissioner or a Town Board or a Village Superintendent or only a District Nurse to appeal to, there is sure to be somebody whose business it is to listen to violation of the law. If every troop of Girl Scouts knew the health laws of SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 257 their town, and helped to get them obeyed, there would be a wonderful lessening of epidemics and a wonderful advance in the health and beauty of our towns. If the Girl Scouts stood, all over the; country, for the intelligent guardianship of the public health and recrea- tion, they would rapidly become one of the greatest and most respected organizations in America, for this reason alone. 6. THE HEALTH WINNER . . For since a little self-control, since a clean and elementary diet, pure water, openness of the body to sun and air, a share of honest work, and some degree of mental peace and lar- gesse, are the simple conditions of health, and are or ought to be, accessible to everybody — “To neglect these is sheer treason.” — Toward Democracy, by Edward Carpenter . Five Points of Health for Girl Scouts A cheerful Scout, a clean Scout, a helpful Scout, is a well Scout. She is the only Scout that really is pre- pared. She not only knows the laws of health, she lives them: she stands tall, she plays daily in the open air, she rests and sleeps at night, and conserves her energy at all times, she is careful to get the right amount of air, water, sun and food each day, and perhaps most impor- tant of all, she keeps clean. 1. Stand Tall — Every Scout should be recognized a long way off, not only by her uniform, but by her erect carriage. In sitting, the lower back should be against the back of the chair. In bending forward to read or 258 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS write, bend straight from, the hips. At Scout meetings practice sitting without support for the back. When “at ease” during drill, stand with feet apart and parallel and with hands hanging free. When resting, lie flat on the back without pillows. Correct posture is obtained by balancing the different parts of the body — hips, head, chest in a straight line, so that the bony framework bears the weight. The muscles and ligaments will not then be strained, and the bones will not be forced into an ab- normal position. Two rules to remember are: “Stand tall” and “Keep your spine long.” 2. Take Exercise — If you have watched soldiers obey commands in drill you know how quickly their joints and muscles work. The setting-up exercises given in the Handbook have been planned to preserve the power of joints and muscles, and to prevent them from becom- ing like rusty machines. These exercises should be taken with windows open, if not out of doors. Clothing should be light and loose, and corsets removed. These exercises are not to be considered a substitute for vigorous outdoor work or play, but only as supplementary to or when these are impossible. The day should be planned to include at least an hour and a half of vigorous activity in the open air. This will take different forms, accord- ing to the place and season, so that in the summer one may swim, row or paddle, or play tennis or any other game outdoors, and in the winter skate, coast or snow- shoe. However, the best all year round exercise, and the simplest and easiest to get is walking. Five miles a day is an adequate average. Even walking alone is good exercise, but walking in a group or two and two is better, because keeping step, singing, whistling and talk- ing and laughing together add enormously to the exhil- aration of motion and of sun, wind or rain in the face. A Girl Scout should avoid unusual exercise before. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 259 during and immediately following menstruation. How- ever, she should remember that a reasonable amount of exercise at this time is quite normal and beneficial, ex- cept where there is an actual disorder of some sort In this case a physician should be consulted. 3. Rest and Conserve Energy — Go to bed early and sleep from eight to eleven hours, according to age. Sleep with windows open all the year round. Rest sometime during the day, flat on the back if possible, but even five minutes sitting quietly with hands in the lap and eyes closed is better than nothing. The following table shows the number of hours of sleep that are needed at different ages : Age Hours of Sleep 10 and 11 years...- to 11 12 and 13 years 9 to 10^4 14 and 15 years 8 to 10 16 and 17 years 8 to 9j4 18 and 19 years 8 to 9 20 and over at least 8 Save Your Eyes The reason it is important to rest and to sleep enough is because it is while at rest that the body regains energy lost during activity, and stores it up for future work and play. There are other ways of saving energy, and one of them is by keeping the body in such good repair that like a good machine it does its work with a minimum expenditure of force and heat. This is the main reason for the setting-up exercises, or' indeed for any sort of exercises. Perhaps the single best way to save energy is by saving your eyes. There is almost no work or play that does not involve the use of our eyes. If people are blind they can learn to do many things without vision, but it is infinitely harder than with it* Modern life, 260 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS especially in cities, makes a constant demand on our eyes, and more than this, the demand is on one part of the eyes' — the muscles concerned in near work. The best way to rest the eyes, and one which not only rests the tired parts but exercises the parts that are not used, is by doing things that will involve distant vision . Walking and looking far ahead and far away on every side rests the eyes best of all, and this is one reason why a good walk will often clear up a headache. Another way to in- sure distant vision is by riding backward in a car. Then as the landscape flows past you, your eye muscles relax to the position needed for distant vision. If you cannot walk or ride and are doing close work, like sewing or reading, look up and “at nothing” every once in a while. The following are some important rules to remember in saving your eyes : Rest your “near” eye muscles by looking at distant objects and places. Do not work facing a light or where the rays from a light cross your field of vision directly. Work so far as possible by indirect or reflected light. If you must work near uncovered artificial lights, wear an eye-shade. When sewing or writing have the light at your left, unless you are left-handed. This is to keep the shadow of your hands from the work. Avoid a glare or light that is in streaks or bars of alternate dark and bright. Diffused, even light is best. Have your eyes examined by a competent oculist im- mediately : If you have headaches, If the eyes sting or burn after using, If print or other objects dance or blur. If you must get close to your work to see it, If near work tires your eyes or you, SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 261 If there is the slightest irritation or soreness about the lids or other parts. How to Avoid Muscle Strain Girls and women in attempting to live an outdoor life or indeed when trying to do many of the things num- bered among the Scout activities, such as First Aid, Home Nursing and Hiking, often give themselves quite unnecessary pain and fatigue from lifting, pulling and carrying weights in the wrong way. Ability to carry and lift or move is not so much dependent upon absolute strength as it is on knowing how. The whole body, so far as it is a physical mechanism, may be thought of as a series of levers, of which the muscles, bones, and joints make up the parts and are fulcrum, power arm or weight arm as the case may be. Without going into the details of bodily structure or even knowing the names of the different bones and muscles, it is possible to learn a few simple things about the right use of these levers that will be useful at all times. Certain parts of the body are more able to do heavy work than others, and the first thing to remember is that the upper part of the back, the shoulders and the upper arms are stronger than the lower back, the abdomen and the lower arms. Therefore, whenever you are try- ing to lift or move an object, see if you cannot use these stronger parts. If the arms are held away from the body when lifting, pulling, throwing or pushing, the muscles of the upper arm, the shoulders and the upper back will be brought into play. If the arms are held close to the body, the lower-arm muscles are unduly taxed and in trying to help them out, pressure is made on the abdominal and pelvic muscles, which are not fitted to bear this sort of strain. Therefore, in carrying a bag or suitcase, where this is absolutely unavoidable, 262 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS try to swing the arm free from the body, so as to use the upper arm and back muscles for the weight. Another important way to save strain is by pushing instead of pulling. It is almost impossible to push any- thing so hard as to injure your back or abdominal mus- cles. It is almost impossible, on the other hand, to pull even a relatively light weight without some strain. If you will think of how a horse in harness actually exerts his strength in drawing a wagon, you will see that what he does is to push against the straps, and it is the straps that pull the wagon. Even the strongest horse could not pull a wagon with his teeth very far, or pull some- thing tied only to the back leg muscles. Get behind and push is the rule to remember, and never resort to pulling until you have tried every device for pushing instead. If you must pull, try to use heavy muscles, such as leg muscles, to do it with. Often a weight may be lifted or pulled by getting the foot under or in back and using the arms only to steer with. This applies particularly to objects like trunks or bureaus. Always take advantage of any natural leverage that you can and if you must move something heavy, do not lift it at once and attempt to carry, it, but lift one end and swing or shove it and then lift the other end and shove it. If you will watch expressmen at work you will notice that they roll boxes and trunks, holding them almost on end and tipping them just enough to turn them along their shortest axis. In this way the boxes carry themselves, so far as their main weight is con- cerned. Carrying a weight on the head or shoulders is another way of converting a pull into a push, and this is taken advantage of by peasant women in Europe, who often are seen carrying heavy weights to market in baskets perched on their heads, while they stride along arm-free. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 263 A knapsack strapped on to the shoulders is not only more convenient because it leaves the arms and hands free to swing naturally or use for other purposes, but because the weight is distributed and is carried by means of heavy muscles pushing up under the strap. A weight should be distributed over a set of muscles as evenly as possible, and this is the reason for suspending a knapsack from two shoulders instead of one, when possible. Finally, in doing any sort of lifting or pulling, if the muscles that are to be used are contracted before grasp- ing the weight they will be able to do their work with far less effort. Try lifting a small weight like a book in two ways — first, have your hand and fingers relaxed and limp when you grasp it, and see how heavy it seems and how hard it is to contract your muscles properly while lifting it. Then drop the book and go at it again, this time anticipating its weight and contracting your hand and finger muscles before grasping it. See how easily it comes up. Try this same thing with heavier weights, and learn always to contract the muscle before taking the load. In carrying a weight for any distance it is well to shift it from one arm to another, always preparing the muscles by contracting them before the weight is assumed. Using the muscles so as to take advantage of their lever-like qualities in the best way, contracting them be- fore loading, and pushing instead of pulling, go to make up what is sometimes called ‘‘getting a purchase.” 4. Supply Daily Need, for Air , Sun , Water and Food — Besides exercise and rest there are other controllable factors upon which health depends. These are air, heat and light of the sun, water and food. To grow and work properly the body needs plenty of each of these. Air — If you cannot work or play outdoors you can still bring out of doors in by opening your windows at 264 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS frequent intervals. You will find that work goes better, and that you do not tire so easily if you make it a rule to open the windows and doors and move about the room for five minutes every hour or two. Sleep with win- dows open or out of doors. Camp and hike as often as possible. Work in the garden. Play out-of-door games. Heat— The proper temperature of the body is between 98 and 99 degrees Fahrenheit. Human life depends upon the maintenance of this temperature at all times, and very slight changes either up or down interfere seriously with all the other life processes. The main source of heat is from food consumed, or really burned, in the body. Artificial heating in houses helps conserve the body heat, as does clothing. But clothes and shelter may make you overheated, which is nearly as bad as being cold ; they may also shut out fresh air. Clothes should not be too heavy nor too tight. Shoes should have soles straight on the inner side, and be broad enough to allow the toes full play, and have low heels. Shoes that are comfort- able to hike in are apt to be the best for all the time wear. At night the clothes worn during the day should be aired and dried thoroughly. This will help much in main- taining the right body temperature, because clothes be- come damp from wearing, and dampness uses up body heat. Sunlight — Sunlight is one of the best health bringers known. Little children— and grown people, too — suffer- ing from the most serious form of tuberculosis, that of the bones, get well if they are kept in the sunlight. In one of the finest hospitals for children in the world, in Switzerland, the main treatment is to have the children play outdoors without clothes in the sunlight, and they do this even when there is heavy winter snow on the ground. Human beings droop and die without the sun, just as plants do, though it takes longer to kill them. It SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 265 is a gloomy person who does not feel happier in the sun, and a happy and cheerful person is generally healthy. So get into the sun whenever you can. Walk on the sunny side of the street, and open your windows to the sun whenever you can. However, in hot climates and in the warmest summer days, remember that the sun can injure as well as help, and do not expose the head or body unnecessarily. Water — As about three-quarters of our body weight is water, the solid portions of bone, muscle, and so forth, constituting only one-quarter, and as considerable water is given off each day by evaporation from skin and lungs and with excreta, the loss must be made up. In addition to the water taken with meals and contained in the food a Girl Scout should drink at least six tumblers of water daily. This is a quart and a half. One glass should be taken on arising and before breakfast, two between breakfast and lunch, two between lunch and dinner, and one before going to bed. Be sure the water is pure, and boil any water the purity of which is doubted in the slightest. Water kept cool in the ice chest, or in a jar with a moist cover, is better than ice water, both because cool water actually quenches thirst more easily, being more readily absorbed than ice cold water, and because it is difficult to control the purity of ice. Food — Food should be clean and kept clean. Grow- ing girls can tell whether they are eating enough of the right sort of food, and if they are getting the best out of it, by seeing whether they are up to the right weight for their height and age. A chart is given at the end of this section showing the standard weight for each height at each age. The following are good rules to follow in making your daily food habits : Do not eat between meals. Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly. 266 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Eat freely of coarse cereals and breads. Eat meat only once a day. Have green vegetables, salad or fruit every day. Drink as much milk as possible, but no coffee or tea. If you do not have at least one bowel movement a day it is a sign of constipation, which means the accumu- lation of waste material from food in the intestine. Ex- ercise. especially walking, eating coarse vegetables, coarse bread and coarse cereals, and fruit, and drinking enough water will help the bowels to move properly. Constipation is not only an unclean habit of the body, but it is dangerous, because the waste matter decays and poison is carried all over the body. Headaches, indigestion, bad breath and chronic fatigue are some of the results. 5. Keep Clean — A Girl Scout should be sure that the air, water and food that she allows to enter her body are clean. Be sure that they are pure when they reach her, and keep them so by keeping her body, clothes and room clean with the help of sun, soap and water. You have probably heard of germs, microbes and bacteria. These are names for the same organisms, which are tiny forms of plant life unseen by the eye, and of which our unaided senses give us no knowledge. They exist everywhere and in many forms. Most of them are harmless to human life, and many of them are useful, as, for example, one that grows on the roots of peas and beans and helps the plants to extract nitrogen from the air. Some bacteria, however, are harmful, and these are known as disease germs, as they are active in pro- ducing diseases, especially those diseases which we know as contagious. The dangerous germs nearly all live in dust and dirt and in dark places. When we clean house and dispose of waste material and bring air and sunlight into dark and dirty places we are doing more than re- SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 267 moving unpleasant sights and smells, we are destroying the breeding places of disease. Every girl wants a clear skin. Proper food, water and exercise give this ; but it is also necessary to keep the surface clean by taking a hot bath with soap at least twice a week, and a cold or tepid sponge and rubdown the other days. Besides the loose dirt which comes on the body from the outside, perspiration and oil come from the inside through the skin pores, and when ac- cumulated give a disagreeable odor. Special attention is needed to guard against this odor, particularly under the armpits, and soap and water should be used daily. A hot bath is relaxing and opens the pores. A cold bath is stimulating and closes the pores. A hot bath is best taken at night, or if taken in the morning, follow by a cool sponge or shower. Do not take a cold plunge bath unless advised to do so by a physician. Always wash the hands immediately before handling or preparing food and before eating. Always wash hands after going to the bathroom. Keep nails short, and clean with nail brush each time the hands are washed and with orange stick when necessary. During menstruation it is particularly important to keep the body and clothes scrupulously clean, by bathing or washing with plenty of water. Hair — Air and a good brushing every day will keep the hair in good condition. It should be washed once in two weeks. Wash with hot soapsuds and rinse thor- oughly, using first hot, then cooler, and finally cold water. Keep the hair brush clean by washing in cold water and soap and a little ammonia at least once a week. The brush should be dried in the sun, not by artificial heat. Ears — Keep the outer surfaces of the ears clean, but 268 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS leave the inner part alone. Do not poke for wax nor put oil in the ear. Feet — Bathe the feet in hot water at night, when tired. In the morning bathe with cold water after hot, to harden them for walking. Keep the toenails clean, and cut even!)/. Teeth — Next to a fresh, sweet skin the most beautiful feature of a truly beautiful woman is her teeth. The basis of beautiful teeth is a clean mouth. Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day. The best times are after breakfast and the last thing before going to bed. A brush with medium soft bristles should be used. Clean a new brush thoroughly with soap and water and soak in cold water to set the bristles. A, toothbrush should be cleansed and aired and if possible sunned every day. Never use a brush that has begun to lose its bristles, or which has become caked or yellow. Paste or powder that are not gritty should be used. Always brush away from the gums ; that is, brush the upper teeth down, and the lower teeth up. Clean the roof of the mouth and the tongue. It is a good plan to have the teeth examined at least every six months. Then any repairs or cleaning that may be needed can be easily attended to and much future pain, trouble and expense saved. Eyes — Wash eyes carefully for “sleepers” in the morn- ing. Bathing with alternate hot and cold will rest and strengthen the muscles. Do not use public towels or drinking cups. Do not use towels, handkerchiefs or other toilet articles or glasses or cups or table utensils used by others. Avoid sneezing or coughing into another ^person’s face. Measurements Every Girl Scout should know her measurements, in- cluding her height, her weight, her waist measure, her chest girth and her chest expansion. Not only are these SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 269 things convenient to know when ordering uniforms and buying clothes, but any physical director, gymnasium teacher or doctor can tell her if these are in good propor- tion for her age and general development and advise her as to how she may go about to improve them if they need it. The accompanying table (given in the last section of the Health Record) shows the right height and weight for girls at different ages. The way to consult it is as follows : First, find your height by measuring yourself without shoes against a wall. The best way to do is to have someone lay a ruler on top of your head so that it ex- tends to the wall and touches it at right angles. Then the place should be marked and the distance measured with a yard stick or tape. Count a half inch as the next highest inch; thus if you measure 59 inches call this 60. If you measure 59*4 count it as an even 59. Stand with heels against the wall, and head high: “Stand Tall” Second, find your weight with only indoor clothes on. Take the weight to the nearest pound, counting as be- fore a half pound or three-quarters as the next highest and disregard the amounts less than one-half. Then take your card and look along the top row for the age to which you are nearest, counting six months past one year mark as the next year. Thus, if you are within six months of being 13, count yourself 13. Then look at the left-hand upright row of figures and find your height in inches. Then with a rule or paper find the corresponding num- ber of pounds for your height and age. You will see that a girl may be any number of inches tall within wide limits, but her weight must correspond to her height rather than simply to her age. 270 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS A girl should be within ten per cent of the proper weight for her age and height. If you find that you are underweight, do not be frightened or discouraged, as it is quite easy to get up to normal by following the health rules, particularly those relating to food, water and sleep. Drink as much milk as possible, and eat fresh vegetables and don’t spoil your appetite by eating too many sweets or nibbling between meals. If you find that after a month you are still more than ten per cent underweight, then ask your parents if you can see the doctor or consult the school physician. A Health Record Chart for Girl Scouts Girl Scouts who are working for the “The Health Winner5’ badge should keep an account of their progress for three months, and a good way to do it is to have a Health Chart to fill out daily and bring the record for each week to their Captain, at troop meeting. The chart given below is suggested as a model, and copies will be obtainable from National Headquarters, but troops can make up their own. Every Scout is naturally a Health Crusader ,and she can use the blanks provided by the National Modern Health Crusade if she so desires. In this case the first two points can be combined, which relate to washing hands and face, and an additional point inserted in place of the second, to the effect that “I ate no sweets, candy, cake or ice cream between meals today.” > DAILY RECORD OF POINTS Checks for Week Commencing Monday SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 271 Sun. Sat. | Fri. Thurs. Wed. Tues. Mon. Pt. W eq 3 N X M CO 10 X 0 00 X OI M t— 12 CO M M IO M £ S3 O © ■*>» d s S3 ►8 S3 P 8 S £ o O oj © 4>4 © U CO o> CO • fH u 0> a d I m 3 03 co d d u 3 o 32 3 -3 3 co 3 » 3 Oo d 03 X o £ d a so 03 X) 03 X *3 £ 03 a 3 3 4-> co H Q so 1-4 3 O X 00 co 3 a> 3 4-> a o> *co d 3 3 X bfl co 3 3 0) a o £ o d ’~l 3 >* *2 3 03 d a> X >» a 3 0) l-o u >» o d _ 3 © ►Cl 4-1 3 a J03 To 3 M % u g co » *5 3 so “ bfl o>d > w o a 3 03 H co X 3 3 4) W •d csw d J3 13 CO 1-4 o 3 i-i <4-1 3- 1 o 03 0) r-H X! 3 +-> 03 bfl 03 > 3 03 03 >H M 03 4- > 3 03 0» o a 8-i o 3 03 4-» o 3 X 3 2 d S u o <4-4 8-4 0) X 4-> o 03 o CO X d 3 X 8-i o X X 3 3 8h d 03 X bfl 3 o bfi 8-i 03 4-> <4-4 3 d 3 3 bO a *43 3 03 4_i 03 SI > co O d S 5 — — X 03 ^ £*> -4 X 6§ ^ d O 3 03 £ - X-S d co ** 333 X d 03 d 8- o o 03 8-4 03 X 4-» 0} d X 03 I 3 O £ co 3 03 3 3 X 3 d 3 x >1 3 d 03 X CuO 3 8-1 d d 03 03 03 03 4-> >. a d 03 X CO d 1-4 X bfl 3 • iH 3 »-i O a d 3 3 4-1 X bfl 3 X >» a d 03 X CO d 8-4 X so X 03 03 £ 3- d o >» 8h 03 > 03 03 O 3 O 09 3 03 3 3 X >1 a d 03 o o a a 3 X co 0* CO 10 x 00 Oi o M M M CO to THE GIRL SCOUTS HEALTH RECORD RIGHT HEIGHT AND WEIGHT FOR GIRLS 272 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 18 yrs. vO mi lO G'v CJ lOOO O t}* O ^ O' OwHHO(NOJGGG't,+ Tt MIMiHHH>MHHHHM||MH M-J ^ >, GO •t On G-00 m( rj- Jh- On cO'O d\ cOC© 0)OOHH(SWMtNGGG'>t^ WHHHHHHMIM- G\ Q\ O O mi mi C4 C4 > VO O JOOvD Mi CO ON CJ rj-t^O cO’O O JO OOOOnOOhhhCICIOG^Gt^' HHHHHMiMIMiMIHHHW G- £* Vh t^i-4 lO On G* ON G- On cOOO O CJ VO 00 mi rj-00 t^OO OOOOOnOnOOmimimCJCJCJCOcOCO . HHIjIHHHHHHHH CO £ O covo O G-00 co CJ t^CJ ON Ml rhvO On ! ! r- r^oo goooqnOOwhh^ojcjm . . . MIMIMIIMMIMIMIMIMi 12 yrs. h xhNOOl JOONGNh iOhnO h lONON 1 vQ vO NO nO WOO oOOOnCOhhhh . . ' . . Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml HH II yrs. vO 00 O conO oo mi ’vt-oo CJ vO O G- On G" On ! ! | | 1 1 ! ! j lO JOvO NO NO NO W W woo 00 On On O' O O Ml Ml 10 yrs. CO JO W On CJ lOOO OcOWmiIOOn '• • • lO lO CO IONO NO NO W W WOO 00 00 Hght. ins. woo on O Ml OJ CO Tf IONO WOO ON O Ml CJ CO Th »ON0 WOO ON O Ml CJ rtrtrtlOJOJOlOlOlOJOJOlO JONO NOnOnOnOnOnOnONOnO WWW 43 ■M G 0 a 43 o A 'G w •on 00 XjV TJ G cd CO O) o A w § § 8 *§ Q .« O • 3 O ■4S 'S00 G *H M 03 •S "g 03 bo o oj U ffi N N O O « •w a 43 £ •M 3 o <3 2 o52 *m 0JG3 5GG .S-gu oo cs m o_v m i-rS . . s u g • • O • -g.S • • X) 3 h m m rj- 5 G MM™ id w r * O O -M M -M +JX1 M> 00W.SJ >/G >/* rr\ ro > H>>< l§g M y >£ 43 . (V G G 0) > Q o Mi P4 w Ph w mJ o p^ o pH Q X o u w P4 G 4-> •• a. be 03 .Su G . G >» • H O bO 4_) 4D G 0> B 8 o U G G 4-> a g U "42 X5 co 5— i G +-> co O Ph G <1> 4-> G cu Jh P -M CO O Ph G ^ CO 03 G ^ JZ 0) 4_J o G G 2 4-J 42 .2 -M nj g +j Cl, o H CO O O a fi G 43 co U 43 +-> 4-> CO G 0) < CM "d o • f-H Jh a bo G • i— i u P T3 co TJ T-H o CJ G < PM "G o • »H Jh a bo G • H Jh 3 G O • M 4—* G a • rH +-> CO G O U CO pi. G ‘ .2 m 4-> CL) «R a Ss WU3 .fi 1n.« o u O r»-. co 0) 4G • 4G • bJO • * • . 4-J • 3 • O • G .* ?h :£ • £ - g O o fi § ^ ^5 o 0) Jh 3 O Jh O HM 0) Jh G O' . 4-> . o • mG : a ' G • 0) • :*o . 4-> . O . CO 0) Jh (0 Jh 4-> O G . ^ G Jh Jh G O o U 3 G P P*^1 _ • f— s Vh Vh co ^ ^ 44 >> fe G 9 r*« 4> 44 • H 43 d G O -M <4H Jh O >X3 T3 O o*r •M tl >h d <1> PU Pl>HH «4H O O bJO G CL a *> a w u CL c • mH . . A- • -43 . • 4-J . . G • • o . 4-J •43 •43 Vh • bo • bJO OjH 3 43*0 fi -M q >> .8 3 0 G G £ 43 G o X G. G +J G G 43 .fi*So.^ b/) a) a> CJ 42 43 ^ 4-J Jh 4-> G O G co <*l“l co T3 t* ii c3 3 bfl o ‘fi G .3 Jh ^•S-O M.SP C S « ta o "O 3 >>.2-0 Jh G CO *^4-» G ’h _G fi o >>• bo T3* fi 3 43 d 4-> G Jh O CO d 4-J G Jh 4-J G 43 43 O G 4h G Jh 4-J 4h " ^ c P oj V-J 4^ b0(^ CO LO VO 00 THE GIRL SCOUTS HEALTH RECORD SECTION XII SETTING-UP EXERCISES FOR GIRL SCOUTS Our bodies are like machines that need frequent oiling and testing to see that all parts are working right. Or they are like instruments that must be tuned before they are played. If this is not done, the machinery gets rusty and clogged, or the instrument gets out of tune and makes horrid noises. That is the way it is with our bodies ; our muscles and joints should be bent and stretched every day to take the kinks out, and keep them strong and flexible. The best way is to tune up every morning for just a few minutes before you put on your clothes, and then again at night to rest the tired parts and exercise the parts that have not been used, so you can even things up. The Right Position First of all try to stand in the right position. Stand with the feet side by side, a few inches apart and pointed straight ahead. Many people think you should turn out your toes because they think it looks better. This is not natural. If you stand on a step with one foot even with the edge, and let the other foot hang over the step below, it will hang parallel with the foot you are standing on. That is the way it is meant to go, and people who turn out their toes do so much walking sideways that they have to travel much farther than if they kept their feet pointed in the direction they w&nt to go. 273 274 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Then your legs should come up straight from your ankles ; don’t stand either on your heels or your toes, but right over the highest part of the arch, which is the strongest part, and best fitted to bear your weight when you are standing still, and brings your hips up to just the right place to hold your body.- In the lower part of your body are some big heavy bones shaped somewhat like a bowl. This bowl is bal- anced on the top of your legs, and holds most of your organs. If this bowl is balanced just right, the organs remain in place, the way they are meant to be, but if it is not balanced right, the contents are tipped so that they would come tumbling out if the muscles intended for other work did not hold them' in. This is hard on these muscles which have their own work to do, and if they are used to hold up things that should keep their own balance, sooner or later they give way, and there is a sad accident, or a general slump. Then instead of saying, “That foolish person always stood in the wrong position and of course her insides got out of place,” we say, “Poor dear so-and- so has given out from overwork and has acute indigestion, or a ‘floating kidney/ or ‘a bad liver/ How could it have happened?” If your underpinning is all right it is not difficult to be straight above. Let your shoulders hang easily in a straight line under your ears, in the position they will naturally take if from side stretch (fig. 3) the arms drop easily to the side. Don’t arch your chest and throw your shoulders back! This is not a slump and does not mean to let your back bow out. If your shoulders are easy you can straighten your back and your head will balance itself, and there you are: a straight upstanding Scout, ready for what comes next. Remember: a) Feet pointing straight ahead. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 275 b) Body balanced on legs coming up straight from ankles. c) Shoulders easy under ears. This gives a straight line from top of head through shoulders and hips to between ankles. General Rules Stretch to the very tips of your middle fingers — stretch- ing makes your muscles flexible. Breathe in as arms rise and out as they fall. Stand tall. Sit tall. Remember the straight line that comes from the top of your head down to between your ankles. Keep limber, don’t let your knees grow stiff. Sit crosslegged on the floor. Sit on your heels. Rise without help from your hands. The Exercises New tune up: begin by repeating each exercise four times ; then increase to 8, 12, or 16 ; never more than 16. 1. Stretch arms down (fig. 1). Swing them forward and stretch up and slightly forward (fig. 2), breath- ing deep. Let them fall breathing out. Do this slowly counting, up 1 down 2. 2. From (fig. 1) swing arms forward and up (fig. 2) and out to side stretch (fig. 3) coming to full deep breath and stretch as far as you can — count 3. Up 1 — side 2 — down 3 — breathing out. Don’t hurry, take time to breathe deep. 3. Stretch arms down, without bending anywhere. Two counts ; down 1 — relax 2. 4. From arms down (fig. 1) to side stretch (fig. 3), Two counts ; to side 1 — down 2. This may be done quickly with vigor. 5. From side stretch palms up to upward stretch (fig, 2) — two counts — up 1 — side 2. 276 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 6. From arms down roll shoulders and arms out and back, stretching arms back and down (fig. 4). Two counts out and down 1 — back to position 2. 7. Hands palms down, tips of middle fingers touching, thumbs touching chest, elbows level with shoulders (fig. 5) ; jerk elbows back keeping them up even with shoulders (fig. 6). Two counts, — jerk 1 — back to place 2. 8. From upward stretch (fig. 2) bend slowly from side to side (fig. 7), keeping arms close to ears and stretched to tip of middle fingers. Don’t twist your body; just bend to each side alternately. Count slowly side 1 — up 2 — side 3 — up 4. 9. From side stretch (fig. 3) twist body from waist up, without moving hips (fig. 8). Twist from side to side. Two counts — twist 1 — front 2 — twist 1 — * front 2. 10. From side stretch (fig. 3) bend body from side to side keeping straight line from tip of one middle finger to tip of other (fig. 9). Two counts — bend 1 — back to position 2 — alternate sides. 11. Bend right knee and kick yourself (fig. 10); left knee same. Two counts — kick right 1 — kick left 2. Repeat slowly then double quick (running in place). 12. Bend right knee and hip, bringing knee nearly up to chest without bending body (fig. 11) ; left same — slowly. Then double quick bringing knee only as high as hip. 13. Place hands at back of neck (fig. 12) and rise on toes, bend knees (fig. 13) and rise keeping body up- right (do not spread knees or touch heels. If this exercise is too difficult balance with arms side stretch, bring arms down to touch floor as you bend, SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 277 and to upward stretch as you rise). Count 4:- — on toes 1 — bend 2 — up on toes 3 — standing position 4. 14. From upward stretch (fig. 2) bend and touch floor in front of toes (fig. 14). Count two slowly: down 1 — -up 2. Breathe out as you come down— in as you come up. 15» Neck Exercises . Sit crosslegged on floor- — hands on knees : head up — chin parallel with the floor. a) turn head to right and then to left — 4 counts — right 1— front 2 — left 3— front 4. b) droop head from side to side (fig. 15) ; four counts; — -right 1 — up 2— left 3 — up 4. c) drop chin forward (fig. 16) ; straighten and drop head back (fig. 17). Count 4— down 1 — up 2— back 3— up 4. d) turn head and face right (fig. 18) drop chin 1— up 2 — back 3 (fig. 19) up 4; keep looking in same direction only up and down; same to left. e) goose-neck; facing front stretch chin out as far as possible (fig. 20) ; then down and in and up. Count 4 — out 1 — down 2— in 3— to straight posi- tion 4. 16. Lie down on your back and raise first one foot and then the other without bending the knee, two counts — up 1— down 2. 17. Raise both feet without bending knees and touch the floor over your head (fig. 21). Lower slowly. 18. Raise body without bending back, and (if you can) without helping yourself with your hand, and touch your toes with your hands, and your knees with your forehead, without bending your knees (fig. 22). SCOUTING FOR GIRLS SETTING-UP EXERCISES (Figs. 1-8) SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 279 SETTING-UP EXERCISES (Figs. 9-22) SECTION XIII WOODCRAFT Reprinted from the Woodcraft Manual for Girls by permission of the Woodcraft League. TWELVE SECRETS OF THE WOODS Do you know the twelve secrets of the woods? Do you know the umbrella that stands up spread to show that there is a restaurant in the cellar ? Do you know the “manna-food” that grows on the rocks, summer and winter, and holds up its hands in the Indian sign of “innocence,” so all who need may know how good it is? Do you know the vine that climbs above the sedge to whisper on the wind “There are coconuts in my base- ment” ? Can you tell why the rabbit puts his hind feet down ahead of his front ones as he runs? Can you tell why the squirrel buries every other nut and who it was that planted those shag-barks along the fence? Canyyou tell what the woodchuck does in midwinter and On what day? Have you learned to know the pale villian of the open woods — the- deadly amanita, for whose fearful poison no remedy is known? Have you learned to overcome the poison ivy that was once so feared — now so lightly held by those who know ? Have you proved the balsam fir in all its fourfold gifts — as Christmas tree, as healing balm, as consecrated bed, as wood of friction fire? Do you know the wonderful medicine that is in the sky? Have you tasted the bread ofwisdom, the treasure that 280 I SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 281 282 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS cures much ignorance, that is buried in the aisle of Jack- o-Pulpit’s Church? Can you tell what walked around your tent on the thirtieth night of your camp-out? Then are you wise. You have learned the twelve secrets of the woods. But if you have not, come and let us teach you. WEATHER WISDOM When the dew is on the grass, Rain will never come to pass. When the grass is dry at night, Look for rain before the light. When grass is dry at morning light, Look for rain before the night. Three days’ rain will empty any sky. A deep, clear sky of fleckless blue Breeds storms within a day or two. When the wind is in the east, It’s good for neither man nor beast. When the wind is in the north, The old folk should not venture forth. When the wind is in the south, It blows the bait in the fishes’ mouth. When the wind is in the west, It is of all the winds the best. An opening and a shetting Is a sure sign of a wetting. (Another version) Open and shet, Sure sign of wet. (Still another) It’s lighting up to see to rain. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 283 Evening red and morning gray Sends the traveler on his way. Evening gray and morning red Sends the traveler home to bed. Red sky at morning, the shepherd takes warning; Red sky at night is the shepherd’s delight. If the sun goes down cloudy Friday, sure of a clear Sunday. If a rooster crows standing on a, fence or high place, it will clear. If on the ground, it doesn’t count. Between eleven and two You can tell what the weather is going to do. Rain before seven, clear before eleven. Fog in the morning, bright sunny day. If it rains, and the sun is shinning at the same time, the devil is whipping his wife and it will surely rain tomorrow. If it clears off during the night, it will rain again shortly. Sun drawing water, sure sign of rain. A circle round the moon means “storm.” As many stars as are in circle, so many days before it will rain. Sudden heat brings thunder. A storm that comes against the wind is always a thunderstorm. The oak and the ash draw lightning. Under the birch, the cedar, and balsam you are safe. East wind brings rain. West wind brings clear, bright, cool weather. North wind brings cold. South wind brigs heat. (On Atlantic coast.) The rain-crow or cuckoo (both species) is supposed by all hunters to foretell rain, when its “Kow, kow, kow” is long and hard. So, also, the tree-frog cries before rain. 284 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Swallows flying low is a sign of rain ; high, of clearing weather. The rain follows the wind, and the heavy blast is just before the shower. OUTDOOR PROVERBS What weighs an ounce in the morning, weighs a pound at night. A pint is a pound the whole world round. Allah reckons not against a man’s allotted time the days he spends in the chase. If there’s only one, it isn’t a track, it’s an accident. Better safe than sorry. No smoke without fire. The bluejay doesn’t scream without reason. The worm don’t see nuffin pretty ’bout de robin’s song. — (Darkey.) Ducks flying over head in the woods are generally pointed for water. If the turtles on a log are dry, they have been there half an hour or more, which means no one has been near to alarm them. Cobwebs across a hole mean “nothing inside.” Whenever you are trying to be smart, you are going wrong. Smart Aleck always comes to grief. You are safe and winning, when you are trying to be kind. WHEN LOST IN THE WOODS If you should miss your way, th^.first thing to remem- ber is like the Indian, “You are not lost; it is the teepee that is lost.” It isn’t serious. It cannot be so, unless you do something foolish. The first and most natural thing to do is to get on a hill, up a tree, or other high lookout, and seek for some SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 285 landmark near the camp. You may be sure of these things : You are not nearly as far from camp as you think you are. Your friends will soon find you. You can help them best by signalling. The worst thing you can do is to get frightened. The truly dangerous enemy is not the cold or the hunger, so much as the fear. It is fear that robs the wanderer of his judgment and of his limb power; it is fear that turns the passing experience into a final tragedy. Only keep cool and all will be well. If there is snow on the ground, you can follow you back track. If you see no landmark, look for the smoke of the fire. Shout from time to time, and wait; for though you have been away for hours it is quite possible you are within earshot of your friends. If you happen to have a gun, fire it off twice in quick succession on your high lookout then wait and listen. Do this several times and wait plenty long enough, perhaps an hour. If this brings no help, send up a distress signal — that is, make two smoke fires by smothering two bright fires with green leaves and rotten wood, and keep them at least fifty feet apart, or the wind will confuse them. Two shots or two smokes are usually understood to mean “I am in trouble.” Those in camp on seeing this should send up one smoke, which means “Camp is here/’ In a word, “keep cool, make yourself comfortable, leave a record of your travels, and help your friends to find you.” % EDIBLE WILD PLANTS No one truly knows the woods until he can find with certainty a number of wild plants that furnish good food 286 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS for man in the season when food is scarce; that is, in the winter or early spring. During summer and autumn there is always an abund- ance of familiar nuts and berries, so that we may rule them out, and seek only for edible plants and roots that are available when nuts and berries are not. Rock Tripe. The most wonderful of all is probably the greenish-black rock tripe, found on the bleakest, high- est rocks in the northern parts of this continent. There is a wonderful display of it on the cliffs about Mohonk Lake, in the Catskills. Richardson and Franklin, the great northern explorers, lived on it for months. It must be very carefully cooked or it produces cramps. First gather and wash it as clear as possible of sand and grit, washing it again and again, snipping off the gritty parts of the roots where it held onto the mother rock. Then roast it slowly in a pan till dry and crisp. Next boil it for one hour and serve it either hot or cold. It looks like thick gumbo soup with short, thick pieces of black and green leaves in it. It tastes a little like tapioca with a slight flavoring of licorice. On some it acts as a purge. Basszvood Browse or Buds . As a child I ate these raw in quantities, as did also most of my young friends, but they will be found the better for cooking. They are particularly good and large in the early spring. The inmost bark also has food value, but one must disfigure the tree to get that, so we leave it out. Slippery Elm. The same remarks apply to the buds and inner bark of the slippery elm. They are nutritious, acceptable food, especially when cooked with scraps of meat or fruit for flavoring. Furfhermore, its flowers come out in the spring before the leaves, and produce very early in the season great quantities of seed which are like little nuts in the middle of a nearly circular wing. These ripen by the time the leaves are half grown and Wild 288 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS have always been an important article of food among the wild things. Many Indian tribes used to' feed during famine times on the inner bark of cedar and white birch, as well as on the inner bark of the slippery elm and basswood, but these cannot be got without injury to the tree, so omit them. When the snow is off the ground the plants respond quickly, and it is safe to assume that all the earliest flowers come up from big, fat roots. A plant can spring up quickly in summer, gathering the material of growth from the air and soil, but a plant coming up in the early spring is doing business at a time when it cannot get support from its surroundings, and cannot keep on unless it has stored up capital from the summer before. This is the logic of the storehouse in the ground for these early comers. Wapato. One of the earliest is wapato, or duck potato, also called common Arrowleaf, or Sagittaria. It is found in low, swampy flats, especially those that are under water for part of the year. Its root is about as big as a walnut and is good food, cooked, or raw. These roots are not at the point where the leaves come out but at the ends of the long roots. Bog Potato . On the drier banks, usually where the sedge begins near a swamp, we find the bog potato, or Indian potato. The plant is a slender vine with three, five, or seven leaflets in a group. On its roots in spring are from one to a dozen potatoes, varying from an inch to three inches in diameter. They taste like a cross be- tween a peanut and a raw potato, and are very good cooked or raw. Indian Cucumber. In the dry woods one is sure to see the pretty umbrella of the Indian cucumber. Its root is white and crisp and tastes somewhat like a cucumber, is one to four inches long, and good food raw or boiled. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 289 Calopogon. This plant looks like a kind of grass with an onion for a root, but it does not taste of onions and is much sought after by wild animals and wild people. It is found in low or marshy pleaces. Hog Peanuts . In the early spring this plant will be found to have a large nut or fruit, buried under the leaves or quite underground in the dry woods. As summer goes by the plant uses up this capital, but on its roots it grows a lot of little nuts. These are rich food, but very small. The big nut is about an inch long and the little ones on the roots are any size up to that of a pea. Indian Turnip or lack-in-the-Pulpit. This is well known to all our children in the East. The root is the most burning, acrid, horrible thing in the woods when raw, but after cooking becomes quite pleasant and is very nutritious Prairie or Indian Turnip , Bread-root or Pomme- blanche of the Prairie . This is found on all the prairies of the Missouri region. Its root was and is a staple article of food with the Indians. The roots are one to three inches thick and four to twelve inches long. Solmon’s Seal. The two Solomon’s Seals (true and false) both produce roots that are long, bumpy store- houses of food. Crinkle-root. Every school child in the country digs out and eats the pleasant peppery crinkle-root. It abounds in the rich dry woods. MUSHROOMS, FUNGI OR TOADSTOOLS We have in America about two thousand different kinds of Mushrooms or Toadstools ; they are the same thing. Of these, probably half are wholsome and delicious ; but about a dozen of them are deadly poison. There is no way to tell them, except by knowing each kind and the recorded results of experience with each 290 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS kind. The story about cooking with silver being a test has no foundation; in fact, the best way for the Wood- craft Boy or Girl is to know definitely a dozen dangerous kinds and a score or more of the wholesome kinds and let the rest alone. Spore print. The first thing in deciding the nature of a toadstool is the sporeprint, made thus : Cut off the stem of the toadstool and lay the gills down on a piece of gray paper under a vessel of any kind. After a couple of hours, lift the cap, and radiating lines of spores will appear on the paper. If it is desired to preserve these, the paper should be first covered with thin mucilage. The color of these spores is the first step in identification. All the deadly toadstools have white spores. No black-spored toadstool is known to be poisonous. POISONOUS TOADSTOOLS i The only deadly poisonous kinds are the Amanitas. Others may purge and nauseate or cause vomiting, but it is believed that every recorded death from toadstool poisoning was caused by an Amanita, and unfortunately they are not only widespread and abundant, but they are much like the ordinary table mushrooms. They have, however, one or two strong marks: their stalk always grows out of a <€ poison cup ” which shows either as a cup or as a bulb; they have white or yellow gills, a ring around the stalk, and white spores. Deadly Toadstools All the deadly toadstools known in North America are pictured on the plate, or of the types shown on the plate. The Deadly Amanita may be brownish, yellowish, or white. The Yellow Amanita of a delicate lemon color. The^ White Amanita of a pure silvery, shiny white. The Fly Amanita with cap pink, brown, yellow, or red SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 291 in the centre, shaded into yellow at the edge, and patched with fragments of pure white veil. The Frosty Amanita with yellow cap, pale cadmium in centre, elsewhere yellowish white, with white patches on warts. 292 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS All are very variable in color, etc. But all agree in these things. They have gills, which are white or yellow, a ring on the stalk, a cup at the base, white spores, and are deadly poison. In Case of Poisoning If by ill chance any one has eaten a poisonous Amanita, the effects do not begin to show till sixteen or eighteen hours afterward — that is, long after the poison has passed through the stomach and began its deadly work on the nerve centres. Symptoms. Vomiting and purging, “the discharge from the bowels being watery with small flakes suspend- ed, and sometimes containing blood,” cramps in the ex- tremeties. The pulse is very slow and strong at first, but later weak and rapid, sometimes sweat and saliva pour out. Dizziness, faintness, and blindness, the skin clammy, cold, and bluish or livid; temperature low with dreadful tetanic convulsions, and finally stupor. * (Mtell- vaine and Macadam p. 627.) Remedy : “Take an emetic at once, and send for a phy- sician with instructions to bring hypodermic syringe and atropine sulphate. The dose is 1/180 of a grain, and doses should be continued heroically until 1/20 of a grain is administered, or until, in the physician’s opinion, a proper quantity has been injected. Where the victim is critically ill the 1/20 of a grain may be administered.” (Mcllvaine and Macadam XVII.) Wholesome Toadstools It is a remarkable fact that all the queer freaks, like clubs and corals, the cranks and tomfools, in droll shapes and satanic colors, the funny poisonous looking Morels, Inkcaps, and Boleti are good wholesome food, but the deadly Amanitas are like ordinary Mushrooms, except that they have grown a little thin, delicate, and anaemic. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 293 All the Puffballs are good before they begin to puff, that is as long as their flesh is white and firm. All the colored coral toadstools are good, but the White Clavaria is said to be rather sickening. t I 294 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS / All of the Morels are safe and delicious. So also is Inky Coprinus, usually found on manure piles. The Beefsteak Mushroom grows on stumps — chieffy chestnut. It looks like raw meat and bleeds when cut. It is quite good eating. So far as known no black-spored toadstool is unwhole- some. The common Mushroom is distinguished by its general shape, its pink or brown gills, its white flesh, brown spores, and solid stem. SNAKES GOOD AND BAD Snakes are to the animal world what toadstools are to the vegetable world — wonderful things, ‘beautiful things, but fearsome things, because some of them are deadly poison. Taking Mr. Raymond L. Ditmars* as our authority, we learn that out of one hundred and eleven species of snakes found in the United States, seventeen are poi- sonous. They are found in every state, but are most abundant in the Southwest. These may be dived into Coral Snakes, Moccasins, and Rattlers. The Coral Snakes are found in the Southern States. They are very much like harmless snakes in shape, but are easily distinguished by their remarkable colors, “broad alternating rings of red and black, the latter bor- dered with very narrow rings of yellow.” The Rattlesnakes are readily told at once by the rattle. But the Moccasins are not so easy. There are two kinds : the Water Moccasin, or Cotton-mouth, found in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Louis- iana, and the Copperhead, which is the Highland, or *This article is chiefly a condensation of his pamphlet on “Poisonous Snakes of the United States,” and is made with his permission and approval. i Corad Tyj>e$ of PoisoTioi/S St\&Kz$ 296 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Northern Moccasin or Pilot Snake, found from Massa- chusetts to Florida and west to Illinois and Texas. Here are distinguishing marks: The Moccasins, as well as the Rattlers, have on each side of the head, between the eye and nostril, a deep pit. The pupil of the eye is an upright line, as in a cat ; the harmless snakes have a round pupil. The Moccasins have a single row of plates under the tail, while the harmless snakes have a double row. The Water Moccasin is dull olive with wide black transverse bands. The Copperhead is dull hazel brown, marked across the back with dumb-bells of reddish brown; the top of the head more or less coppery. Both Moccasins and Rattlers have a flat triangular head, which is much wider than the thin neck; while most harmless snakes have a narrow head that shades off into the neck. Rattlesnakes are found generally distributed over the United States, southern Ontario, southern Alberta, and Saskatchewan. How Does a Snake Bite Remember, the tongue is a feeler, not a sting. The stinging” is done by two long hollow teeth, or fangs, through which the poison is squirted into the wound. The striking distance of a snake is about one-third the creature’s length, and the stroke is so swift that no crea- ture can dodge it. The snake can strike farthest and surest when it is ready coiled, but can strike a little way when traveling. You cannot disarm a poisonous snake without killing it. If the fangs are removed others come quickly to take their place. In fact, a number of small, half-grown fangs are always waiting ready to be developed. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 297 In Case of Snake Bite First, keep cool, and remember that the bite of Amer- ican snakes is seldom ‘fatal if the proper measures are followed. You must act at once. Try to keep the poison from getting into the system by a tight bandage on the arm or leg (it is sure to be one or the other) just above the wound. Next, get it out of the wound by slashing the wound two or more ways with a sharp knife or razor at least as deep as the puncture. Squeeze it — wash it out with permanganate of potash dissolved in water to the color of wine. Suck it out with the lips (if you have no wounds in the mouth it will do you no harm there). Work, massage, suck, and wash to get all the poison out. After thorough treatment to remove the venom the liga- ture may be removed. “Pack small bits of gauze into the wounds to keep them open and draining, then dress over them with gauge saturated with any good antiseptic solution. Keep the dressing saturated and the wounds open for at least a week, no matter how favorable may be the symptoms.” Some people consider whiskey or brandy a cure for snake bite. There is plenty of evidence that many have been killed by such remedies, and little that they have ever saved any one, except perhaps when the victim was losing courage or becoming sleepy. In any case, send as fast as you can for a doctor. He should come equipped with hypodermic syringe, tubes of anti-venomous serum and strychnine tablets. Harmless Snakes Far the greatest number of our snakes are harmless, beautiful, and beneficient. They are friendly to the farm- er, because, although some destroy a few birds, chickens, ducklings, and game, the largest part of their food is mice and insects. The Blacksnake, the Milk Snake, and 298 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS one or two others, will bite in self-defence, but they have no poison fangs, and the bite is much like the prick of a bramble. THE STARS AS THE CAMPER SEES THEM (See Plate of Stars and Principal Constellations) So far as there is a central point in our heavens, that point is the Pole-star, Polaris. Around this star all the stars in the sky seem to turn once in twenty-four hours. It is easily discovered by the help of the Big Dipper, a part of the Great Bear, known to every country boy and girl in the northern half of the world. This is, perhaps, the most important star group in our sky, because of its size, peculiar form, the fact that it never sets in our latitude, and that of its stars, two, sometimes called the Pointers always point out the Pole Star. It is called the Dipper because it is shaped like a dipper with a long, bent handle. Why ( the whole group ) is called the Great Bear is not so easy to explain. The classical legend has it that the nymph, Calisto, having violated her vow, was changed by Diana into a bear, which, after death, was immortalized in the sky by Zeus. Another suggestion is that the earliest astronomers, the Chaldeans, called these stars “the shin- ing ones/5 and their word happened to be very like the Greek arktos (a bear) Another explanation is that ves- sels in olden days were named for animals, etc. They bore at the prow the carved effigy of the namesake, and if the Great Bear, for example, made several very happy voyages by setting out when a certain constellation was in the ascendant, that constellation might become known as the Great Bear’s constellation. Certainly, there is nothing in its shape to justify the name. Very few of the constellations indeed are like the thing they are called after. Their names were usually given for some SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 299 300 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS fanciful association with the namesake, rather than for resemblance to it. The Pole-star is really the most important of the stars in our sky ; it marks the north at all times ; all the other stars seem to swing around it once in twenty-four hours. It is in the end of the Little Bear’s tail ; this constellation is sometimes called the Little Dipper. But the Pole-star, or Polaris, is not a very bright one, and it would be hard to identify but for the help of the Pointers of the Big Dipper. The outside stars (Alpha and Beta) of the Dipper point nearly to Polaris, at a distance equal to five times the space that separates these two stars of the Dipper's outer side. Indian names for the Pole-star are the “Home Star," and “The Star That Never Moves," and the Big Dipper they call the “Broken Back." The great Bear is also to be remembered as the hour- hand of the woodman’s clock. It goes once around the North Star in about twenty-four hours, the same way as the sun, and for the same reason — that it is the earth that is going and leaving them behind. The time in going around is not exactly twenty-four hours, so that the position of the Pointers varies with the seasons, but, as a rule, this for woodcraft purposes is near enough. The bowl of the Dipper swings four- fifths of the width of its own opening in one hour. If it went a quarter of the circle, that would mean you had slept a quarter of a day, or six hours. Every fifteen days the stars seem to be an hour earlier ; in three months they gain one-fourth of the circle, and in a year gain the whole circle. According to Flammarion, there are about seven thou- sand stars visible to the naked eye, and of these twenty are stars of the first magnitude. Fourteen of them are SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 30J visible in the latitude of New York, the others (those starred) belong to the South Polar region of the sky. The following table of the brightest stars is taken from the Revised Harvard Photometry of 1908, the best authority on the subject. THE FIRST TWENTY STARS IN ORDER OF BRIGHTNESS 1. Sirius, the Dog Star. 2. *Canopus, of the Ship. 3. * Alpha, of the Centaur. 4. Vega, of the Lyre. 5. Capella, of the Charioteer. 6. Arcturus, of the Herdsman. 7. Rigel, of Orion. 8. Procyon, the Little Dog-star. 9. *Achernar, of Eridanus. 10. *Beta, of the Centaur. 11. Altair, of the Eagle. 12. Betelgueze, of Orion’s right shoulder. 13. * Alpha, of the Southern Cross. 14. Aldebaran, of the Bull’s right eye, 15. Pollux, of the Twins. 16. Spica, of the Virgin. 17. Antares, of the Scorpion. 18. Fomalhaut, of the Southern Fish. 19. Deneb, of the Swan. 20. Regulus, of the Lion. OTHER CONSTELLATIONS Orion (O-ri-on), with its striking array of brilliant stars, Betelgeuze, Rigel, the Three Kings, etc., is gen- erally admitted to be the first constellation in the heavens. Orion was the hunter giant who went to Heaven when he died, and now marches around the great dome, but 302 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS is seen only in the winter, because, during the summer, he passes over during daytime. Thus he is still the hunter's constellation. The three stars of his belt are called the “Three Kings.” Sirius, the Great Dog-star, is in the head of Orion's Hound, the constellation Canis Major , and following farther back is the Little Dog-star, Procyon, the chief star of the constellation Canis Minor. In old charts of the stars, Orion is shown with his hounds, hunting the bull, Taurus. This constellation is recognizable by this diagram ; the red star, Aldebaran, be- ing the angry right eye of the Bull. His face is covered with a cluster of little stars called the Hyades, and on his shoulder are the seven stars, called Pleiades . PLEIADES Pleiades (Ply-a-des) can be seen in winter as a cluster of small stars between Aldebaran and Algol, or, a line drawn from the back bottom, through the front rim of the Big Dipper, about two Dipper lengths, touches this little group. They are not far from Aldebaran, being in the right shoulder of the Bull. They may be con- sidered the seven arrow wounds made by Orion. Serviss tells up that the Pleiades have a supposed con- nection with the Great Pyramid, because “about 2170 b. c., when the beginning of spring coincided with the culmination of the Pleiades at midnight, that wonderful group of stars was visible just at midnight, through the mysterious southward-pointing passage of the Pyramid. Cassiopeia On the opposite side of the Polar-star from the Big Dipper and nearly as far from it, is a W of five bright stars. This is called the Cassiopeia3 s Chair. It is easily found and visible the year round on clear nights. Thus we have described ten constellations from which SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 303 the Woodcrafter may select the number needed to qual- ify, namely, the Little Bear, or Little Dipper, the Big* Dipper or Big Bear, Cassiopeia’s Chair, the Bull, Orion’s Hound, Orion’s Little Dog, the Pleiades and the Hyades ; the Lyre (later). The Moon The moon is one-fourth the diamenter of the earth, about one-fiftieth of the bulk, and is about a quarter of a million miles away. Its course, while very irregular, is nearly the same as the apparent course of the sun. It is a cold solid body, without any known atmosphere, and shines by reflected sunlight. The moon goes around the earth in twenty-seven and a quarter days. It loses about fifty-one minutes in twenty- four hours ; therefore it rises that much later each suc- cessive night on the average, but there are wide devia- tions from this average, as, for example, the time of the Harvest and Hunter’s moons in the fall, when the full moon rises at nearly the same time for several nights in succession. According to most authorities, the moon is a piece of the earth that broke away some time ago ; and it has followed its mother around ever since. The Stars as Tests of Eyesight In the sky are several tests of eyesight which have been there for some time and are ‘likely to be. The first is the old test of Mizar and Alcor. Mizar, the Horse, is the star at the bend of the handle of the Dipper. Just above it is a very small star that astronomers call Alcor, or the rider. The Indians call these two the “Old Squaw and the Papoose on Her Back.” In the old world, from very ancient times, these have been used as tests of eyesight. To be able to see Alcor with the naked eye means that ( 304 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS one had excellent eyesight. So also on the plains, the old folks would ask the children at night, “Can you see the papoose on the old Squaw’s back?” And when the youngster saw it, and proved that he did by a right description, they rejoiced that he had the eyesight which is the first requisite of a good hunter. One of the oldest of all eye tests is the Pleiades. Poor eyes see a mere haze, fairly good see five, good see six, excellent see seven. The rarest eyesight, under the best conditions, see up to ten ; and, according to Flammarion, the record with unaided eyes is thirteen. Vega of the Lyre If one draw a line from through the back wall of the Dipper, that is, from the back bottom star, through the one next the handle, and continue it upward for twice the total length of the Dipper, it will reach Vega, the brightest star in the northern part of the sky, and be- lieved to have been at one time the Pole-star — and likely to be again. Vega, with the two stars near it, form a small triangle. The one on the side next the North Star is called Epsillon. If you have remarkably good eyes, you will see that it is a double star. The Nebula in Orion’s Sword Just about the middle of Orion’s Sword is a fuzzy light spot. This might do for blood, only it is the wrong color. It is the nebula of Orion. If you can see it with the naked eye, you are to be congratulated. ' ) ( On the Moon When the moon is full, there is a large, dark, oval spot on it to the left, as you face it, and close to the east rim, almost halfway up; this is the Plain of Grimaldi; it is about twice the size of the whole State of New Jersey; but it is proof of a pair of excellent eyes if you can see it at all. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 305 SSCNS AMDJLA2SS •5ignj> in. ■J’tone.y k w Thij is the Trait .Turn, to the Right Turn to the Left Important Warning fK., J’ignj’ in Twigs Tbhs is the Trait) Turn to the Right Turn to the Left/ in Grajj* important Warning; t. /s Thij is the Trait _ __ . Tiiru to the Right Turn to the Left iTign^ in Blaje^ Important Warning ThiJ iy the Trail Turn to the Right' Turn to the Left ImportantWaming" Code for iJmoke J’ignal.s Camp iJ“ Here' I am: lo,st. Kelp ! Good New^r Alt come to Council iJbme »ipecial Bla3es u^ed by Hunters Purveyors* A Trap to A Trap to Camp is to Camp is to iSpecial Adirondack i5urve.yorj Right Left Right Left Special Line Here- .^06 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Blazes First among the trail signs that are used by Wood- crafters, Indians, and white hunters, and most likely to be of use to the traveler, are axe blazes on tree trunks. Among these some may vary greatly with locality, but there is one that I have found everywhere in use with scarcely any variation. That is the simple white spot meaning, “Here is the trail” The Indian in making it may nick off an infinitestimal speck of bark with his knife, the trapper with his hatchet may make it as big as a dollar, or the settler with his heavy axe may slab off half the tree-side ; but the sign is the same in principle and in meaning, on trunk, log, or branch from Atlantic to Pacific and from Hudson Strait to Rio Grande. ‘‘This is your trail/’ it clearly says in the universal language of the woods. There are two ways of employing it: one when it appears on back and front of the trunk, so that the trail can be run both ways ; the other when it appears on but one side of each tree, making a blind trail, which can be run one way only, the blind trail is often used by trappers and prospectors, who do not wish any one to follow theiit back track. But there are treeless regions where the trail must be marked ; regions of sage brush and sand, regions of rock, stretches of stone, and level wastes of grass or sedge. Here other methods must be employed. A well-known Indian device, in the brush, is to break a twig and leave it hanging. ( Second line.) Among stones and rocks the recognized sign is one stone set on top of another ( top line) and in places where there is nothing but grass the custom is to twist a tussock into a knot ( third line). & These signs also are used in the whole country from Maine to California. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 307 In running a trail one naturally look^ straight ahead for the next sign; if the trail turned abruptly without notice one might easily be set wrong, but custom has pro- vided against this. The tree blaze for turn “to the right’5 is shown in No. 2, fourth row; “to the left” in No. 3. The greater length of the turning blaze seems to be due to a desire for emphasis as the same mark set square on, is understood to mean “Look out, there is something of special importance here.55 Combined with a long side chip means “very important; here turn aside.55 This is often used to mean “camp is close by,55 and a third sign that is variously combined always with the general meaning of “warning55 or “something of great importance55 is a threefold blaze. (No. 4 on fourth line.) The combina- tion (No. 1 on bottom row) would read “Look out now for something of great importance to the right.55 This blaze I have often seen used by trappers to* mark the whereabouts of their trap or cache. • t Surveyors often use a similar mark — that is, there simple spots and a stripe to mean, “There is a stake close at hand,55 while a similar blaze on another tree nearby means that the stake is on a line between. Stone Signs These signs done into stone-talk would be as in the top line of the cut. These are much used in the Rockies where the trail goes over stony places or along stretches of slide-rock. Grass and Twig Signs In grass or sedge the top of the tuft is made to show the direction to be followed; if it is a point of great importance three tufts are tied, their tops straight if the trail goes straight on; otherwise the tops are turned in the direction toward which the course turns. The Ojibways and other woodland tribes use twigs for 308 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS a great many of these signs. (See second row.) The hanging broken twig like the simple blaze means “This is the trail.” The twig clean broken off and laid on the ground across the line of march means, “Here break from your straight course and go in the line of the butt end/’ and when an especial warning is meant, the butt is pointed toward the one following the trail and raised somewhat, in a forked twig. If the butt of the twig were raised and pointing to the left, it would mean “Look out, camp, or ourselves, or the enemy, or the game we have killed is out that way.” With some, the elevation of the butt is made to show the distance of the object; if low the object is near, if raised very high the object is a long way off. These are the principal signs of the trail used by Wood- crafters, Indians, and hunters in most parts of America. These are the standards — the ones sure to* be seen by those ‘who camp in the wilderness. Smoke Signals There is in addition a useful kind of sign that has been mentioned already in these papers — that is, the Smoke Signal. These were used chiefly by the Plains’ Indians, but the Ojibways seem to have employed them at times. A clear hot fire was made, then covered with green stuff or rotten wood so that it sent up a solid column of black smoke. By spreading and lifting* a blanket over this smudge the column could be cut up into pieces long or short, and by a preconcerted code these could be made to convey tidings. But the simplest of all smoke codes and the one of chief use to the Western traveler is this: One steady smoke — “Here is camp.” Two steady smokes — “I am lost, come and help me.” I find two other smoke signals, namely : Three smokes in a row — “Good news.” / SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 309 Four smokes in a row — “All are summoned to council.” These latter I find not of general use, nor are they so likely to be of service as the first two given. Signal by Shots The old buffalo hunters had an established signal that is yet used by the mountain guides. It is as follows: Two shots in rapid succession, an interval of five sec- onds by the watch, then one shot; this means, “where are you?” The answer given at once and exactly the same means “Here I am; what do you want?” The re- ply to this may be one shot, which means, “All right; I only wanted to know where you were.” But if the reply repeats the first it means, “I am in serious trouble ; come as fast as you can.” Totems in Town A totem is an emblem of a man, a group of men, or an idea. It has no reference to words or letters. Before men knew how to write they needed marks to indicate ownership. This mark must be simple and legi- ble and was chosen because of something connected with the owner or his family. Later some of the trades adopt- ed a symbol ; for instance the barbers in the early days were “blood letters” and were closely associated with the medical profession. Their totem indicated their business and we have the red and white barber pole of today. It was among the Indians along the West coast of America that the science and art of totems reached its highest development, though they have a world-wide usage and go back in history to the earliest times. Out of this use of totems as owner marks and signs grew the whole science of heraldry and national flags. Thanks to the fusion of many small armies into one or two big armies, that is, of many tribes into a nation, and also to modern weapons which made it possible to kill a man farther off than you could see the totem on V r ! Penna. The Power Canadian Barber Scotland R. R. of the Pacific People R. R. Totems Often Seen Pawnshop 310 Northern Pacific R. R. Liberty Army Druggist Ireland Woodcraft Navy Union Pacific Islamism R. R. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS Skating Sea Power Optician Star Union Lines New York City Salt Lake Santa R. R. Fe R. R. Traffic Squad Bell Telephone SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 311 his shield, national flags have replaced the armorial de- vices, and are the principal totems used today. But a new possibility has been discovered in modern times. Totems will serve the ends of commerce, and a great revival of their use is now seen. The totem is visible such a long way off and is under- stood by all, whether or not they can read or know our language, is copyrightable and advertisable, so that most of the great railway companies, etc., now have totems. There are not less than one hundred common totems used in our streets today. Among the familiar ones seen are the American eagle, with white head and tail, the Austrian eagle with two heads, the British lion, the Irish harp, the French fleur de lis, etc. Among trades the three balls of the pawnbroker, the golden fleece of the dry- goods man, the mortar and pestle of the druggist, and others are well known. Examples of these and others are given in the illustration but any wideawake Wood- craft Girl will be able to find many others by careful observation. Christianity Mourning Electric Commercial Power Success 312 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS “AFOOT AND LIGHT-HEARTED” SECTION XIV CAMPING FOR GIRL SCOUTS SONG OF THE OPEN ROAD Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road , Healthy , free , the world before me, The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose . Henceforth I ask not good-fortune— I myself am good- fortune; Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing, Strong and content, I travel the open road . .... • • • • • Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons, It is to grow in the open air, and to eat and sleep with the earth. — Walt Whitman. A Girl Scout likes to hike and camp. She learns to know the stars, and becomes acquainted with the plants and animals about her. She gains independ- ence from her ability to help herself, and health and strength from exercise in the sunshine and fresh air. These are the good things of camping. The bad things are catching cold from damp ground, or insuffi- cient bedding, uncomfortable nights, and weary feet. But a wise Scout does not rough it. She knows how to make herself comfortable by a hundred little dodges. The aim of camping is to make things simpler for the camper. She must make up her mind whether she is 1 The passages in this section, from “Camping and Wood- craft,” by Horace Kephart, are used by permission of the au- thor and the publisher, the Macmillan Company, and are copy- righted, 1916, by the Macmillan Company. 313 314 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS ready for an overnight hike, a week-end trip or a good vacation in the open air, and plan accordingly. For a walking trip a Girl Scout must travel light and learn to do with a minimum amount of clothing, uten- sils and food. On the other hand, if she is going to spend the week out, why not be as comfortable as possi- ble? This requires more of an outfit, but it is worth it. To know how to do this one must, of course, have first learned the simple rules of camping in Girl Scout train- ing. » Hiking Hikes are a good way to get this training. Extreme heat, or a downpour of rain is the only kind of weather which should interfere with a hike. Soft rains or snowstorms are very pleasant to hike in. Skirts are dangerous for cross-country travel on ac- count of brambles, rock work and climbing over brooks. Knickerbockers or bloomers should be worn. In the city when starting off for a hike use squad or double file formation through the streets, railroad sta- tions, ferries, etc. Silence is maintained in this forma- tion. Hiking Order — In the country, even along unused roads, hike in single file on the left side of the road. The advantage of this formation is that all danger from pass- ing traffic in any direction is averted. It is not necessary to keep step, and talking, laughing, singing, etc., may be indulged in. Permission to break this order is only given when in woods, or fields, where there is no danger. When returning home use Scout’s Pace if weary. This helps to make the distance seem shorter. Scout's pace is a walking and running device which serves to increase endurance when covering a long dis- tance. It consist in taking a certain number of walk- ing steps followed immediately by the same number of SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 315 running steps, returning to the walking steps, and so forth. The number of steps may vary, according to the place, nature of the road and object of the walk Fifty steps walking, fifty steps running and alternating steadily for twelve minutes will take one a mile, and this is one of the measures of distance that is useful to know. For ordinary use on hikes the use of twenty steps running and walking is preferable. Feet With a little knowledge as to the care of her feet the city girl can make a good showing at her first camp. Prepare feet by brushing vigorously with a dry flesh brush. Strengthen muscles by standing on toes in bare feet, raising body gradually fifty or seventy-five times. Frequent changes of stockings, bathing of tired feet in hot water at night and cold water in the morning, will overcome most of the hiker’s troubles. The cold water hardens the skin. Boric acid powder is good for nat- urally damp feet. Blisters should be cleansed with iodine, then carefully pricked with a sterile needle to let out the water (hold the needle in the flame of a match), then washed with iodine and covered with a few layers of sterile gauze and fastened with adhesive plaster. It is desirable to change the stockings every day. Wash them at night and hang them out to dry and keep them well darned. Two pairs at least are necessary. Never risk your health by putting on stockings even slightly damp with dew. A hole will cause a blister. Woolen stockings are preferable. For very long hikes it helps to wear two or three pairs, and to lather the outside of the stocking with a cake of soap slightly moistened. Shoes Shoes should be the shape of the feet and have low, wide heels. It rests the feet to take the shoes off once 316 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS or twice during a long tramp. Grease the shoes every few days with mutton fat or other grease. There is no such thing as waterproof leather, but it can be made so by being greased. After being wet, shoes should be well dried and greased, but should not be dried in a hot place, for this would ruin the leather. These may seem trifling details, but remember, “no army is stronger than its feet” Things to Remember Keep the feet straight when walking. If a Girl Scout notices the tracks of an Indian, the first hikers in this country, she will find them invariably straight forward. Scientists have agreed that the dancing school habit of turning out toes is one of the causes of flat feet, which disqualified so many men for army service. Start the walk slowly. Keep the pace of the slowest of the party. “Slow and easy goes far in a day.” Prac- tice deep breathing. Inhale for five steps, hold your breath for five counts, and let it out, again counting five. Take short steps when climbing. Do not run down hill. It causes stiffness, for which a hot bath and another walk the next day are the best cure. When lunch is carried it should be divided among the troop. Each Scout should carry her knapsack on her back, to leave the hands free. It is a great mistake to start on a hike with one's arms laden. Do not plan to go too great a distance in the time at your disposal. Remember that aside from the time you need for going and coming you expect to enjoy your- selves cooking and eating, and you need time for both. For an over-night hike, when you carry your equipment select a spot not more than two miles distant. Good things to carry in one's pocket are a drinking cup, a geological survey map (ten cents), a small pocket SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 317 compass, a campers knife, a small soap stone to sharpen it, a match box, and a note book and pencil. Plan a definite object for the hike. Note how many kinds of trees, wild flowers or birds one can find. Practice building fires for cooking, or getting material for a bed such as balsam, etc. Inquire for points of historical interest and make them the goal of the hike. There is hardly a town that has not some place connected with the early history of the nation. Personal Equipment Spending the nights under the stars is one of the great fascinations of camping. Each person requires ‘two waterproof ground cloths or ponchos, two pairs of light wool blankets, safety pins, heavy cord, sleeping gar- ments, rain coat, and toilet articles, including such things as soap, toilet paper, sewing kit, electric flashlight, mir- ror, first aid kit, provision for mosquitoes or flies, five yards of bar netting, and oil of citronella. In order to ensure protection from the rain spread one waterproof covering or poncho on the ground using half underneath so that the upper half may be folded over the head in case of rain. Put blankets under as well as over you, and a second waterproof covering over the blankets. Clothing When living out of doors, one may make shift for shelter, or even go hungry for a space, but there is no substitute for comfortable clothing that is safe to use if one would keep well. Horace Kephart, the master camper, devotes much space to this subject, and we can do no better than to follow his advice from, Camping and Woodcraft. “* * * One soon learns that the difference be- tween comfort and misery, if not health and illness, may 318 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS l . depend on whether he is properly clad. Proper, in this case does not mean modish, but suitable, serviceable, proven by the touchstone of experience to be best for the work or play that is in hand. When you seek a guide in the mountains, he looks first in your eyes and then at your shoes. If both are right, you are right. “The chief uses of clothing are to help the body main- tain its normal temperature and to protect it from sun, frost, wind, rain and injuries. To help , mind you~the body must be allowed to do its share. “Perspiration is the heat-regulating mechanism of the body. Clothing should hinder its passage from the skin as little as possible. For this reason one's garments should be permeable to air. The body is cooled by rapid evaporation, on the familiar principle of a tropical water bag that is porous enough to let some of the water exude. So the best summer clothing is that which permits free evaporation — and this means all over, from head to heel. In winter it is just the same, there should be free passage for bodily moisture through the underclothes, but extra layers or thickness of outer clothing are needed to hold in the bodily heat and to protect one against wind ; even so all the garments should be permeable to air. * * *” “Underclothing, for any season, should be loosely woven, so as to hold air and" take up moisture from the body. The air confined in the interspaces is a non-con- ductor, and so helps to prevent sudden chilling on the one hand, and over-heating on the other. A loose tex- ture absorbs perspiration, but does not hold it — the mois- ture is free to pass on to and through the outer garments. In town we may endure close woven underwear in sum- mer, if thin enough, because we exercise little and can bathe and change frequently. In the woods we would have to change four times a day to keep * * * as dry. SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 319 “ Wool versus Cotton — Permeability also depends upon material. Ordinary cotton and linen goods do not per- mit rapid evaporation. They absorb moisture from the skin, but hold it up to the limit of saturation. Then, when they can hold no more, they are clammy, and the sweat can only escape by running down one’s skin. “After hard exertion in such garments, if you sit down to rest, or meet a sudden keen wind, as in topping a ridge, you are likely to get a chill — and the next thing is a Tad cold’ or lumbago, rheumatism, or something worse. “Wool, on the contrary is permeable. That is why (if of suitable weight and loose weave) it is both cooler in summer and warmer in winter than cloth made of vege- table fibre. ‘One wraps himself in a woolen blanket to keep warm— to keep the heat in. He wraps ice in a blanket to keep it from melting — to keep the heat out / In other words, wool is the best material to maintain an equable normal temperature.” Camp Site “The essentials of a good camp site are these: 1. Pure water. 2. W ood that burns well. In cold weather there should be either an abundance of sound down wood, or some standing hard wood trees that are not too big for easy felling. 3. An open spot level enough for the tent and camp fire, but elevated above its surroundings so as to have good natural drainage. It must be well above any chance overflow from the sudden rise of a neighboring stream. Observe the previous flood marks 7. Exposure to direct sunlight during a part of the day, especially during the early morning hours. 8. In summer, exposure to whatever breezes may 320 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS blow; in cold weather, protection against the prevailing wind. 9. Privacy. “ Water, wood, and good drainage may be all you need for a “one-night stand,” but the other points, too, should be considered when selecting a site for a fixed camp. “Water — Be particularly careful about the purity of your water supply. You come, let us say, to a mountain brook, that issues from thick forest. It ripples over clean rocks, it bubbles with air, it is clear as crystal, and cool to your thirsty throat. ‘Surely that is good water/ But do you know where it comes from? Every mountain cabin is built close to a spring-branch. Somewhere up that branch there may be a clearing; in that clearing, a house; in that house, a case of dysentery or typhoid fever. I have known several cases of infection from just such a source. It is not true that running water purifies itself. & “When one must use well-water let him note the sur- rounding drainage. If the well is near a stable or out house, or if dish water is thrown near it, let it alone. A well in sandy soil is more or less filtered by nature, but rocky or clayey earth may conduct disease germs a con- siderable distance under ground. Never drink from the well of an abandoned farm : there is no telling what may have fallen into it. “A spring issuing from the living rock is worthy of confidence. Even if it be but a trickle you can scoop out a basin to receive it that soon will clear itself. “Sometimes a subaqueous spring may be found near the margin of a lake or river by paddling close in shore and trailing your hand in the water. When a cold spot is noted, go ashore and dig a few feet back from the water’s edge. I have found such spring exit in the Mississippi some distance from the bank, and by weight- SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 321 ing a canteen, tying a string to it and another to the stopper, have brought up cool water from the river bed. “Disease germs are of animal, not vegetable origin. Still waters are not necessarily unwholesome, even though there is rotten vegetation in them. The water of cedar and cypress swamps is good to drink wherever there is a deep pool of it, unless polluted from some outside source. Lake water is safe if no settlements are on its border ; but even so large a body as Lake Champlain has been condemned by state boards of health because of the sewage that runs into it. “When a stream is in flood it is likely to be contami- nated by decayed animal matter. “Alkaline Water — When traveling in an alkali coun- try carry some vinegar or limes or lemons, or (better) a glass stoppered bottle of hydrochloric acid. One tea- spoonful of hydrochloric (muriatic) neutralizes about a gallon of water, and if there should be a little excess it will do no harm but rather assist digestion. In default of acid you may add a little Jamaica ginger and sugar to the water, making a weak ginger tea. “Muddy Water—I used to clarify Mississippi water by stirring corn meal in it and letting it settle, or by stirring a lump of alum, in it until the mud began to precipitate, and then decanting the clear water. Lacking these, one can take a good handful of grass, tie it roughly in the form of a cone six or eight inches high, invert it, pour water slowly into the grass and a runnel of compara- tively clear water will trickle down through the small end. “Stagnant Water — A traveler may be reduced to the extremity of using stagnant or even putrid water; but this should never be done without first boiling it. Some charred wood from the camp fire should be boiled with the water; then skim off the skum, strain, and set the 322 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS COOKING THE FIRST MEAL water aside to cool. Boiling sterilizes, and charcoal deodorizes. * * *” Arriving at Camp As soon as the camp site is decided upon locate the tent. (This should be done in advance when the party is of any size). Each tent should be about twenty-five feet from the next, on a dry place and easy to drain in case of rain, and so placed as to have the sun in the morning and the shade in the afternoon. Each tent should be trenched and placed at some distance from the water supply and from the latrine. Tents “For fixed camps, situated where there are wagon roads or other adequate ways of transportation, the best cloth shelter is a wall tent, rectangular or square, of strong and rather heavy material. * * * The best all-round size of wall tent for two people, if weight and bulk and cost are of any consequence, is the so-called 9 x 9 or a 9 x 12, built with 3j4-foot walls, instead of 3-foot, and 8-foot center, instead of 7j4-foot, For four SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 323 persons a 12 x 14 is commonly used ; but a 14 x 14 with 4-foot walls and 9-foot center has double the head-room of the standard 12 x 14, and 2 y2 feet more space between cots, if these are set lengthwise of the tent, two on a side. “Before selecting a tent, consider the number of people to occupy it, and their dunnage, and the furniture. Then draw diagrams of floor and elevation of various sizes, putting in the cots, etc., according to scale; so you can get just what you want, no more, no less. Camp Sanitation “Nothing is cleaner, sweeter, wholesomer, than a wild- wood unspoiled by man, and few spots are more disgust- ing than a “piggy” camp, with slops thrown everywhere, empty cans and broken bottles littering the ground, and organic refuse left festering in the sun, breeding disease germs, to be spread abroad by the swarms of flies. I have seen one of nature’s gardens, an ideal health resort, changed in a few months by a logging crew into an abomination and a pest hole where typhoid and dysentery wrought deadly vengeance. “Destroy at once all refuse that would attract flies. Or bury it where they cannot get at it. “Fire is the absolute disinfectant. Burn all solid kitchen refuse as fast as it accumulates. When a can of food is emptied toss it on the fire and burn it out, then drop it in a sink hole that you have dug for slops and un- burnable trash, and cover it with earth or ashes so no mosquitoes can breed in it after a rainfall. “The sink should be on the down hill side of camp, and where it cannot pollute the water supply. Sprinkle kerosene on it or burn it out frequently with a brush fire. * * *” The Latrine One of the first tasks of the camper is to dig a trench for a latrine and build a screen around it. The latrine 324 SCOUTING FOR GIRLS should be on a lower level than the camp, away from the water supply and in the opposite direction from which the prevailing winds come toward the camp, two hundred feet from sleeping and mess tents. Bushes or a tent fly may be used as a screen and shelter. A small lean-to serves admirably. Dig trenches four feet long, one foot wide and two feet deep. Allow six inches (length) per day for a Scout Cover after using with fresh dirt. It is imperative to fill and re-sod all trenches dug. Whether you camp only for lunch or for the summer leave no trace that you have been there. Remember the animals, how they scratch the soil and cover up any waste that they leave, and be at least as clean as they. Lime does not keep the flies away. Plenty of fresh dirt is better. Team Work Only as each and every member does her part will the camp be a complete success. The daily tasks should be assigned to individuals or groups, as in : The Pine Tree Patrol System The chief advantage of this system is that wherever the need for work of any description arises, there is al- ways someone whose duty it is to perform that particular task, thus avoiding the inevitable question of ‘‘Who will do it?” The Pine Tree Patrol system does not in the least interfere with regular schedule of Scout activities; on the contrary, it saves time since more than one hand on each spoke of the wheel keeps it in continual motion. When the system seems too complicated for a small camp, the captain can simplify it to suit the circumstances. Each girl in the Patrol is assigned a number which requires of her: 1. Certain well defined duties to perform for her Patrol. j SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 325 2. Certain specific knowledge expected of he"* in the exercise of her “specialty.” 3. Proper care of her special “station gear.” 4. Willingness to teach her understudy all she knows. 5. Willingness to learn the duties of the next Jiigher numbers. „THE Ptfte TREE PATRO lv - REAR RAVVCt *tHE slues Water JWmor- 1 GfcKer X. Stovx 4 f $ 4 # f i i i 4 £ i Sem